Why did you choose these skills? How will these skills help you achieve better results in your personal life? How will these skills help you achieve better results in your professional life? What are the benefits (value to you) of developing these skills and the cost of failing to develop these skills? (Approximately 250 words):
Anxiety has always been an issue to the War in Iraq so anxiety management has been in the process for a while. Though I have gotten better, I still struggle at times around large groups of people. I never cared for being in front of others ether, but I did what I had to do to get the job done in relation to my service.
Social Awareness is something I truly struggle with for I am use to simply giving the task and
Apprehension and anxiety: Anxiety is a common and natural response to a dangerous situation. For many veterans it lasts long after the trauma has ended. This can happen when a veteran’s worldview and sense of safety change and become negative as a result of a traumatic experience. Individuals become anxious when they remember the trauma. Triggers that can cause anxiety may include places, times of day, certain smells or noises, or any situation that reminds you of the trauma. But sometimes anxiety may increase without an identifiable cause. As a result veterans tend to pay more attention to the times you feel afraid, you can discover the triggers for your anxiety. In this way, you may learn that some of the discomfort is really triggered by memories of your trauma.
Take a moment and think about this lesson’s learning objective. What skills will you need to be successful?
Evaluate your strengths in the five discovery skills and behaviors. What are they? Why did you identify the skills that you did?
Use the template below to complete this assignment. All sections below must be addressed with thorough responses; phrases and incomplete sentences are not acceptable. Key words such as “since,” “because,” “through,” “using,” etc., must be used throughout the document to explain the ways in which various competencies were met. Each response must include at least 30 words.
Since the Primary School, I have been instructed how to socialise in a group of people. Over the years I have played several team sports improving my understanding of the overall importance of every individual.
What skills and abilities do you like to use? I enjoy utilizing my problem-solving skills, coupled with, tenacity diligence, creativity, hard work, and intuition to name a few. I frequently seek personal development by engaging in online courses, in addition
5) I am an educator. I need training because I am doing something I have never done before. I want to be good at it. I want to succeed. I need tools and I need to be reminded all the time how to use those tools (no matter how many children I have, or if I have done it successfully before).
I love how candid you are with this topic because I think it's important for people to realize they are not the only ones experiencing such things. I used to be socially anxious all throughout high school in the end realizing I wasted a lot of my life worrying about what goes on around me. I felt like I was observing certain things that weren't really happening the way I was seeing them. Going down the main student hallway or even any public place became a challenge for me. I also noticed that my anxiety caused me to stress out about things that either already happened or have not happened. As for currently, it is always a work in progress but I feel like I cope with my anxiousness better than I did before in the sense that I do push my comfort
I am proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access). I am also proficient in website design. Finally, I am also skilled at using Adobe Photoshop.
The skills that I developed while performing my play are extensive.This experience is one that I will always look back on. I learned and further developed various techniques during the whole process. Looking back on my performance, I realize that although I may have had some flaws, my overall performance was done well and I am very proud of myself. Skills that I developed were: characterization, memorization, the ability to block, and the ability to be loud enough. The most important skill I feel that I developed was characterization, in the play I was to portray a man named Brent who is curious, yet easy going and I feel like I was able to depict him well. I was able to portray my character well, because we had very similar character traits, so all I needed to do was look within myself and exhibit my natural curiosity and easygoing traits. Memorization was a skill I developed during this process because at first I had trouble remembering my lines, but after practicing and not relinquishing I was able to memorize all my lines, I am proud of having developed this skill because I did not let my group down, nor
2 I chose this career path because it’s a position I’ve always admired, but have only recently come to want. The whole subject that surrounds this position is one that has intrigued me ever since I learned about it. Another reason I chose this path is that it for some reason it has encouraged
Jumping up every time you hear a loud noise or having a panic attack because you are in a large crowd—this has become the reality for some. When our soldiers go off to war, we want to believe that when they return home they are the same. The hard truth is that for these men and women who fought overseas, the war has never left them, they carry this burden with them were no one knows something is wrong until its too late. Some figure a way to cope; through different forms of therapy, just talking to someone to get what is stuck in theirs heads out can make a world of difference. For others, the lost souls, the ones who have crossed the line turn to self-medication or even violence either on themselves or to others. There is a reason why most PTSD cases goes untreated, in the military you learn very quick that things you do can be used against you. With the government downsizing in every branch, coming forward to say you have a problem is very difficult for some; they could go from having a stable support structure to being kicked to the curb. They say to themselves that they will be just fine, that they can heal on their own; they put the entire burden on themselves. With suicide rates skyrocketing, soldiers need to stop hiding, come forward and talk about their issues with someone. The soldiers of this country are not bad people, they were just put in some bad situations and some just do not
The reason why I want to major in acting is because it's something I've been doing ever since I was little, I've been doing it ever since I was in elementary school, though I haven't done it in a long time I eventually picked it back up when I was in the the grade back at Windsor Middle school, and it was Alice in Wonderland, but I would soon be titled Alice in Underland. After a few years I knew what I wanted to do for a living, and that was to become an actor, and the school I would like to go for that is FSU, otherwise known as FLorida State University. What I hope for in the acting program there, is that it will tech me things that I didn't know you could do back when I was in high school, I hope that we can do different styles of theater
Throughout the course of my workplace practices class I have participated in a consisted of completing assignments and work experience regarding my career pathways. As I look back and reflect on my time at this course, I am able to explore the graduate qualities and capabilities I have achieved over the duration of this study period, as well as the skills and abilities I need to improve on. Graduate qualities are skills that have been learned by students throughout the course of their schooling life, for example, it is a learning outcome of a program specifically stating the things that's been learned by students who have completed that program of study. In this reflection, I will be discussing about my strength and weakness personal
Military personnel who suffer from AUDs often have a co-occurring disorder. While this is a benefit, it is also a limitation. While anxiety is a prevalent disorder, the focus should be on more debilitating disorders that affect military personnel such as depression and PTSD.