Although most humans identify the majority of animals as pets or companions, there are many people who do not believe in animal rights at all. Millions of companies have been using animals for research and testing for years and possibly even centuries. There are people who actually believe that animals have no other use than to better medical research and experiments. Most companies argue that it is beneficial to humans to use animals for research and of course that makes the issue seem justified to some. No matter the reason behind the testing, whether it be for medical reasons, product safety or even veterinary testing for other animals, there is absolutely no justification for the act of using an actual living creature for testing or research.
One of the most common ways companies use animals for research and testing is for medical purposes. Even though it is helpful to humans in some aspects, the animals including mice, sheep, rabbits, pigs, and even dogs suffer from extreme pain and sometimes even fatality. These animals undergo various different types of testing. They are stuck with needles and also force fed liquid medicines in order to see the reaction from the particular medication. Yes, the reaction from the animals does give
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From cosmetics to hygiene companies, animals are used for testing of different products to make sure they are safe on skin as well as other parts of the body. Some examples would include eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, soaps, and even household and hair products. Why cannot these certain institutions test their products on actual human beings instead of defenseless animals? Some people argue that the particular animals that are used for testing are actually bred for just that. This argument may seem valid until one puts deeper thought into it and realizes that no matter if they are bred for testing or bred naturally, the pain and deathly reactions remain the
Approximately 225 million animals are used for testing every year. Billions have been killed in the process. ("Questions and Answers About Biomedical Research.”) How can this be allowed? Isn’t it cruel to use animals to test products for humans? Many animal rights activists say, “yes” to this question. However, scientists argue it is necessary and animal research can help save human lives. There are probable arguments for both sides. But the dangers of using animals to test products for human use weighs an even greater risk than not using the animals. Alternatives are much more ethical.
Firstly, I strongly disagree that animals should be tested upon by scientists, it's a cruel and selfish action taken by humans. The reason why I disagree, is that animals have different bodies than us. So the chemical might affect them differently: for example, if the product has no effect on the animal, it doesn't mean that it won't affect us humans the same. Think about it, what if it gives unwanted effects to the users? Some may have expected test results, but this doesn't count for ALL animals.
Although many people agree with testing products on animals, they ask ‘Who else are we going to test our products on?’ Nobody! Don’t add harsh chemicals in the products and then the animals and humans are both healthier. Beyond millions of animals that die and are captured every year just from animal testing alone. Treating an animal cruelty is never okay, especially when they’re torturing the animals with harsh chemicals due to testing. If people would stand up and try to protect animals we’d be saving certain animals from becoming extinct and we’d also save a ton of money.
Animals are used for a variety of different tests. Human disease cures are always tried on animals first, most make up must perform experiments with the product on animals first, and dogs and pigs are used to practice surgery on for surgeons. It is not fair and humane to conduct experiments on animals to make sure a product or procedure is safe for us to use or endure. There are no legitimate reasons that an animal’s life is worth less than our own. I think that animal's should have similar rights that people have because they too feel pain and experience emotions and just because they look different doesn’t mean that they are that much different than us.
There was once a time in our world where our animals were treated like gold to us humans because they provided our food we eat. However, according to the ASPCA, “99% of farm animals nationwide live in factory farms”, where they only focus on making money and keeping their business strong. Factories do not care about what happens to the animals, but I believe that we should. Animals are not just pets or food, they are living creatures on the planet just like us humans. If we are raising all these animals to be slaughtered for our food, then why not treat them fairly? Their lives are being taking to keep us alive and healthy, the least thing we can do is treat the animals good so they can die in peace. I believe that animal cruelty should be a very big issue in the U.S and we should find a way to make sure animals are treated nicely.
