Mike Pagratis Art History Reading Questions Due: 10/6/16 Ch 1 Reading Questions 4) Post and Lintel Construction is made when giant structures are standing upright; these are called the posts. The lintels are the horizontal structures that are placed on top of the posts. The main structural limitations are the lintels cannot be extremely heavy and they have to be well supported by the posts, or else they can fall down. The most popular example that is also in our text is Stonehenge on page 18. 5) Corbeling is when rocks are stacked on top of each other, and they end up meeting at the top where one stone is placed to join the two structures. On page 17, you can see corbeling where the different size stones are stacked on top of one another,
Because of the his brilliant idea, he broke “all the standard rules of the day” in its design by using steel to replace wood to build the water tower. He explained to use the eight column were better preference to four, as it can bring the task placed upon the metal of the tank shell to transmit the loads to the post well within the limits which existing structures have shown to be safe. The height and capacity of the water tower were monumental at that time, nevertheless they were considered the requirement for a thriving
And with using the “techniques” they were able to build stronger structures like never before. But most of the buildings that were large were usually made or built out
Let us begin by going back to a time before the Great Wall, The Great Pyramids, and even Stonehenge. A time that could not even fathom the thought of metal tools and tall buildings. This time is the Neolithic period between 3180-2500 BCE and the location is the west coast of the mainland of Orkney in Scotland. There you will find the ancient ruins of Skara Brae. During the winter of 1850 a massive storm hit the coast of Orkney. A combination of fierce winds and high tides stipped the top layer of soil from the ground to reveal the outline of an old building. Intrigued by the outlines the local laird, William Watt of Skill, started excavating the site too see what he could find. In 1868 the site was abandoned for unknown reasons and in later
1. | A Classical colonnade around a building or courtyard is called a | | peristyle |
During The Iliad we see the warrior ethos as being the main ethos, but as we transfer to The Odyssey we see the transformation from warrior ethos to domestic ethos. Furthermore, the novel is based on domestic ethos and how home affects the warrior. Throughout The Odyssey we see Odysseus trying to make his way home after the Trojan War. On his adventure home he goes through trials and challenges before he actually makes it home. He has to outsmart people to be able to get where he wants to with out dying. This task is not easy but eventually he makes it. Moreover, we realize that warrior ethos is not the major ethos represented in the novel. It is domestic ethos. Odysseus learns how to use the domestic ethos to his
During the construction, two half-spans being assembled 50 meters above ground level had a misalignment of 4.5 inches or 114mm in camber. It was suggested by John Holland & Constructions to use a kentledge to weigh down the higher section of bridge. It so happened that they had ten, eight tonne concrete blocks on site. These were placed halfway along the higher span to
Working as a Juvenile Supervision Officer for the Fort Bend County Juvenile Probation Department, I come in contact with a lot of juvenile offenders. What I have notice during my tenure is that the majority of the juveniles I see are minorities, African- American, Hispanic and Asian young men and women. According to The Sentencing Project, “In 2010, African Americans comprised 17 percent of all juveniles, but 31 percent of all arrests.” Do juveniles of color commit crimes and come in contact with authorities more often than white juveniles?
The Roman Empire is credited with the development of many great achievements. These achievements can still be seen in Rome and throughout the world. The Romans are well known for their aqueduct system and huge colosseum that are still standing today. These monumental building feats would not have been created without the use and knowledge of many different techniques. The use of cement was one of the technologies employed to build these large structures. The utilization of arches was another. Many people associate the idea of arches with the Romans. However, they were not the first people to utilize arches. This paper will concentrate on why the Romans were credited with developing the arch; what they did to improve previous cultures use of arches; and how the Romans used arches to create massive structures that are still standing today.
First off, the reason for why they were built in the first place. These formations date between 3300 and 4500 BC, so this is proof of them being built during Neotlithic times. One of the first types of formations is alignments. These are basically long rows of spaced boulders covering a large area. The stones
Post, in the Corinthian style. The Manufactures Building measures 787’ in width and stretched in length of 16897’.” (Burg 132) “Carl Conduit has judged that “The manufactures Building revealed the most extensive and elaborate system of hinged-arched framing ever undertaken in the United States.”” (Burg 97) The arches that are involved were not seen until the Roman’s dominated in the field of architecture.
DILI is currently the leading cause of acute liver failure in the USA and Europe. In addition, DILI is also the primary cause of attrition in drug development and is one of the most common reasons for drug withdrawal from the marketplace, restrictions of indication and project terminations. Between 1969 and 2002 12 out of 76 drugs removed from the market were due to DILI [1]. Not only does the lack of specific detection of DILI lead to drugs causing harm and being removed from the market but false positives can also lead to unnecessary attrition and non-approval of drugs therefore preventing patients from accessing beneficial drugs and also creating an economical issue. The wide range of DILI clinical presentation and offending agents, the
Although these problems were corrected and the idea of building a skyscraper became a feasible task, there were many conditions that had to be taken into account, that did not need consideration when building a structure less than 40 stories tall. Four story buildings are supported by their own walls; however a new method needed to be created for skyscrapers since the previous building method would not provide enough support. Metal skeletal frames made of columns and beams were then developed to provide the support and strength needed for the skyscrapers. As the buildings grew taller, their structural design was made lighter and stiffer. Also, as the buildings grew taller, wind became an important issue. Normally, the force that acts on the skyscraper pushes directly downward towards the ground that would then counter balance that push. However, when an additional force acts on it, such as wind, the forces would act differently on the skyscraper. With a lateral force acting on the building, the steel columns of the frame on the windy side would stretch apart slightly while the columns on the other side would compress. Therefore, the skeletal frame built had to be made so that the structure would be free to move slightly with the wind and, at the same time, remain sturdy.
Superstructure bears the load that is being passed over the bridge and it transmits the forces caused by the same to substructure. Load received from the decking is transferred on to the substructure by Bearings. They also distribute the load evenly over the substructure material as it may not have sufficient strength to bear the superstructure load directly. Piers and Abutments are the vertical substructures which transfer the load to the earth in the foundation. Wing walls and returns are constructed as the extension of
arge eruptions of basalt lava created deep flows of molten rock. The rock slowly cools and shrinks slightly. The stresses cause jointing in several different planes, and columns of rock form with a generally hexagonal shape and a horizontal jointing here, too.
Metamorphic rocks are pre-existing rocks that are changed by heat and pressure. The pre-existing rock is called the parent rock, or protolith. Metamorphism occurs in these rocks when the minerals become instable. There are two types of metamorphism, contact and regional. Contact is high temperature, low pressure. It is basically a massive rock that is baked. Regional is high pressure and low temperature. Strong fabric, or layering, develops from