Steroids were first invented in the 1930’s. The Germans experimented the steroids on their own dogs and their prisoners to stay fit and healthy because their prisoners suffered from malnutrition. In 1950’s many athletes came to know about the steroids. They came to know that steroids are very good for their sports as these can help them in achieving their goals with less effort. The athletes mainly used steroids for power lifting beating all the records of the past. It was then proven that testosterone was the only reason behind the magnificent results in the athletes. No sooner Dr. Ziegler and his workers in the lab started working on testosterone and tried to make it more and more refine and pure. After seeing the results of some athletes others started to use the steroid too. The use of steroid was so common that the steroid could be found easily everywhere. Then on March 1 1991 the federal anabolic control act was in effect putting anabolic steroids oh the schedule …show more content…
The major side effect of steroid is that it hits directly on our liver and other common effects are tumours and cancer. Some rare but common ones are yellowish pigmentation of skin, tissues and body fluids, fluid retention and high blood pressures, increased cholesterol, kidney tumors and severe acne. Side effects vary on age and sex.
Many male taking steroids may experience in shrinking of their testicles leading to reduced sperm count and infertility, baldness, development of male breast and in many cases increased rate of prostate cancer. Whereas women taking steroids may experience facial hair growth, changes in menstrual cycle, enlargement of clitoris and deepened voice. People using steroids while their adolescents have a high risk of permanent growth halt permanently through premature skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty
Later it was discovered that anabolic steroids could facilitate the growth of skeletal muscle which led to abuse by bodybuilders, weightlifters, and athletes in other sports. Abuse of anabolic steroids can cause acne, breast development in men, heart attacks, and liver cancer. Most side effects are reversible if the abuser stops taking the drugs, but some are permanent, such as voice deepening in females. Possible health consequences for men are infertility, shrinking of the testicles, and male-pattern baldness while with women enlargement of the clitoris, and excessive growth of body hair can happen. It can affect the musculoskeletal & cardiovascular system, liver, skin, cause infection, and have psychiatric effects such as rage, aggression, mania, and delusions. Treatment of anabolic steroid abuse uses medications to restore the hormonal system after its disruption, and medication to target specific withdrawal symptoms.
Adverse side effects can build up over time. They vary depending on the individual, dosage, and length of use. Steroids can cause a variety of maladies, such as heart enlargement and disease, liver tumors which may become cancerous, kidney failure, smaller testicles and infertility, muscle-tendon injuries, skin acne, hair loss, depression, and increased aggression known as Void rage. The main effects of using human growth hormone are changes in body structure and facial characteristics, such as an enlarged heart and increase in the size of the head, brow, and
The use of steroids suppresses the naturally occurring testosterone produced by your testes. This happens because your brain is sending messages to your testes saying that you already have plenty of testosterone in your body and to stop producing it. In males, this may lead to a decrease in testicle size, decreased sperm production, fertility issues, baldness, and not only that, the excess steroids can be converted into estrogen in males; which may lead to enlarged breasts. Another serious side effect is that anabolic steroids weaken the heart by causing it to swell up; which prevents the heart from pumping blood out of the heart at the healthy rate. The part of the heart that pumps out blood is called the left ventricle. A healthy left ventricle pumps out around 55% to 70% of the blood that fills the heart. This measurement is known as the ejection fraction. During a study, 10 of 12 steroid users had ejection fractions of less than 55% ( With ejection fractions this low, these bodybuilders are at an increased risk for heart failure and sudden cardiac
There are many health risk for taking steroids such as increases chances for disease, physical and emotional dangers . Abusing steroids lead to bad cholesterol (livestrong).. Other time it turns into liver disease and can sometimes turn into possible liver cancer (livestrong). Steroids also cause physical dangers. Steroids cause the left heart ventricle it enlarge high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes.steroids contribute the development of CVD which changes how much cholesterol gets to the blood (livestrong). One of the common damages from steroids is tendon ruptures which is some sport cases and cause an end to a career (livestrong). The reason steroids cause the tendon to rupture is because it causes testosterone to rise causing a growth spurt during puberty and adolescence providing the signals to stop growth as well. and adolescence and provide the signals to stop growth as well (livestrong). Causing high sex hormones that can prematurely signal the bone to stop growing causing the tendon to rupture
The effects on men is larger breasts, smaller testicles and a lower sperm count. The effects for male and female are acne, hairless, upset stomach, mood swings, difficulty urinating and rapid weight gain. He worst kind of effects happens when over abuse theses steroids, this can cause changes in your blood, liver, kidneys and heart. It may even cause some type of cancers (Scot 47, 97). If young adults take steroids it can stunt their growth. Once you stop taking steroids in a few months you will lose all of your muscle mass and withdrawal of steroids can cause sever depression. ( lukas “big on drugs”). One effect of steroids that people don’t usually want is good in sports. Steroids increase aggression and hostile behavior. They say it helps them get pumped for the game (Scot
