At the sandy beach, Bob and Sally played until someone put a bucket over them! They were terrified for their life. They thought why would someone do this to them? They were always friendly and kind to other people. Bob had gotten himself into a MESS! Sally was only four and had no idea what was going on. Bob (her dad) was only twenty-eight. They were stuck in the bucket, but they were sitting on a blanket. They had food and water, because they were putting away leftovers when this happened. The man was the girl’s father, and she was only six and she was ready to go swimming. But she can’t, she is stuck under the bucket!” I wonder if I can dig my way out.” “Good thinking daddy.” So me and my dad was digging and fell into a hole. We found
In a small town named Switzerfield there was a little boy named John Parker Lyons. Over the years of hard work, and stress John grew very goofy. At first, everyone at his school thought it was funny and just a joke. Once at his school concert while everybody was gathering there things and leaving he was dancing. He was prancing around on stage not looking where he was going when he fell off the stage onto the ice-cream seller. Everyone just laughed at him. Nothing was the same for him.
One day, Abby, Jenna, and their parents were going camping. Early in the morning, their mom ran into their room and yelled that they were late and needed to go right that second. They jumped out of bed and dumped one of their drawers into their suitcase. They closed it, got ready, and ran to the car.
Taylor was working on his family’s ranch, he was the hardest worker on that ranch. Well he and one of their hired hands went to unload a grain bin. Some grain was stuck on the corners of the bin so they tried banging the outside of the bin with a hammer. That did not work so Taylor hopped in, while he was in there, the grain had a crust layer on top. That layer broke and Taylor fell in, the grain and dust covered him head to toe. The hired hand hopped in to try to save him, but he couldn’t get him out, so he hopped in a nearby tractor and knocked the bin over. They cut the side of the bin open and got Taylor out.
“The Spoon he's gone!” Yelled the gas station worker at the dispatcher and the dispatcher responded with “Detective tide pod will be there in a minute” and hung up. Detective tide pod arrived to the Scene and asked the clerk calmly what happened and the clerk responded “ Poor little spoon was here and then he was gone” “your going to have to give us more details clerk” said tide pod. The clerk then described the whole incident and told him
One day, Ocean Man and Lake Boy were finishing up saving a dog from falling out of a fire house when they got a signal from headquarters. “Buh da, buh da, buh da!” went the emergency siren. “Oh no! Someone’s in trouble!” said Ocean Man as he and Lake Boy ran to headquarters. When they got there, Alfie, their secretary, told them about the issue. “Cindy and Mindy are stuck on top of the roof because their ladder fell over,” said Alfie. “ You will have to go to their house and save them.” After hearing that news, Ocean Man and Lake Boy went straight to Cindy and Mindy’s house. Upon arriving their, Lake Boy went right up to the top of the girls’ house to retrieve them. As he did that, Ocean Man went to investigate on how the girls got stuck. When
“Oh, there you are” her mother would reply Jordan would giggle, then run back out the back door with no shoes on. For a few days Jordan came inside the house limping on one foot, crying to her mother, “Mommy, I got cactus stuck in my foot” her mother would sit there with tweezers, pulling out each spine from the heel of her foot Jordan flinching each time she yanked one out. As soon as her mother was done, she'd look at her mother thankful she could help her, but still a tear still rolled down her face onto the floor from the surging pain now in her foot. Her mother would look at her in the eyes and repeat “You better learn how to wear your shoes” Jordan would nod, then limp off to her room to take a nap. One day, Jordan opened her eyes, she looked out the door and found her mother to be in the yard digging up cactus in the yard. Jordan made sure to put on some shoes and ran outside hiding around the corner of the house. Her mother saw her peeking around the corner of her house and said “Jordan, do you want to come help me?” Jordan smiled disappearing back around the house. She ran around the other side of the house trying to make her mother to jump. Kristina would giggle and say “Get over here you little turd” Jordan would run up to her mother, hug her, then look up at her saying “I love you mom” as her mother looked down
