President Obama said, "When people say Black Lives Matter, that doesn't mean blue lives don't matter." On August of 2014, The Blacks Lives Matter movement began. Why the movement started was because of a white police officer shot a black man Michael Brown just 18 years old. They say it was because they thought he was pulling out a weapon. But, was it really because of a weapon or racial injustice. If it was just of racism and personal thoughts the man should not be a police officer if he puts other people in danger. Also, this is not the first time racism has taken place, not just now it was back in 1400´s. Racism takes place today when you walk down the street and you hear racism, or there is racism on social media. Why did blacks and whites become separate identities? Why did blacks begin to be treated not equal …show more content…
95% of men, half of the men are African American. Why are we shooting these men that have not done anything to us? Most of all blacks that were shot and killed by police were armed. But were all these weapons actual guns. A portion of the weapons were baseball bats, knives, and machetes. Most commonly of these cases, these of guns were fake guns, toy guns, BB guns, and air guns. 77 cases of shootings 36% are black men. Rylie Baldwin wrote " If all these shootings out of 95% are African American. Why did they shoot them."(Kar). On October 25 of 2016 in Minnesota, a black man was supposedly walking down the middle the street. A police officer was accusing of walking down in the middle of the street inappropriately. He arrested him and was charged for not obeying the traffic signals. If everybody is not treated equally then why can't whites obey the law or traffic signals then why are then not getting in trouble? If black people are not being treated equally then why do we have the equal rights act? Rylie Baldwin Said, " If we have equal rights then why are black people are being treated not equal"
Subsequent police shootings of unarmed black locals in New York, Baltimore, Cincinnati, and Los Angeles propelled the “Black Lives Matter” movement.
When you hear “Black Lives Matter” someone else will try to refute your argument with “All Lives Matter.” The context of “Black Lives Matter” is not that other lives don’t have worth. The context of “Black Lives Matter” is that the value of black lives remains under assault in the United States. When people say, “Black Lives Matter,” they are acknowledging an important context that involves several centuries of slavery, civil rights, mass incarceration and brutality. It highlights the value of black lives because historically, this country often ignored that value. The problem with saying “All Lives Matter,” it that it ignores the context. There is a difference between saying something is true and something is relevant. For example, it’s like going to a Cancer fundraiser and screaming ‘There are other diseases too!’ Or when a parent says,” I love my son,” you don’t say “What about your daughter? Don’t you love all your children?” When a person says, “Black Lives Matter” we should not say “All Lives Matter.” It is an attempt to diminish the ongoing reality of white supremacy in America. It’s a demeaning way of other people’s stories. And yes, some people associate themselves with #blacklivesmatter have called for police deaths. But the cries of few groups do not invalidate an entire
Police brutality has been the most prominent form of racism captured by the media and since the 1992 Los Angeles Riots protesting the death of Rodney King, it still dominates headlines. After more than two decades later, the number of innocent, and unarmed black American deaths have only increased along with the acquisition of the police accountable. According to “More Than 250 Black People Were Killed By Police In 2016,” Julia Craven states that “34 percent of the unarmed people killed in 2016 were black males.” This is unreasonable because according to the same article, “black men make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population.” The numbers are disproportionate enough to show that there is a clear target against blacks. This statistic of black males compared to their white counterparts also show a significant disparity as statistics John Wihbey and Leighton Walter Kille provide in “Excessive or reasonable force by police? Research on law enforcement and racial conflict,” clearly state that unarmed blacks were killed at twice the rate of whites with “31.17 per million, while just 1.47 per million white males.” There is clear cut evidence of racial profiling in policing as blacks who make up a only a small amount of the U.S. population are killed at a much higher rate than whites who make up a majority of the population. This is obvious discriminatory intent by the hands of the police,
"No one will dispute that slavery and Jim Crow were horrible and inhumane; no one will dispute that discrimination still exists, though only a delusional person would deny that America has made radical, dramatic, inspiring progress in the last 40 years.” This is very true. Even though, slavery and segregation seem very far away, it hasn’t even been a century since these events. I think that our country is in the identification phase of helping African American. You watch the news, and they often exaggerate white on black crime. For awareness, this is great, however the image you get is somewhat deceiving. People, then make the assumption that our most of our white officers are racists, and we need to help out the community. So in my opinion, some people are protesting black lives matter for the wrong reasons. Moving forward, the African American community’s transgression needs to taken into consideration heavily. Many government moves have shown great promise, but where there is a good effect being produced, there is an inverse effect happening somewhere else.The United States have created many laws and bills to make this a better country, but “seven out of ten” times, African Americans get the short end of the
The importance of other races are not changed to the the “Black Lives Matter” movement. The phrase has been changed in the attempt to portray different meanings to take the attention away from the problems that African Americans have. This article contains quotes coming from President Barack
First, racial injustice has torn this country apart. We have had riots over the breakouts of one person and the Black Lives Matter marches. Also, the Sons of Confederate Soldiers are getting bashed because the Civil War was over slavery. Those have started the riots over slavery because of the past. When you start talking about white lives matter it gets all racial. Then when you start talking about black lives it isn’t
