
Why Do Christians Need To Read The Old Testament

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Many contemporary Christians feel that the Old Testament does not apply to them because they are living under a New Covenant with new requisites, and that the Old Testament has a far off God and not like the personal narrative of God in the New Testament with Jesus or the Holy Spirit. However, Christians need to understand that the Old Testament is not just about covenants and requisites, but the Old Testament is about God connecting to His people so that they might draw closer to Him. Christians ought to read the Old Testament to keep God’s commands, to understand that He does not change, and to learn how the Old Testament applies to their faith. Hence, Christians should understand the context of the Old Testament better to comprehend what the text is saying about God and His children drawing closer.
Thus, Christians should read the Old Testament because the Old …show more content…

However, it’s important to understand that God will reward us for wanting to grow closer to Him. As Hill and Walton put it, “If God is the source of the Old Testament, it can be understood as possessing authority, We study Scripture because we expect to get an authoritative word from God, not the subjective opinions of people, however valuable or true the latter may be. Authority is what makes the Old Testament more than just fine literature” (pg 26). Therefore the key to why Christians must read the Old Testament is because of the authority from God it has, and thus through reading his scripture we are rewarded with words from God. Also, similarly to Abraham, God will use this reward to further his plan. Therefore, when we look at scripture, with context and understanding, we must understand that the Bible is the supreme authoritative

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