Outside of school, Tom enjoyed participating in his boy scout troop where they went camping, fishing, and collected badges. One thing that Tom absolutely loved doing was going to (whos) farm. He loved going over there because it was so much fun and he loved to spend time with his uncle (which one) The farm was unique because they did not have running water and had to pump it from outside, no inside toilets, no electricity and had a big washtub everyone had to share. With the farm being in Ohio, their winter season gets extremely cold and one morning, Tom was sent to go get a pitcher of water. When his bare hands grabbed the metal pump, the immediately froze and got stuck! Tom could not just rip his hands off the pump for it would tear the skin. He yelled for (who) to bring out a bucket of water to pour over his freezing, stuck hands. When Tom was about the age of 12, he wanted to do something fun when he was home all
One day there was a family named the Bob family. In that family, there was the father named Bill, a mother named Charm, and the son, who is their kid, named is Bill Jr. When they got done eating breakfast and cleaned up the silverware, they started to head outside their house. The dad and son went to go hunt for deer and turkey to eat for dinner, while the mother picked corn,beans,wheat, and peas with a few other crops out of the nearby field that they owned. Then, after all that was done they sat around the table and ate dinner that the dad and son shot and with some food that the mom picked in the nearby field, then they washed up and went to
Katrina returns home from Los Angeles to find a letter waiting for her from her brother. The letter causes Katrina to remember a time when her and her brother were small children. They lived on a farm that had an old barn with a third loft. There was a ladder that went from the floor all the way to that third loft, but it was old and the children had been warned not to play on it. One afternoon while their parents were gone, they began to play a game they had played dozens of times before. Larry and Katrina would climb to the top of the third loft and then jump down into the hay bin. Katrina went first, then Larry. Over and over they climbed and jumped.
“Oh my goodness, what just happened?” questioned Bob. After a while of wondering what had just happened and if he was still alive, Bob started to feel sick like he was dying. He decided it was best for him to go home and isolate himself from the work he does at his job. On his way home, Bob made the decision that he was going to quit his job the next day, because this had
“BELL wash the dishes already” screamed a dry voice from downstairs. “Coming mother” replied the scrawny girl who lived in the attic. This is Bell Linmor. And that lady she called mother is just the orphanage owner. You see Bell’s parents died at sea. They were heading to another country to give supplies to sick people. Now she lived here at Lake Stoneton which really was just a big pond. It only took five minutes to swim across. The “Lake” was surrounded by rough grass and unkempt
Susie’s mother opened the door to let Molly, Susie’s babysitter, inside. Ten-month old Susie seemed happy to see Molly. Susie then observed her mother put her jacket on and Susie’s face turned from smiling to sad as she realized that her mother was going out. Molly had sat for Susie many times in the past month, and Susie had never reacted like this before. When Susie’s mother returned home, the sitter told her that Susie had cried until she knew that her mother had left and then they had a nice time playing with toys until she heard her mother’s key in the door. Then Susie began crying once again.
The pool was huge, teaming with people. But the girl’s eyes were fixed on their husbands and children. They were all together on the shallow end of the pool, horsing around. The children were fearless, jumping into the water, even though they had no idea how to swim, but trusting in the floats around their arms to keep them from drowning. Noah was throwing them this way and that while Logan was being more docile and helping them learn how to swim.
Ever is a bright sixteen year old. Ever’s family, her sister, Riley, mom and dad and their dog, Buttercup are driving when suddenly Ever realizes she forgot her Pinecone Lake Cheerleading Camp sweater, if they do not turn back now, she will never get it back, so her dad makes a risky move to turn the car around before traffic hits. That's when all of a sudden a deer comes and stops right in the middle of the road. Her dad then makes a sudden move to swerve the car so he will not hit the deer. But with his decisions come consequences. when the swerve, they swerve into the ditch. Everyone besides Ever is taken into a better place. Ever survived but she was in pretty bad conditions.
My future career interest is between “community service manager” and a “social worker”. I am interested in community service manager career because it provides services to the public and it primarily focuses on community-based environment. Its main functions consist of organizing, managing and coordinating. If I am able to improve the general public by starting at one community at the time and helping those in needs, that would be a great accomplishment. The good thing is, I would have a choice of either working in a non-profit or government based organization. I am also interested in the career field of a social worker. I would narrowed it down by focusing more on the geriatric and the disabled population. The basic duties of a social