The negative effects of these drugs range far and many. For men the effects are much worse. For instance there is increased irritability and aggressiveness also called "roid rages". Then comes the Acne, due to the stimulation of the oil glands in the skin. You can also start developing premature hair loss and a bloated appearance from excess salt and water being retained by the body. The last effect is due to the effect of steroids on the testicles. The brain monitors the amount of testosterone in the body, if it detects a large amount (due to steroids) it will stop the testicles producing more and so less sperm is produced and impotence may occur, which also may result in a decreased sex drive. Apart from the hair loss, the above effects are generally reversible upon stopping steroid use. Adolescent steroid use may lead to a premature fusion of the epiphyses (the end of growing bones) which can lead to stunted growth.(Paterson pg 102)
Aside the from what you gain from taking steroids, the common side effects will make you rethink your use. The side effects are different for each sex. For males, instead of becoming more masculine they potentially become more feminine. They could start
People use steroids for many reasons whether it is to bulk up, perform faster and stronger or to improve their physique. Steroids are known to produce both anabolic and androgenic effects. Which are muscle building and masculine characteristic effects. The anabolic effects raise testosterone
D. Common side effects for woman and men as stated in the article Health Effects of Steroids “ For both sexes…Kidney stress/damage, High blood pressure, Hair loss, Cardiovascular diseases, Acne, Enlarged heart, and Tendon & ligament injuries.”
Steroids have a long-term, negative effect on the human body. These effects range from cardiovascular problems to mental and psychological issues such as rage and anger problems. Steroid use has been linked to increased alcohol consumption, marijuana use, cigarette smoking, and narcotic use (Buckman, Farris & Yusko, 2013). Many athletes may not be aware of the lasting effects steroids can have because all they are worried about is their performance, not their health.
Another effect from steroid use is health problems. They are high blood pressure and heart disease, liver damage and cancer, kidney and prostate problems and increased risk of ruptured tendons… acne and hair loss, as well as gender-specific problems: atrophy of the testicles, reduced sperm count and the growth of breasts in men; the growth of body hair, deeper voice and menstrual problems in women… altered moods, depression and "roid rage", hallucinations, paranoia and anxiety. In adolescents, they can stunt growth by signaling the body
In today’s society in athletics, muscle mass and strength seem more important than in years past. It is believed that many athletes use anabolic steroids to increase their muscle mass and also their strength. Anabolic steroids are a group of synthetic hormones that promote the storage of proteins and the growth of tissue, sometimes used by athletes to increase muscle size and strength. Before the mid 1970’s the use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) was used mainly by highly trained athletes especially those involved in weight training. Since then other athletes including those involved in recreational sports and non-competitive sports have started using the steroids. Steroids are also being used by many school age children
Negative effect of steroids is a broad category under which several health issues fall. This includes enlargement of the heart, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries atherosclerosis, heart palpitations, and elevated cholesterol levels.
However, steroids should remain illegal because they physically deteriorate the whole body system. When injected one risks the chances of developing hematoma and contracting AIDS. In women steroids contribute to the growth of facial hair, enlargements of the clitoris, shrinkage of the uterus, sterility, deepening of the voice, decrease in breast size and irregularity of the menstrual cycle. In men steroids cause shrinkage of the testicles, decrease in sperm count, sterility, impotence, prostate enlargement and growth of female breast. In both men and women hair loss, liver ailments, acne, atherosierosis and cancer are very common. This dangerous drug shortens the life span up to twenty years and increases the chance of obtaining diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. The side effects and reactions from enduring anabolic steroids are endless.
According to Brower, withdrawal symptoms might be developed in the individuals who stop taking anabolic steroids after they have taken excessive amount of anabolic steroids over sustained period. The symptoms included mood swings, insomnia, depressed mood, reduced libido, anorexia, weight loss, and even suicidal thoughts. Despite of these behavioral changes, others common adverse effects of anabolic steroids are liver failure, endocrine dysfunction, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and difficulties in blood clotting. For men, they may experience gynecomastia (breast development and enlargement), reduced fertility, shrunken testes, decreasing in sperm amount, decreased production of testosterone, development of prostate cancer due to the enlargement of the gland, and baldness, and masculinization in women and children. In women, excessive anabolic steroids will lead to breast reduction, swollen clitoris, masculinization, deepen voice, growth of body and facial hair, menstrual disruption and also increased risk of birth defects.