College has became a important in the 21st century, many jobs are depending on a College graduate. The debts nowadays are much higher than it was in the late 1900s and the early 2000s. Going to College provides more opportunities for graduates to change their life and the lives of their family. College degree is worth much more now, the economic growth of each degree, and High School graduates are getting paid more than half of what a College graduate is getting paid. College is not a choice to make, it is the beginning of journey in your life, it will shape and determine your future choices and decisions.
Going to college will set the basis for your career pathway in the future. High school students contemplate that college is not the right choice for them, but there are multiple benefits that come with a college degree. If students decide to attend college, they may considerate it a waste of time and stress. Unlike high school for some, college needs taken seriously. Attending college prepares and gives you knowledge on what to expect when you start the career. Those who attend college are more than likely to get a higher wage job then individuals who decided not to join.
A former president, Theodore Roosevelt, once said, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are,” but yet more than 30% of students don’t attend college the following fall after graduation. As of right now, college is only an option for students, not a requirement. But as technology increases, and jobs become tougher to get a hold of, college is more of a necessity and definitely worth the price tag. It has long term benefits and increases the chances of a successful future. College is definitely worth the cost for the reasons that college graduates have a higher salary than a high school graduates, more and more jobs recently require a college degree, and college graduates more likely to have health insurance and retirement plans.
College students all over the world need grants and scholarships to be able to get an education, and many cannot get this education if there were no such thing as government and state grants. The United States offers a great amount of financial aid and help to their college students but, Illinois is taking its toll on this. The state of Illinois is planning on getting rid of the MAP grant, which is known as the biggest source of money for students. Without it, students will be facing many consequences, such as transferring to an out-of-state school, taking out more loans, or even dropping out. Many people do not see this as an issue, but it truly does make a big impact on college students. It is unfair to students who heavily rely on the MAP
Preparing for College after graduating from high school is considered to be as one of the most thought by students. Even so, most students nowadays are uncertain whether attending college will be a good advantage for them. Some believe that it is a waste of time and money, but most people consider it as a reason to thrive in life. Unlike High school, College is certainly different because it determines your future and should be taken more earnestly by the students. College education is a worth of cost because it basically provides students with great benefits, which can be a good help in shaping their future goals.
There are some people who think college is a waste of time. Then there are others who would debate that opinion and say college is an essential key to life. With a college education, I would have a better opportunity at making my life a lot better. I will be giving myself the opportunity live above the poverty level of today and I will be giving myself a chance at middle-class living. College can be extremely tough if I am not disciplined but it is well worth it. Going to college gives me the advantage of a better education at something that I love, growth in my career, achieve independence and great aspect of networking.
Even though tuitiion costs have raised by almost 50% over the course of 30 years people still argue that college is still worth the price. One supporting reason that will always apply to this argument is, the fact that college graduates earn more money and have a much easier time finding employment than their peers who only have a highschool diploma. Others might state that though not all careers recquire a four-year degree, most do. With that being said a college degree can almost always give you ta head start and better skills for/in any field. Opposers also use Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg to say their choices to leave school were based off of billion dollar ideas, and that the two were already computer geniuses when their decisions were made. To add to that supporters of attending college would say , it’s not all about the learning material. The choice to attend college gives students the opportunity to gain financial responsibility, students usually learn how to put needs before wants when they attend college. Lastly whether it’s your peers or professors college provides students with the time to meet, and get to know new people, with new ideas who may challenge, inspire, encourage or even work alongside one another. This would be used by college supporters to show that college is also a networking tool, or maybe a student could just want a change of scenery. For some people the number 1 reason to go to college is to go away/move to a new location. Some may want to just escape the cold and move down south, others may want to get out of small towns and explore the world. There can be many reasons to attend college like just to live in dorms and experience a home without parents, all of these prove to opposers that college is still worth
In today's society a college degree will open the door to many job opportunities. The possibilities are endless compared to those presented with a high school diploma. College gives you a chance to show the world the best version of yourself. They give you the chance to get earn money for doing the thing you love. College degrees are the difference between living comfortably, or struggling paycheck to paycheck. I don't want to struggle, so this is why high school is just the beginning of my education. College also gives you the chance to meet new people from around the country. A lot can happen in fours years. Meeting and interacting with new people could open the door for new ways and passions for learning. The more I learn, the more I enrich my future
Going to college and obtaining a college degree would provide one with endless possibilities and opportunities in their life. While attending college students have the chance to meet many new people. This provides students to get out of their shells and explore new ideas. Having a college degree also widens ones options for a career and gives the opportunity to make a better salary. Many jobs today are requiring employees to have some type of college degree. Employers also pay an extra amount if one does obtain a college degree, and having a college degree often provides for greater promotion opportunity.
There is a 225% increase of in-state public college tuition from 1984-2014. That is an average of a 7.5% increase per year. Students are paying for degrees that may be obsolete when they get hired for a job. The student loan debt in America has grown to more than $1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion). Exceeding credit card debt.
In today's world many people question or education system and question whether or not the cost is of college is worth it just to continue your education. Although you inquire a lot of debt in college. Getting a degree is almost necessary in today's job market because most jobs require one and jobs that do not require a college degree are getting harder to get, as the unemployment rises. Therefore a college degree is worth incurring significant debt. Earning a college not only provides you with job security and provides potential for greater lifetime earnings.
The major reason of going to college is to get a good job. College prepares us with academic knowledge in order to succeed in the future. Many people think that a higher education is essential to prepare a person for their future. As
Attending a college or university isn't even thought of twice nowadays. A student knows once they graduate high school they must go to college to seek a higher education. Many jobs are now requiring so many years of experience that many high school students do not possess. Therefore, these high school students must attend college to acquire all the necessary achievements to get a good job or career. A higher education is providing students a sense of responsibility, making them more knowledgable, and most importantly preparing them for the real world.
As our society developed, college started to become more popular as the years passed. It became an expected societal norm for millennials. College not only has benefits to it there are also disadvantages. If I attend I am able to further develop my education and get amazing jobs because of a degree, but attending college means extreme expenses and possible student loans that I would have to pay back. I am choosing to attend a college because it will further develop my education, I will have more job opportunities, and I am able to gain job security.
Why go to college is a question many people debate with. The majority of people are not aware of the substantial benefits of attending college. With the rapid shift in today’s economy having a college degree is a major key. According to article written by Fatou Faal, “The United States has been transformed from manufacturing-based economy to an economy based on knowledge, and the importance of a college education can be compared to that of a high school diploma education forty years ago.” The benefits of college prepare and shape you for today’s world.
College is a place for students to grow personally and intellectually, it helps students prepare for their future careers and help them mature as an individual through opportunities and experiences. The importance of a college education today is a growing factor because the future of this country will depend on the students who attend college. Even though you may have heard how college may be rigorous and sometimes demanding, college will be worth it in the long run.