
Why Did The Armenian Genocide Happen

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Like the majority of wars and genocides, the Armenian Genocide had a period of time before the actual major genocide itself occurred. Between 1890 to the beginning of 1915, over 330,000 Armenians are murdered by Turks (“Armenian Genocide…”). Then, in 1915 to 1922, the actual genocide occurs leaving approximately 1.7 million people dead (“Armenian Genocide…”; Staff). What caused this great phenomenon? What happened in this often-unknown genocide? Why does the country of Turkey still deny that the Armenian Genocide occurred?
First off, what is the Armenian Genocide? The Armenian Genocide is the extermination of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and the surrounding regions during 1915 to 1923. The massacres were masterminded by the government …show more content…

In August of 1880, the first sign of discrimination in official documents is seen—the Turkish government forbid the word “Armenia” be used in official documents. By 1888, the Turkish government was ordering that all Armenian periodicals and magazines in Constantinople and Western Armenia be discontinued. Then, the bloodshed commences. On June 15, 1890, an Armenian demonstration is covered in Armenian blood. Hundreds of Armenians are killed when Turkish armed forces and mobs attack Armenians three days later. Approximately seven months later, Turks rob and destroy the village of Vardenis. Sultan Abdul Hamid II suspends the Armenian National Constitution in 1893. The “Gelie-guzan Hole Carnage” took place on August 20-27, 1894. In this attack, the Turks inaugurated the system of slaughtering unarmed people, which later became “the prototype for Hilter’s concentration camps.” At the same time, Turkish army forced Armenian women, children, and old men to leave Andok and enter the forest at the bottom of Gebin Mount. Afterwards, the army ignited the forest to burn the Armenians alive. Ten thousand Armenians were killed in August in 1894. The Armenian community was being slaughtered in the thousands to hundreds of thousands for the rest of 1894 to 1896. A military coup occurred in July of 1908, knocking Sultan Abdul Hamid II out of power, by the Young Turks movement (“Armenian Genocide…”). The Armenians became hopeful that they …show more content…

The Turkish government used propaganda to manipulate public opinion, firstly. They neutralized any possible support for the Armenian victims by “maintaining a well-coordinated propaganda campaign that demoralized the Armenians in the eyes of their Turkish neighbors. They would use words such as “traitors”, “spies,” conspirators,” and “infidels”. Then, the government focused on calling the Armenian men to military service, after the removal of Armenian community leader and intellectuals in Constantinople. Next, they removed all firearms to prevent self-defense and started deportations of Armenians. Governments sent their victims on death marches throughout the desert or to concentration camps. Der Zor was the last stop for those who survived the death march and is sometimes called the “Auschwitz” of the genocide. Dedicated to the Armenian martyrs, a memorial complex and church was built in Der Zor in 1990. However, in September 2014, ISIS terrorists destroyed the church and memorial

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