Everyone has progressed to where they are in life because they had a teacher. A teacher is defined as someone who gives instruction and communicates skills. Our children are our future, and they need to be prepared for the future or they will not be successful in the working world. Teaching makes a difference in them, because it gives them tools to help them be successful in the future. I would like to tell you why I would like to become a special education teacher and what has led me to this decision and why I want to become a teacher. I have chosen to become a teacher because I myself am a product of someone whom I consider to be the best teacher in the world. As a child in Virginia, I was inspired by a wonderful coach and …show more content…
Many people have stated that I am a very patient man. I come through my patience naturally through my mother, who was the most thoughtful, patient individual I have ever met. I've had the opportunity of working in the Davis County School District as a substitute teacher and as the swim coach at Bountiful High School. I have also spent many years coaching adolescents on a competitive swim team. My experiences have been very rewarding thus far and have inspired me to want to become a special education teacher through the ATP Program. I can't even begin to describe the joyous feeling of knowing that I've touched the lives of the kids-- it is truly priceless. When kids excel or simply say, "I get it," when kids come in and say, "Thanks” or even “You're the best coach I ever had," or "will we have you again" that means a lot. They make me laugh, they give me hugs, they are observant, and most of them just need a little push. They miss me when I'm gone, they try so hard to do what I ask so much of the time. The most amazing feeling of all though is when the kids tell me “they want to be just like me and become a teacher or coach when they grow up”.
I have finally discovered what I am truly passionate about and I am pursuing this passion by continuing my education so that I am able to fulfill my goal of being a special education teacher. My goal is to be the best teacher any student has had and will have throughout his/her schooling. I want to
I have always had a passion and enjoyed helping others. In fact, I have devoted my elective credits to be involved in assisting special education students. Since my junior year of high school, I have been a peer coach by working with students with disabilities. During my peer coach semesters, I have assisted the special education students learn communication and vocational skills. In the communication course that I peer coached in, I have had the privilege to work under the direction of a Speech and Language Pathologist and an Occupational Therapist. In the communication course, I helped students progress on their reading, writing, and communication skills. After the communication course, of my senior year, I worked with a special education
Every mistake I have ever made doesn’t seem to matter when I am around the children, every sad moment is forgotten when I get to spend time with them. Special needs kids never see the evil in the world, they are so full of love that their is no room for hate and although they are supposed to learn from me, I can learn so much more from them. I can learn to love unconditionally, never to be afraid to make a mistake, love myself for who I am, and to give everything I do with 100% effort! I am full of love for these kids, they see everything in such a pure form and deserve the best. I truly believe I could be the best teacher for these kids, I believe that not only my experience but passion, love, and patience for them would guide me throughout my career as a special education teacher. Spending time with the kids gives me a sense of purpose in this world and I want to be able to make the most of that feeling for them. I hope to be able to not only teach but orchestrate special olympics days, create sports teams for them, and create a happy, healthy environment for them to learn and
People are thought as child to dream big and reach for their goals. Throughout grade school to high school there are often asked what inspires them. Some people dream to become police officers, dancers, lawyers, and doctors. There are some people who chooses to become an educator. As they journey through college, to pursue the knowledge needed for their career, their passion leads them to special education. These teachers fine this career to be job satisfying, have empathy for the children, and the vacancy of the position viability. Not all teacher feel the same however, over time their dissatisfied with their job and leave because their brunt out.
Why is teaching an important profession to me? Life is about something, but what it is about for me it is the passing of knowledge that will make society move forward. Without the teacher, we would be in the dark, because, the light of someone teaching would not be. We would not advance as a society, on Medicare or agricultural advances.
