resistant armor. In other countries, such as the United Kingdom, law enforcement officers wear combination armor. Next, let’s talk about body worn camera these are very important. This could help put a lot of people in jail or even corrupt officers. In a sample of police departments surveyed in 2013, approximately 75 percent of them reported that they did not use body-worn cameras. The survey was funded by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and conducted by the Police Executive Research Forum PERF’s report about the survey notes a number of perceived benefits for using body-worn cameras, including better evidence documentation and increased accountability and transparency. But the report also notes many other factors that law
Across the country a growing number of legislative departments have been debating about the pros and cons of police body cameras. This paper will further explore benefits, as well as the downfalls of using such devices. This paper will also look at specific cases and examine whether or not body cameras were helpful in various situations. It will examine if they were a deterrent in cases dealing with police brutality and domestic violence. It also looks at how they could be misused and assisting some officers in covering up their corrupt behavior.
Law enforcement has faced a lot of criticism regarding the relationship between the people with the inner communities. The change in law enforcement is now taking place in most departments across the country. In the next ten years the criminal justice system with implement body cameras for every officer. These cameras will change the face of law enforcement. First it will protect the officer from malicious prosecution for miss use of force. For example, the Michael Brown case in Ferguson Missouri involved a police shooting of an unarmed black male. In this case the officer use of deadly force was called into question, because some witnesses believed that the shooting was unlawful. Due to the lack of supportive evidence, it created an uproar
Within recent years there has been much controversy surrounding police officers and whether or not they should be wearing body cameras to document their everyday interactions with the public. While the use of body cameras may seem to invade the public or police privacy. Police-worn body cameras will be beneficial to law enforcement and civilians all over the world. Police must be equipped with body cameras to alleviate any doubt in the effectiveness of officers. Law enforcement worn body cameras would enhance the trust of the public by keeping both the officers and the citizens accountable for their actions, providing evidence, and helping protect them from false accusations, while protecting privacy
It is hard for judges to make a decision when both sides present a different story in front of them. Recently there was a case where the side of the victim and the of the police officer had different stories to tell. This case which had occurred in Chicago will prove one of my reasons of why police officers should wear body cameras. The case involved five police officers who had swore under the oath that they had pulled over a suspect because he had failed to use his turn signal. "In court one the officer testified that when he asked the driver for his license and registration, he smelled marijuana and directed the suspect to leave the car and stand by the trunk as the vehicle was searched"(Scheindlin, 2015). During this search the officer
Main Part 2 (Facts, data, expert opinion): (2mins) Supporting Details: Look at the pros, facts and results of police body cameras a) Picture of the USA where body cameras are being used and where they are thinking of using them. (powerpoint) b) Results of communities that already have body cameras in action. The rates of complains and abuse have gone down 60-88%. c) Reason why we should have body cameras: build better trust between police officers and their communities, protects the lives of the police officer and civilians and enforces the law in order to prevent wrong actions. Spoken Link: These are the facts of body cameras but others may have another opinion on them.
Fortunately for me, I was able to compile an ample amount of research from my Anointed Bibliography, however, it lacked crucial data, more so, the thoughts of law enforcement officers in my local community. My plan of attack focuses on the views of both the police and the public about body-worn police cameras. I shall create surveys in which I intend on distributing throughout three random neighborhoods of various economic and social backgrounds which includes poor, middle class, and wealthy communities in and around the Phoenix area. I plan to survey at least twenty-five people from each neighborhood by on going door to door in the communities which will be determined at a later date. The surveys will consist of five closed ended yes or no questions that include; Question 1: At this time, are you happy with the police and policing they do in your community? Question 2: Do you think that body-worn police cameras help the police, the people in their community or both? Question 3: Would you like to see police in your community implement a body-worn camera policy if they do not already have one in place? Question 4: Have you ever had any encounters with the police? Question 5: If you answered yes to Question4, Do you believe that had the officer been required to wear a body-worn camera, the encounter would have turned out differently for the better, worse or the same outcome?
The social media and the public might want police body cam footage release but sometimes it might be to graphic or controversial. Police body cameras have been a topic since the incident with Michael Brown in august of 2014. Police shot and killed an unarmed individual in ferguson, MO, leading to many people wanting cameras on police. Whether the cameras are a good idea or not this paper will explore the facts and sides of police body cameras. Overall body cameras should be required Because they can save the lives of the innocent, keep innocent people from going to jail, and can help a case as more evidence.