During the last few years, there has been a lot of talk about the Black Lives Matter movement, an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community that campaigns against violence and systemic racism toward black people. But in the 21st century, it is difficult to fathom the fact that America is still divided when it comes to racial issues. Many African-American men have been brutally murdered by the police and this has sparked anger and rage in the black community towards police officers that put their lives down every day to protect and serve their communities. This tension between the black community and police officers needs to be demolished in order for communities to truly become unified and concerted. It
“In 2015, nearly a thousand people were shot and killed by police. Almost all of those people shot, over 95%, were men” (Police Shootings, Travis). The racial breakdown of these killings consist of “51.3% white, 27.3% blacks, 17.8% hispanic, 38 people were other race” (Police Shootings, Travis). While it is true that African- Americans represent only 12% of the population, and yet are 2 times that rate in police shootings. According to F.B.I data in 2014, 4,224 black men were arrested and charged with murder in this country. Statistics also state that in 2013, 90% of African- American murders were committed by other African- Americans. While similar statistics can be stated about whites, since 84% of whites were murdered by other whites. Racial killings
Black lives matter! There have been so many black lives that have been taken this year. Black on black crimes vs white on white crimes are important to acknowledge. Yes, all live matter but African Americans matter more than others. It’s important to acknowledge the situation involving Alton Sterling, an African American who sold CDs and got shot severally because of a misunderstanding. It’s also important to acknowledge the case involving Dylann Roof, a Caucasian who killed 9 people and is still alive. Then, there’s the questions we ask ourselves: why is there mistreatment and brutality coming from police officers? Why do people stereotype African Americans? These are questions we ask ourselves and these are questions that need to be answered.
According to a Washington Post database of lethal police shootings 24 unarmed black men have been shot and killed by police so far this year. This means one a black man dies every nine days. Three unarmed black men were shot and killed in the month of April alone. All three shootings were either caught on tape or reported on local TV. The 24 unarmed black men that were killed compose a startling small amount of the 585 people shot and killed by police. According to The Post database. Most of those killed were white or Hispanic, and a good number of all races were armed. However, according to Wesley, black men accounted for 40 percent of the 60 unarmed deaths, even though they make up just 6 percent of the U.S. population.
For decades black Americans have been treated as animals, looked at as if they are monsters, and killed like bugs. Actions like Police brutality and racism is what caused Black Lives Matter. The creation of the Black Lives Matter was a response by the black community to give a voice to black Americans affected by the increase of wrongful deaths due to the law enforcements and vigilantes across the country. This has been going on for so long that it seems like we are stuck in the past. For years, even decades black Americans have had to live the struggle of being equal. Even when things are going good and we think we finally have the same rights, something happened to change that. It is time to shed a light on the real purpose of Black Lives Matter and why they are important to today's society.
If police misconduct remains unaddressed, issues involving black males and officer related killings don’t diminish- there will be detrimental consequences. The creation of the Black Lives Matter Movement an organization created by three women originating in black communities nationwide, after a white man named George Zimmerman was acquitted of killing 17 year old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida during a face-to-face encounter. The movement brought forward the question by those who disagree with the movement’s origins asking “why minorities use the race card as the life of all should matter when it comes to excessive police force.” A black male answering this
On social media there was a trending hashtag, #BlackLivesMatter, when the riots in Ferguson began in August 2014 over the killing of a young African American male by a white police officer. The African American community made it clear that black lives did matter. They were outraged and upset by the constant police brutality against them that they believed was caused by the underlying of racism. The fact that black
Many african americans are being falsely accused of crimes and are being shot for no valid reason. According to, an african american person is three times more likely to be shot by a police officer. Out of the 346 african americans killed by police, 30% were not armed with a weapon and did not need to be shot. Only 3% of 2015 court cases involved a police officer being charged with murdering a citizen. the others who committed the crimes were simply excused of it. A recent story of an unarmed african american being shot by police was on December 31, 2015. On that date in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S. Marshals were watching a suspect of a crime, Keith Childress. Keith Childress began to run away from the police officers and when the police officers got to him they shot him down because they assumed he had a weapon.What they thought was a weapon was really Keith Childress’ cell phone. The police officers were not charge for killing unarmed Keith
In 2013, a movement called Black Lives Matters was started after George Zimerman was found not guilty of the murder of Trayvon Martin. Many Americans complain again the injustice and rallied together to form the Black lives matter movement. The Black lives matter movement though has many issues within their movement, but the main issue is that the people of the movement are segregating themselves from other races whenever they say the words “black lives matter”. That’s why the phrase “All lives matter” has come about. The term “All Lives matter” is stating that people of this movement care about all people instead of just one color, that the movement does not support the supremacy of a race & Radical Organization, and show that the police force is not discriminative towards any one race.