Today, as many as 45 million kids play in competitive sports in the United States. Around 80% of kids under age 15 have quit (“Let’s Bring Back the Joy!”). Competitive Sports are sports aimed to improve one’s skill and abilities. Today, more kids than ever are competing in sports. Kids in competitive sports can get them scholars in collages. Some scholars pay off their college funds. Kids must be allowed to play competitive sports. Children do better in school when participating in sports and there are many opportunities for kids to specialize early. Children can do better in school when they are participating in sports. Kids that play sports are more fond to better discipline and better grades in school. Some kids that receive scholarships
Every year, 3.5 million children ages 14 and under get hurt playing competitive sports, according to’s article “The Case Against Competition”. Even though some people believe that competitive sports allow children to build confidence, that is not true. Competitive sports cause injury and pressure. It would be better if competitive sports were removed from the life of children so it does not cause more harm.
Playing sports or even having the knowledge of them can result into happier and more social students. In the video Notebook: Kids and Sports, Katie Couric states, “Playing sports cannot only give kids more confidence, it can also give them more rewarding friendships” (Notebook). This implies that our school can be more successful if we have greater variety of sports kids can join. Although being happier and more social isn't the only benefit of being in sports.
Many people argue that competitive sports raise numerous amounts of pressure on the youth making them distracted from things such as their education and because it can cause severe injuries, but some people argue that youth should play competitive sports because it teaches major life lessons that can help with many different aspects of their future such as college, getting a job, and many more. Playing competitive sports also improves your physical strength, another physical aspect of playing competitive sports is decreasing your chance of being obese or having disease. If you don't prefer to play competitive sports there are alternative options such as biking or walking to school. In an HT Health article “Sports Seen As Key Weapon in Fighting Teen Obesity” it says that in a study with 1,700 kids, ten percent walked or biked to school 3 ½ days a week,, in the study they found that biking or walking to school lowered the risk of being obese by 33%. I argue that kids should play competitive sports because of the important life skills taught through these sports and the physical benefit of playing sports. In this paper I will explain how communication, time management, and lowering the risk of being obese; supports my claim, “Kids should play competitive sports”
One reason that kids should play sports is that they create healthy lifestyles for themselves.For example, “kids who compete in sports know that they are only at their best when they are well fed and well rested, This shows that kids who play competitive sports set goals for themselves so they can get better in their sports,Also, “Sports practices and games provide an opportunity for exercise that can help keep kids in shape.” This shows that kids that play on a team sport they motivate themselves to do better in their sport so they don’t have time to sit around all day. In addition “to be a good
They are held to a higher academic standard, resulting in higher grades (Logos). In most cases, if a student does not meet the grade requirement, they are not allowed to participate. This motivates students do not care as much about academics to work harder and get better grades. Schools that have strong athletic programs also have higher test scores. Participating in sports can help students find a place where they fit in It has been proven that student athletes have higher self-esteem, which leads to higher academic achievement. Sports are a great way to burn off steam and relieve stress after a long day of school. Not to mention, involvement in sports is a great way to make long lasting friendships and it makes school more enjoyable. Athletes are more involved in school activities and in the community. This helps bring the community together. Sports enrich and contribute to education.
They promote concentration abilities and leadership traits. Most students in activities outside of school will say that sports help have a goal to have their grades at or to put in extra effort out. Furthermore, sports may not seem like they teach kids about life, but they improve social qualities and the ability to accept winning and losing appropriately. If someone you know wants to improve their kids grades find an extracurricular activity that they are interested and sign them up. It not only improves grades but they can improve friendships and qualities that might be needed when the kids grow
School sports have positive effects on children when they play. Kids will have higher expectations for themselves, and they will feel a lot better about it. They will set goals for themselves, and they will try to reach those goals by the end of the school year at their school. Also, if we had school sports the kids could have more friends and meet people and then create friendships. It would teach the kid´s teamwork, leadership and also patience for one another. School sport are very important to the child's positivity and what they are going to push for in their lives.
The second source states that students who participate in sport programs are more than likely to gain a good amount of "Sportsmanship" because most High School sports are recognized for their "Potentional Educational Benefits. The National Federation of State Highschool Activity Association promotes this to gain better chances of the youth having a more positive outcome as well as expanding their horizons of educational oppurtunities.bBut there are more things to depend on for education just than sports like "Have Sports Teams Brought Down Americas Schools?" by Elizabeth Kolbert stated, American high schools spend more time wasting money on sports than on more significant subjects such as Math or Language
One reason that kids should play sports is because it can help them in school. The text states, “According to a 2013 report from the institute of medicine physically active kids show more focus, and are better problem solvers, and score higher on tests.” This proves that when kids are active they have a lot more chance in school. They also, get better grades and studies show that a better percentage of kids pass school and their classes. “A 2012 study by the datalys study center found that young athletes have higher scores in math and English than those who don’t participate in sports.” Stated in the text. This explains that when kids are active and in some type of sports they can be improved with school and other things such as grades and determining if their stuff gets turned in on time. As you can see sports are a great thing for younger kids to keep them well in school and keep their brains intact in education.
Kids playing competitive sports is a fiercely debated topic due to recent major injuries caused by sports. Some people may think that competitive sports are dangerous and that kids are better off quitting sports and staying inside. But what most people don’t think about is the fact that competitive sports are fun ways to stay active and learn how to handle winning and losing, as well as being healthy and learning teamwork. It’s obvious that kids should be able to play competitive sports because it helps them stay healthy, supports being social, and gives kids a positive challenge.
Over the years, many parents have asked the question, should their child play in competitive sports? They might think it is too dangerous and their child could get hurt. They might also think it could teach their child to be aggressive. It has been proven that playing sports while young can help improve development. There are many benefits for children playing competitive sports at a young age, like helping develop skills and characteristics that they may use when they are older, but there should be no requirements for them to play.
Being involved in competitive sports is great for kids...right? Well, maybe not. It turns out that many parents are pushing their kids too hard. The ongoing debate on weather kids should be involved in these types of sports has spread throughout the parenting world like wildfire and it has many parents pondering weather they should let their children be part of it. Competitive youth sports are not worth the drawbacks because kids can be seriously injured, there is brutal training involved, and instead of doing something useful, these kids are stuck in boot camp.
Do you have a passion, something you love to do more than anything? Imagine people trying to stop you from doing what you love because they think it’s not useful or a waste. Some people say competitive sports cost too much and they are way too dangerous for young kids to participate in. However, for many youth, competitive sports play a positive role. When kids play competitive sports, they are happier and they learn how to be healthy. Also, they learn life lessons that they will need for the future.
Students that play sports usually get better grades because they are required to work harder to keep their grades up. If their grades begin to drop they would most likely be kicked off of the team until their grades improve. Sports can help kids get rid of boredom because most kids stay home in front of a tv, computer, or phone. This means that they have nothing to do, and they have nothing to keep them busy. If kids play sports they would probably
Sports keep students out of trouble. If students are in sports they cannot be out doing other things. Students that do not have anything to do after school will go find something to do, good or bad. Students need to play sports to keep them out of trouble; you never know what kind of trouble they will get into. Today