As humans we have a “bill of rights” but do animals deserve to have bill of rights? Animal bill of rights are examples of rights given to citizens to make them free for whatever they want to do. Animal bill of rights are for domestic animals who should be treated humanely. Some animals need a bill of rights.
Such a law will go against human culture. Because a lot of humans of eat pigs,cows,goat, etc and very little are vegan. In some cultures they kill animals for their religion and to sacrifice them. If they make a law for animals to have bill of rights it would cause a crazy ripple effect.
It would increase the cost of food. Because they will have very little of animals to cook or maybe none at all. It would be rare to eat meat and be
However, placing animals at the same level of humans is somewhat blemished. Animals do indeed have rights, although they are
Throughout history, humans have utilized nonhuman animals for the benefit of mankind. This tendency increased as civilization developed, and presently, necessitated by staggering population growth and technological progress, human use of animals has skyrocketed. We eat them, we breed them, we use them as test subjects. Some people have begun to question the ethics of it all, sparking a debate on animal treatment and whether or not they have rights. In a paper on the subject, Carl Cohen lays out his definition of rights, explains their relationship with obligations, and uses these ideas to present the argument that manifests clearly in his piece’s title, “Why Animals Have No Rights”. THESIS
When a cause is brought up and given light, it has a way of splitting people in how they react to it. And such has been true when it comes to granting new rights, because it’s brobdingnagian in our society that is always hungry for freedoms. We are split down the middle on whether, or not to consider animals, just like us, and thus deserve the rights we hold in our society today. On the other end, are people who don’t believe such rights should be given to animals. While the pro-arguments hold value, there is much more to see on the other end. As to why animals shouldn’t have a “Bill of Rights” like we as humans do. It’s shown in various different ways, even the most popular arguments held by the opposing side. Such as cows hurting the environment, zoo’s being inhumane, and pets. There are other factors as well to take into consideration such as food, psychology medicine, and even culture.
One of the reasons why I believe animals should not have a Bill Of Rights is because they aren’t human. As Bob Stevens says, “Does a parrot understand what it is saying? Can an animal write a poem, or even a grocery list?”(61). Animals just live off instinct and from what they’ve learned from their parents, Rifkin says “Learning is passed on from parent to offspring”(60).
Without a doubt creating an Animal Bill of Rights would affect not one but many sources that indeed we need. It goes against human culture, would tragically affect medical research, and last but not least important our food source.If our nation is not capable of taking care of all its people it should not be worrying about
For many years there has been an ongoing debate on whether or not animals should be given rights, even there own bill of rights. Some who are against the animal bill of rights argue that testing products on animals is important to the safety of humans. Others who want the new bill of rights claim that animals have feelings and that science is treating them inhumanely. Animal activists also add that animals are intelligent beings and are aware of how they are treated. Based on science proving animal activists correct on many of their points, this calls for a new bill of rights, in the United States, especially written for the protection and care of wild and domestic animals.
According to the article A Change of Heart about Animals says “What these researchers are finding is that many of our fellow creatures are more like us then what we had ever imagined. They feel pain, suffer and experience stress,affection, excitement and even love…” But if the amendment were to be passed how would we be allowed to hunt and kill to get meat. Animals such as pigs, cows, deer, and chickens provide us with meat to feed our families and consume. We would not be able to continue doing this because in a lot of places they believe and feel this is cruel. How would we be able to survive without being able to consume meat? Not everyone in the world is a fan of having to becoming vegetarians and have to cut meat out
In conclusion I believe that livestock animals should not have special rights or any rights at all. These animals are property of the factory farms and they should treat them however they feel is necessary to make the most money. Millions of jobs are depended on the mass production of these livestock animals. Not to mention that the only way we can keep meat affordable for the billions of people in the world is to have these animals living and being slaughtered on factory
Animal rights have been a long debated topic; whether to support or oppose, laws have been placed with some rights, but not all rights. Different countries have different rights, with some going as extreme as to limiting the amounts of pets one can own, or banning certain breeds. There is no saying that a bill of rights will solve every problem, but it would greatly aid the protection of animals; they should be treated more respectably and humanely. An animal bill of rights would provide more protection to animals from cruel ownership and testing. However, there should be a limit as to how much protection they can receive.
Furthermore, creating the Animal Bill of Rights not only protects the animals from being abused but, also makes them seem as valuable as a human being. Animals are not valued enough. They are seen as less than humans just because they are animals. That’s the reason as to why there are millions of domestic animals being abused. Rifkin states “ millions of domestic animals raised under the most inhumane conditions”(60). Animals are just important as humans. The Bill of Rights for animals wants to ensure that these kinds of act doesn’t happen. The Bill of Rights for Animals does not only focus on domestic pets, but all species of animals.
I believe that animals should have rights. I have 2 cats and everyday they show emotion and show that they have some human characteristics. In my opinion if you breathe, have characteristics and emotion then you deserve rights. With this being said I also think it is impossible to change everyone's views and make them eat a vegan diet. I myself believe animals deserve rights, but it will be hard to change my diet instantly. Could you imagine changing a whole community, country or even the world's diets? Animals deserve rights like a happy life, but you cannot expect to change people's diets.
Animals should have the same rights as humans do. 93% of animals that are experimented on in labs aren’t totaled up by the US Animal Welfare Act (“US Statistics”). All animals should have rights, not just some of them. Believe it or not, animals have the same feeling humans have. Even though they cannot speak their mind, they can still express what they are feeling through the
Animal rights are considered as “the rights of animals, claimed on ethical grounds, to the same humane treatment and protection from exploitation and abuse that are accorded to humans”(CITE). This means that individuals that believe in animal rights conceive the idea that animals should have the same rights and protections as humans do. With this
Animals, they are an important part of life and our society. Yet, they do not have their own Bill of Rights. Some may believe that they do not need one, but when you look at how intelligent many of them are, it is difficult to believe that they are not just as deserving as one as us. Without one, a lot of animals are legally abused and put in deplorable conditions. Animals need a BoR because, much like humans, they have emotions, experience pain, and many are currently treated deplorably, however, if it is not done correctly it may be blown out of control.
Furthermore, creating the Animal Bill of Rights not only protects the animals from being abused but, also makes them seem as valuable as a human being. Animals are not valued enough. They are seen as less than humans just because they are animals. That’s the reason as to why there are millions of domestic animals being abused. Rifkin states “ millions of domestic animals raised under the most inhumane conditions”(60). Animals are just important as humans. The Bill of Rights for animals wants to ensure that these kinds of act doesn’t happen. The Bill of Rights for Animals does not only focus on domestic pets, but all species of animals.