
Why Do Not Believe In Animal Rights

Decent Essays

Although most humans identify the majority of animals as pets or companions, there are many people who do not believe in animal rights at all. Millions of companies have been using animals for research and testing for years and possibly even centuries. There are people who actually believe that animals have no other use than to better medical research and experiments. Most companies argue that it is beneficial to humans to use animals for research and of course that makes the issue seem justified to some. No matter the reason behind the testing, whether it be for medical reasons, product safety or even veterinary testing for other animals, there is absolutely no justification for the act of using an actual living creature for testing or research.
One of the most common ways companies use animals for research and testing is for medical purposes. Even though it is helpful to humans in some aspects, the animals including mice, sheep, rabbits, pigs, and even dogs suffer from extreme pain and sometimes even fatality. These animals undergo various different types of testing. They are stuck with needles and also force fed liquid medicines in order to see the reaction from the particular medication. Yes, the reaction from the animals does give …show more content…

From cosmetics to hygiene companies, animals are used for testing of different products to make sure they are safe on skin as well as other parts of the body. Some examples would include eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, soaps, and even household and hair products. Why cannot these certain institutions test their products on actual human beings instead of defenseless animals? Some people argue that the particular animals that are used for testing are actually bred for just that. This argument may seem valid until one puts deeper thought into it and realizes that no matter if they are bred for testing or bred naturally, the pain and deathly reactions remain the

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