Millions of animals are used for product testing and most of them do not come out alive. For proof, says that every year in the United States over 25 million animals are used in biomedical experimentation, product and cosmetic testing, and science education. That tells us that millions of animals are used in biomedical experimentation, cosmetic testing, and science education. The animals are treated harshly and there is a 99% chance that they will die. Similarly, states that
To be brief, animal testing has its rights and wrongs as well as its limits. Constant argument between the two sides brings the helping views from both perspectives. A scientific purpose allows one to gain information and build up to new achievements while a commercial purpose gives results of which product is harmful. Both currently make an impact in society with their beneficial results. Yet with the information and number of new improvements one makes, animal testing should only be in use for scientific purposes. With data and proof, one is able to prove and conclude which one is best to
The concept of using animals as though their lives are disposable is a way that many people are raised. They are taught that animals are here for our use to eat and harvest their resources to better our own lives. The concept of having pets complicates this thought process, as pets are considered to be integral parts of a family and laws surrounding abuse towards these furrier members of a family prove the previous statement to seem false. Our society has made a hypocrisy around which animals are friends and which are not. The animal rights movement challenges society and its double sided behaviour towards animals. Often times, once people learn about animal abuse committed by a person or company, they are immediately horrified. This is because most people feel compassion, and sympathize with the animals. Most people’s opinions around the use of animals for testing products are changed when they realize how much abuse goes on behind the scenes. Me personally, before the research I regarded animal testing as a necessity in order to ensure the most safe product. However, after learning about animal testing my opinion has changed. I acknowledge the scientific research supporting animal testing, however the ethics of how the animals are treated makes me disagree with the practise. It really changed my opinion on animal testing. It also made me think of the ideology humans have that they are the
Can anyone seriously say that they would like to be poisoned, burned, starved or killed? Well that is what happens to millions of animals a year, anywhere between ten and one hundred million in fact. Animal testing, is the process in which (non-human) animals are used in research to help predict the effects of a medicine, cosmetic appliance etc on the human body. Most of these experiments force the animal in question to undergo something that is likely to cause pain, suffering or lasting harm. There are many arguments as to why animal testing is needed, and in some cases why it is right. But for every one of them, there are ten times as many reasons as to why it is wrong and unnecessary. And so there should be. So many animals annually are killed for things such as makeup and shampoo, and yet the companies who do this try to justify why it is okay. Why it is necessary. It’s ridiculous.
Many question on whether animals should have legal rights or not. To say that animals should have rights is both ethical and unethical. The animal civil rights movement started in 1975. Civil disobedience was used as a tactic to gain public attention for their cause. It was argued that since non-human animals cannot enter a social contract, they cannot possess any legal rights. To say that people oppose the idea of animals being as free-willed as humans does not mean that they are advocates for animal abuse; but it was declared immoral to give animals irrelevant and useless rights that they would not understand.
Many people believe that animal testing is cruel and unnecessary, but I think that it’s extremely important. Animals should be used for commercial and scientific testing because they are the most similar creature to humans, it also assures safety for humans before using the products and helps to find medical treatments.
Animals across the world are used in animal testing and animal research these acts are wrong because animals have rights, feelings, and there are alternatives to animal testing.
For thousand of years companies test their products on animals and experiment on them causing horrible effects. These animals are innocent and do not deserve to be treated like this. Those experiments cause the animals to develop deformities and diseases. However if you help out and do your part you can help prevent animal testing. There are many alternatives to animal testing that most people do not know about. Animal testing is a big issue and should be stopped.
Would you lock humans up in cages so small that you can't move an inch, or take a newborn baby away from their mother just so you can have milk for your cereal? Animal rights activist’s want to put laws and regulations into order to protect animals. Animals are abused in ways that are disturbing such as taking their babies away after birth for an abundance of milk, giving animals an unsafe amount of antibiotics, and the mental suffering cages cause.
Society view living creatures in two ways: as equal to ourselves or simply as lowly organisms. We tend to underestimate that since they are not humans, they do not undergo the feelings we experience. Animals want to be treated the way we want to be treated. In discussions of animal rights, one controversial issue has been whether to grant animals legal rights. On one hand, many animal activists argue that animals need their own Bill of Rights to better safeguard them against cruelty and abuse. On the other hand, some conservatives maintain that adding further protections for animals is extreme, financially burdensome, and harmful to humans. Still others insist on a middle-of-the-road approach to improving the quality of life for animals