
Why Do Girls Go To School

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Why do some girl can’t go to school?
Education is a must for everyone, despite your gender, economy status, religion, education is crucial. Unfortunately some countries are so old fashion they don't allow girl to go to school. They said girl can only stay home and do the chores, obeying men,... It's called a sexism and this is a quiet serious problem for the entire world. This can cause many girls around the world can't be educated due to sexism. Without education the future will not be bright and live their lives as followers not leaders. Most country that as not as developed as other big [My View]
Personally I think because girls behave better than boys, girls need education as much as boys did or sometime girls even need it more due to an old tradition that boys will always be better than girls. Education will be a perfect prove for girls to say they can be as good as boy or better than them. Rules kept us stay in the box and keep thinking we are not smart or useful our duty is to serve men for the rest of our lives but education is the key for us to get out of …show more content…

Girls have right to have a better future, to be success. Girls have right to be educated just like boys. We deserve education, because education is the only solution to our problems, keeping us independent. At the moment a lot organizations have been start for protecting girls, saving them from abusive, providing them a safe and anti-bully environment. Small or big you also can help giving girls a second chance. Until all girls can pack up her school bag going to school without worry about anything, we all can do small or big donations for them to do that. Education is a universal right, no one can have a right to band a girl from school or making them stop going

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