
Why Do College Students Get Paid?

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College students all over the world need grants and scholarships to be able to get an education, and many cannot get this education if there were no such thing as government and state grants. The United States offers a great amount of financial aid and help to their college students but, Illinois is taking its toll on this. The state of Illinois is planning on getting rid of the MAP grant, which is known as the biggest source of money for students. Without it, students will be facing many consequences, such as transferring to an out-of-state school, taking out more loans, or even dropping out. Many people do not see this as an issue, but it truly does make a big impact on college students. It is unfair to students who heavily rely on the MAP …show more content…

To expand on this a little more, the state of Illinois gives away large amounts of money to lottery winners every year. According to the article "Slowik: College Students Should Sue the State over MAP Grants," Ted Slowik talked about the state of Illinois being able to find a way to pay back the lottery winners. If they are able to give lottery winners their money, they should use that money to fund the MAP grants instead. It is understandable that the winners earned this money, but at the same time, these students need the MAP grant a lot more than these winners. Without the funding, their education is at stake and this is a solution that the state should take a deeper look …show more content…

Instead, it is a solution with the help of all Illinois schools. Year by year colleges gets bigger and more advanced, along with newer facilities that attract more individuals to it. Renovations and newer facilities require a lot of money and this money is gained back by increasing tuition rates. According to John Schoen and his article "The Real Reasons a College Degree Costs So Much," college tuition has been increasing dramatically because of competition. To be more specific, all colleges want students to join their school and because of this, they build new facilities that they do not have the money for. This is the reason for why the tuition rates increase. Not only does this make it hard for students to afford college, but now without the MAP grants, students might not be able to go to college at all. As a solution, I think all Illinois schools should stop spending money on renovation and newer facilities for some time and use that money for student funding. When it comes to the funding, the school could either give out grants accordingly based on which individual needs it the most or they could lower the tuition for everyone. This is one of the solutions that may workout because it will be beneficial to both the student and the school itself. For example, the students will have an easier time paying for the tuition and will be able to continue their education. At the same time, the

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