Improving accountability and transparency, body cameras aid in deescalating situations between citizens and officers. Ariel favored body cameras “For this reason, body cameras record everything and relay unbiased evidence. They increase transparency, heighten accountability, and keep the actions of all parties in check. In results to this police-public interaction becomes less heated with public. Police officers are more cautious and risk averse when wearing body cameras”
The officers provide protection for the community, and when they are put in danger they should feel like a camera or other device has their back. The article“Body Cameras Will Stop Police Brutality” talks about studies that have been conducted to show the effects of police body cameras. The author affirms, “Studies done in localities that have implemented body-worn cameras have shown a positive impact by demonstrating a commitment to transparency and accountability and helping to de-escalate potentially tense interactions” (1). As aforementioned body cameras have been touted as an effective method to help the defender if a cop has done wrong. Now body cameras not only defend one side but both. The use of body cameras can physically protect a police officer; in this instance the perpetrator is more willing to be arrested when he or she knows they are on tape. Additionally, author Tsin Yen Koh brings up the idea that a suspect behaves better on
There has been some debate on the matter of whether or not law enforcement officials should wear body cameras or not. Law enforcement officers should wear body-worn cameras because it will help the officers while on patrol and the offender while being arrested or stopped. This topic has been debated for a long period of time. It really came to light when Michael Brown, an 18 year old african american boy, was shot and killed in August of 2014 by Officer Wilson, in Ferguson, Missouri.
Body cameras in policing are still new, but more and more agencies are beginning to implement this technology into their line of work. At first police officers were very hesitant to wear these body cameras because they were afraid they would infringe themselves and give away their own privacy. Later, as body cameras were beginning to see more use in the work place, officers began to realize that these very own body cameras that they once thought would only cause themselves harm would actual prove to be useful in a variety of situations. Some of these situations can be citizen complaints, to even backing up an officers use of force. Body cameras can be the one sole thing that can give
“The San Diego Police Department says that since officers began wearing body cameras nearly three years ago, there have been significant decreases in misconduct allegations and high-level uses of force” (Garrick 1). Along with reducing use of high level force by 16.4% (Garrick 1), body cameras can help prevent serious crime from happening or creating excessive tension. As Rachel Idowu said, “At some point, Boston could have a Ferguson [a killing at the hands of police]. Let’s put the cameras on to prevent that from happening. Rather than be reactive, let’s be proactive” (Marcelo 2). Body cameras also help maintain order by reducing the number of allegations made. According to a report done in San Diego, misconduct allegations decreased by 43.1% from 2013 to 2016 and more serious allegations went down 47.4 %. (Garrick 1). All of these factors are due to police body cameras, which help maintain order in
Recent news headlines with vivid video evidence of police brutality have inspired debates around law enforcement’s use of excessive force particularly against those in minority communities. Historically, there has been tension between minority communities and law enforcement resulting in mutual distrust. In order to dissolve these tensions and build this trust, policy initiatives have been put in place to encourage accountability and transparency. This paper will discuss the prospects that body cameras offer to help achieve transparency, accountability, and build trust. However, policies promoting transparency and accountability are not enough.
Much interest in the technology of the body cameras comes from a growing problem that the United States has been having a major problem with police violence. Though some might argue that the wearing of body cameras violate privacy, in fact the use of the cameras will minimize violence, show accountability, and a human side of policing. These body cameras would help serve by providing video evidence that can be referenced and use anytime allegations are made against police officers and criminals alike. The use of these body cameras are somewhat in the evaluation and study stages, but they are quickly becoming the standard in some police departments across the United States. These cameras would not only serve to provide video evidence, but it provide accountability. The ideal policy for the cams is that they stay on and continue recording throughout police officers shifts, which would help eliminate any possibility of doing something that would not be used as evidence later on and help them evade the recording of abuse committed while on duty.
The idea of utilizing cameras in law enforcement is not a new idea as we employed them long before the recent civil unrest. However, the question remains how are we to effectively wear them, when should we turn them on, and will they exactly represent the entirety of the incident, and are there privacy issues? These are just a few problematic areas related to camera usage by officers, with numerous other areas of concern that require addressing. Additionally, the reflex decision to attempt nationwide implementation of camera utilization is terrible, and in reality, a Band-Aid for dealing with the people’s mistrust of government.