Many body builders mans believed in “The pain you feel it today will be the strength you feel it tomorrow”. Boys nowadays spend their free time at the gym. All they want it to have a big body full of muscles. That is not the case; the case is that some boys are taking steroid. The steroid came like bills or injections and it have many types, each type has a specific job on the man body. It act like a hormones or vitamins that help the muscles to build faster. There are three impacts of using the steroid such as, disrupting the hormonal system, damaging the heart and losing in athletic competitions.
The initial effect is, ruining the normal work of the hormonal system of the man body. If the men used to take the steroid, it will make some
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Some studies show that the steroid has a bad effect on the human heart. Some of the steroid ingredients make the blood pressure get higher after taking the injection. Every time the man will take the steroid the blood pressure will raise. As a result, this will make the heart become weak and it might leads to a heart attack.
The last effect is loosing in some athletic competitions. Most of these men are getting fitness and have muscle not just for having power. They want to join in some competitions for the best body. They work on their selves on the gym but there is no enough time so they use the steroid to get their muscles bigger. These types of competitions do not allow them to join if they knew that they are doing that. So, if the judges know they will lose the competitions. In that moment, they will feel angry because of the mood swings, and their blood pressure will get much higher and that is a big problem for their health.
To summaries, there are three different effect of taking the steroid. Changing the hormones, damage the heart, loosing the game. I suggest to any boy who wants to build up his body, to find a good coach that can help him at the gym and give him a good diet that will build his muscles faster and in healthy way. Lastly, I think that the ministry of health takes the decision on stopping these type of injection and
In the excerpt from “In Another Country”, Ernest Hemingway skillfully pulls the reader’s mind into the world of fall in Milan. Hemingway offers many rhetorical devices to his audiences, adapting each one’s mind too one of an Italian in this time and season. The author presents devices such as imagery, diction, and pathos.
The steroid use among secondary school competitors has multiplied between the times of 1991 and 2003. Weaver clarifies the risks of steroid use among youthful competitors. The utilization of steroids can make harm the heart and liver. It can likewise bring about skin break out and weight pick up. Weaver likewise clarifies the withdrawals from steroid utilize like discouragement enduring up to 6 months. As per Dr. Yesalis, the utilization of steroids is expanding among secondary school competitors since it's "A medication that can make you more well known, sexually appealing and can make you a
Steroids can also cause hair loss, formation of “Mini breasts” and penile shrinking and low to no sperm production. Steroids can also cause heart disease, pain while urinating, HIV/aids from sharing needles, and cancer. Withdraw symptoms also start up after taking “roids”. Illness, dizziness, vision problems, anxiety, and depression are just some of the problems that can happen to the body and mind.
Athletes will have a choice of if they want to do steroids or not. There are many side effects of using steroids. One of the side effects is that the body will stop producing natural testosterone. The next side effect is that steroids cause
The negative effects of these drugs range far and many. For men the effects are much worse. For instance there is increased irritability and aggressiveness also called "roid rages". Then comes the Acne, due to the stimulation of the oil glands in the skin. You can also start developing premature hair loss and a bloated appearance from excess salt and water being retained by the body. The last effect is due to the effect of steroids on the testicles. The brain monitors the amount of testosterone in the body, if it detects a large amount (due to steroids) it will stop the testicles producing more and so less sperm is produced and impotence may occur, which also may result in a decreased sex drive. Apart from the hair loss, the above effects are generally reversible upon stopping steroid use. Adolescent steroid use may lead to a premature fusion of the epiphyses (the end of growing bones) which can lead to stunted growth.(Paterson pg 102)
Steroids are also increasing the risk of getting gallstones. Use of steroids also effects your cardiovascular system. There are two kinds of cholesterol in your body high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. HDL is good for the body but LDL is very hazardous to your health. Using steroids lowers the number of HDL in the body in most of the users. The lowering of the amount of HDL in the body puts the person at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure and blood-clotting problems. Some of the physicians also think that steroids also cause abnormal fat deposits in the body and change the way the body processes carbohydrates. Men who use steroids also can develop serious
Abuse of anabolic steroids may lead to mental problems, such as paranoid (extreme, unreasonable) jealousy, extreme irritability ,delusions (false beliefs or ideas), impaired judgment. Extreme mood swings can also occur, including "roid rage"—angry feelings and behavior that may lead to violence. Aside from mental problems, steroid use commonly causes severe acne. It also causes the body to swell, especially in the hands and feet. The long-term effects are kidney problems or failure ,liver damage ,enlarged heart, high blood pressure, and changes in blood cholesterol, all of which increase the risk of stroke and heart attack, even in young people. The gender specific effects in men are shrinking testicles ,decreased sperm count, baldness, development of breasts, increased risk for prostate cancer.