As I grew older, I began to realize that students with disabilities have many significant obstacles to overcome. Seeing them get excited about learning things that we take for granted provided me with the desire to become part of their learning. For example, one kindergartner with Down Syndrome struggled daily to learn how to write the first letter of her name. It was such a joy for all of those involved when she finally succeeded. Working with these students furthered my resolve to not only fulfill my childhood dream of becoming a teacher, but I soon realized that special education is my niche. After 13 years of teaching in Glynn County, I still teach with the same fervor and enthusiasm as the first day I formally stepped into a classroom. My principal once said, “Teaching is not a job. It’s a profession.” I wholeheartedly believe in this philosophy. Education was never a back-up plan or alternative for me; being a teacher is who I am. As a special educator, I strive to
As a special education teacher I will be deeply impacting children's lives on a day to day basis. I will also get to build personal everlasting relationships with my students, their families, and my coworkers. Bing a special education teacher, is a ton of work, but I am prepared to raise to the challenge. I believe special education teaching is the most satisfying and meaningful
I have chosen to become a teacher because I believe that education is the center of a country’s development process and prosperity. I want to be an educator to play an effective role in my society’s revival. Besides, I have always dreamed to be a teacher; it is a passion, which I truly have since I was young. The strong teaching motivation, which I have is derived from the deep belief that teachers can make a big difference in their students’ lives. In addition, I believe that teaching is a noble profession, which should be taken seriously. I know that being a teacher is never easy; it comes with high responsibilities and obstacles, but I am sure that I have suitable qualifications, which make me eligible to overcome them. Education as a basic concept in my perspective is all about developing knowledge, skills, values, ethics, physical and spiritual aspects,
School is a major part of our young lives. It is where we spend the majority of our time as youngsters. Children begin to develop relationships with people who have not been apart of their infancy. For someone who does not enjoy school, this could put a damper on their relationships with others as well as their learning achievements in life. This is why I want to become a teacher. I want to develop a learning atmosphere where children feel joy and security.
I chose to major in special education to help children that desperately need the help and guidance to become independent individuals. Student with disabilities have the potential to become successful adults and with adequate motivation and influence students will live a fulfilled life. I have experience coaching elementary students, and this past year I was able to work with a student with a disability. Not only was I able to help her learn how to play basketball, but she also showed me the importance of students like her receiving an education. I have learned that not everyone has the patience to work with students with disabilities, which is one of the reasons why I chose this career path. These students deserve the best teachers in order to make them thrive as
loving the fact that there can be a difference in their lives. I’ve always wanted to become a teacher being
I want to be a special education teacher for many reasons. First, the community has made a big impact on me. I know how the children feel to be struggling in school. I want them to know that I also struggled in school and I still achieved my dream. I love
Since I was in fifth grade, I knew that I wanted to be an elementary teacher. It simply started off with liking school and my teacher. Then, as I was grew up and gained a better understanding of individuals with personalities, I thought that I could fall in love with special education as well as elementary education. I’ve had great experiences of being a teacher’s assistant for various classrooms and getting to working with children of all different backgrounds. Some children live their life's harder than others, but that is alright. That just means I have to do my job and find a teaching style that they can understand to help them grow to their full potential. I have also worked with many elderly individuals who have
I had recently lost my job and was enjoying the extra time with my young son. I had always volunteered in his classrooms when I could, but time in the classroom was limited due to the job. He was going into second grade and I instantly liked his teacher when I met her. I told her I would love to volunteer in her classroom whenever she wanted me and within a few weeks I became a regular in the class. I helped the second graders with their math, reading, writing, and social skills. I found that being in the classroom with those kids was something I enjoyed tremendously. That teacher must have seen a spark in me as well because she planted the seed for me to go into teaching. She has been my biggest influence for the type of teacher I wanted to be. She was calm, patient, loving, caring, a friend, and the biggest support and cheerleader for all of her students. I learned so much about teaching and myself while volunteering in her classroom that year. I discovered that I wanted to be a teacher while I watched her teach. But, most of all, I wanted to be just like her when I did it. I wanted to be a teacher who started every lesson with love and a passion that only someone who truly cherished their job could have.
Are teachers important? When you think about teachers do you think that they get the same pay grade as doctors, lawyers, or politicians? No teachers do not even come close, but does that mean that they are that less important? Teachers have the most challenging and important job in the world. Teachers have a very difficult job but in the end, it is rewarding. Teachers get to see children develop into bright leaders, and know in their hearts that they helped shaped that child into who he/she is today, and not every profession can say that. I want to become a teacher because it will give a feeling of accomplishment, I will be a setting a great example for my own children, and can positively affect the lives
From the time I was a seven years old till the current day, as a Sophomore at Benedictine University, I have wanted to become a teacher. The four years of high school, Oswego High School, I truly become passionate to become a teacher. I took the necessary general education classes, and my elective classes learning about child development and early childhood education. Once I graduated high school, I felt confident to become a teacher, but I discovered that special education was what I truly wanted to do. From the first day or first grade up to now, I have become a success student, which I can’t wait to become teacher I want to be an aspirational teacher one day to my future students.