
Why Do Churches Participate In Social Movements?

Decent Essays

Social movements are often started due to the injustice a certain group of people experience. This group of people, whether affected directly or indirectly, are caused pain and are in need of a safe haven. Another reason that churches should be involved in social movements is that they can allow a place of peace and sanctuary. Being a Christian myself, I’ve often looked to my church for a sense of peace when I’m hurting or suddenly feel threatened by the world. I had the chance to interview Margaret, an advocate for #BlackLivesMatter. Being an active member and administrator for the cause, she was able to give me an inside perspective on the issue. She points out that “Another word for churches was ‘Sanctuary.’ If you claimed Sanctuary, no harm could befall you within the church” (personal communication, November 4, 2015). She also mentions that …show more content…

When people are hurting, it is common to see them act out in anger, which can lead to violence. If you gather a group of hurting or angry people, all affected by a common cause of the pain, it is easy to feed off of each other’s anger. Riots, violent protests, and havoc can often start up with tensions high. Church involvement in this movement can offer an outlet to express feelings and support, not only from other people who are also directly affected by the issue but from other brothers and sisters of in Christ of different ethnic backgrounds who hurt with them and support them. Another advocate for the movement as well as a theologian and pastor of the First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts discusses the importance of church involvement in hurting

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