Steroids have many different effects, mostly negative. They cause the rapid increase of strength and power (Roberts, 2). Steroids help to heal muscles quicker after they have been used. It acts as the male hormone testosterone and gives the user more energy. This is the effect that most users are trying to obtain. They also have the effect of powering up the bodies metabolism and helps to burn body fat. This output is looked for mostly obsess people. With have the time and effort of regular diet and weight training steroids may look like a great quick body tune-up. However the negative effects may short live the positive by a long shot.
Effects of steroids on your body. If someone take steroids they will have a chance at getting liver, heart, and kidney diseases. “Anabolic Steroids increase the size of your muscle cells and causing them to hypertrophy or to get bigger” (Q&A: Impact of Steroids). You happen to lose hair as well as having altered mood swings such as: increased aggression.
Many of the physical effects are terrible and teens shouldn’t have to deal with them. Even though the effects of steroids are hazardous, athletes still use them to try and gain an edge. PED’s are thought by many to increase strength and aggressiveness, decrease fatigue, attain greater intensity, and make athletes have more duration (Anderson). On one hand these are true for some athletes. But on the other hand physical effects trump the potential benefits from the different drugs. Athletes still want to win no matter what and this is acknowledged by Susan Jay, “Reasons for use volunteered by respondents in a space provided included improvements in sexual performance, body definition, mass, penile size, and ligament strength.” These, along with others, are why people use steroids. PED use causes negative effects. A few physical changes in males are changes in body, muscle growth, rapid weight gain, and development of upper body. These are not always easy to point out. Some more are enlarged breasts, male-pattern baldness, shrinking of testicles, and excessive body hair growth (“Performance-enhancing drugs and teen athletes”). These are a problem for adolescent athletes. The other effects can be more frightening. Mentioned in “Performance-enhancing drugs and teen athletes,” blood clotting, high blood pressure and cholesterol, liver problems, and reduced sperm productions are a
Another effect from steroid use is health problems. They are high blood pressure and heart disease, liver damage and cancer, kidney and prostate problems and increased risk of ruptured tendons… acne and hair loss, as well as gender-specific problems: atrophy of the testicles, reduced sperm count and the growth of breasts in men; the growth of body hair, deeper voice and menstrual problems in women… altered moods, depression and "roid rage", hallucinations, paranoia and anxiety. In adolescents, they can stunt growth by signaling the body
When using steroids for a long period of time it can have many consequences. If he or her starts the use of steroid use in adolescence years it could change the behavior of him or her in greater ways and change them into their adult lives. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 9th through 12th graders have or use steroids 4.4-5.7 percent of boys and 1.9-3.8 percent of girls use. (Fernandez, Hosey, 2009)
However, steroids should remain illegal because they physically deteriorate the whole body system. When injected one risks the chances of developing hematoma and contracting AIDS. In women steroids contribute to the growth of facial hair, enlargements of the clitoris, shrinkage of the uterus, sterility, deepening of the voice, decrease in breast size and irregularity of the menstrual cycle. In men steroids cause shrinkage of the testicles, decrease in sperm count, sterility, impotence, prostate enlargement and growth of female breast. In both men and women hair loss, liver ailments, acne, atherosierosis and cancer are very common. This dangerous drug shortens the life span up to twenty years and increases the chance of obtaining diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. The side effects and reactions from enduring anabolic steroids are endless.
Females undergo changes that make them more like men due to the testosterone being in their system. They have a deepened voice, hair growth, acne, and infertility (Monroe 18,35). Also steroids turn cartilage to bone, stunting growth (Rojak 25). Many of the early side effects can be reversed but long terms ones can be very damaging (Cowart and Yesalis 2). The more serious symptoms that both sexes undergo are kidney, liver, and heart disease. Tumors can be formed in the kidney and liver due to steroid use (Monroe 35). Knowing that you can weigh the pros and cons I will now tell you why people use them in the first place.
The effects of steroids are more serious than people think. Steroids can effect the human body by stopping the human functions. There are too many to list, but one of them is that it can make humans look more masculine. People that take steroids are risking their bodies in ways that can leave permanent damage to the body. The steroid can stay in the body for a long time, so it effect the body even weeks after you take the steroid. Pills will stay in the body up to a couple of weeks, while injections can stay in the body for as long as a couple of mouths. If the steroid stays in body that long, the effect from it can get worse and could seriously injury the person using them. Steroids are unhealthy for the body and could lead to