I have to agree with paras earning low wages. At Kankakee School District, paraeducators’s earnings are based on grades; therefore, for the a Grade 1, a new para would start at $12.08 hourly with full benefits, which in my opinion is very under paid for all the responsibilities that a para must perform in their jobs. Also, another factor that paraeducators perform is depending on grade and type of students that a para will be working with may entail minor medical procedures or changing a child’s clothing due to accidents such as wetting or soiling their clothes. The environment for paras is always an ongoing cycle with something new or challenging each day and no day is the same. In addition, in some circumstances, the para will teach a lesson
Paraprofessionals and teachers play an important role in the success of children development. Typically, Paraprofessionals and teachers provide support and guidance in the classroom. When it was time for me to interview a Paraprofessional and teacher it was important to me to ask questions but also fully understand the answers that are given to me so that I can grow professionally when I became a paraprofessional or teacher. I asked both teachers the same questions and told them to elaborate on anything else they would like to discuss that goes on in the classroom. The role of the paraprofessional in the classroom environment is often imprecise and leaves too much room for clarification which can contribute to being frustrated in the role
In Animal Farm, the pigs use propaganda and euphemisms to achieve and self promote their desires. One way propaganda is used is when squealer gives a speech about how the apples and milk are a necessity to the pigs’ diet. Secondly, the pigs decide to let Moses the raven live on the farm so the animals will accept their current life. The pigs use the euphemism readjustment of rations to seem like they are not taking much food from the animals and special education to refer as puppy training. Propaganda and euphemisms are used by the pigs.
While this current arrangement is causing some frustration on behalf of the Office of Professional Learning, it was necessary due to budgetary cuts. Since these services were contracted out, paraprofessional stability has been a concern. Many employees do not stay in the role long term and often leave mid-year cause classrooms to enter a state of disequilibrium. In the future, the MCIU would like to bring paraprofessionals back into the organization so they can provide a more rigorous induction program which could lead to less turnover in the role.
Minorities encounter unequal pay who have same qualifications as the standard group in America, which are the white Americans. The minority group with the largest pay gap are the Hispanic and Latina women who receive only 54 percent of "what a white man were paid in 2014" (Hill, n.d., para 8). Hill continues to express those who are affected by the pay gap, she states that the "pay gap is far worse for women of color". Furthermore, According to Hill (para. 10-12), education is a great way to increase earnings and decrease the pay gap, however, the "black and Hispanic women still earn less than their white and Asian peers, even when they have the same educational credentials." Furthermore, this indicates that with the same qualifications and
Puritans lived to achieve the grace of God. All sinners, liars, and adulterers were condemned to hell under the eyes of God himself. Arthur Miller, the mastermind behind the sad and heartbreaking play The Crucible succeeds in telling a story of the complicated relationship between John and Elizabeth Proctor. During the dark days of the pretense witchcraft spreading on the streets of Salem, Massachusetts Bay, the relationship between John and Elizabeth quickly changes from distant and protective to united before their true love is ripped apart by the noose that awaits for John Proctor’s life.
Most employers in California are subject to both the federal and state minimum wage laws. Also, local entities (cities and counties) are allowed to enact minimum wage rates and several cities have recently adopted ordinances which establish a higher minimum wage rates for employees working within their local jurisdiction. The effect of this multiple coverage by different government sources is that when there are conflicting requirements in the laws, the employer must follow the stricter standard; that is, the one that is the most beneficial to the employee. Thus, since California's current law requires a higher minimum wage rate than does the federal law, all employers in California who are subject to both laws must pay the state minimum wage
population will lead an increase in age-related health emergencies which will create a greater demand for EMTs and paramedics (Bureau of Labor Statistics 6). The median annual EMT salary in Levittown, New York is $36,561, as of April 26, 2016, with a range usually between $32,950 - $41,920. This does not include bonus and benefit information. The salary also varies on the company size, and level of training (Salary 1). To compare salaries of the EMT with the paramedic in the same town, Levittown, New York, the paramedic is better paid. The median annual paramedic salary is $43,641, as of April 26, 2016, with a range usually between $39,193 - $49,885. Also, this does not include bonus and benefit information. Factors include industry, company
Should minimal wage be raised to $15.00 an hour? I think that minimal wage should be raised and would greatly benefit the economy. Raising the minimum wage can lead to economic stimulus, create more opportunity for jobs, and reduce the expense of social programs. If the economic stimulus is improved, there is more money to be spent. If there are more jobs created, people can appreciate productivity and turn down rates. If the expense of social programs is reduced, low income families would not have to worry about depending on welfare. Raising minimal wages would give hope to the woman, different race, and encourage and motivate others to further their education. (Doyle, 2015).
“Everyone knows the dangers of being in the military. Many military members put their lives on the line every day, which makes them some of the most underpaid people in America. But there are also other considerations, such as working with hazardous materials and in dangerous situations, being on call 24-7/365, and dealing with long term deployments and family separation”(Guina). I will write about why Military members are not getting paid enough, but not all I will be focusing on military members who are single with no dependents and are part of deployable units and I will be comparing them to their civilian counterparts who are in college.
Certain jobs I wouldn’t do would probably consist of anything that involves the medical industry. I get nausea anytime I see blood or even the smell of hospitals get me sick and uncomfortable, for that reason I cannot work any hospital or medical lab. I also wouldn’t work any heavy jobs or waste management such as construction or garbage collecting or eve pest control. Those jobs I typically avoid at all cost. Certain jobs that seem relaxing and earn a lot of money such consulting or any executive position of leadership. They tend to pay well and the work tends to be fairly easy or less stressfully. Certain jobs that I think are overpaid are government jobs, hotel managers, and financial associates, upper management jobs. Certain jobs that
Answer: EMT’s and Paramedics with advanced education and certifications have the most favorable job prospect as clients and patients demand a higher level of care. Question: What salary can you expect? Answer: This varies based on the level of certification and type of employer. Those working in the public sector for police, fire, and health departments general receive a higher wage. Median can expect as low as $27,100 to high earning more than $45,300.
Not very many people make minimum wage. In 2016, 79.9 million people were paid hourly and, of that, only 2.2 million were paid minimum wage or less. Since 1979, when it was first tracked regularly, the percent of people who make minimum wage or less has decreased from 13.4 percent to 4.7 percent in 2012 to 3.3 percent in 2015 and now to 2.7 percent in 2016. The 11 percent of the people under the age of 25 make up 50.4 percent of people who are paid minimum wage or less. The 10 percent of 16 to 19-years-olds alone make up 24 percent of those who make minimum wage or less. Only 2 percent of those over 25 make minimum wage or less. 3 percent of women and 2 percent of men make minimum wage or less. 3 percent of whites
Yellow Journalism the unbelievable headlines, gossip you hear from the "paparazzi," although you think it is just harmless gossip, it is everything but that, as a matter of fact it has caused wars amongst America and other countries. The term "yellow journalism" was originally coined to describe the journalistic practices of Joseph Pulitzer. Today, it is synonymous with the inflammatory editorials of William Randolph Hearst. In a classic example of "yellow journalism" Hearst responded to illustrator Frederic Remington's request to return from an assignment in a quiet Havana, "Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war (Spanish-American War of 1898)." William Randolph Hearst
After struggling with the department of education and guiding my son through the right path, I decided to become a paraprofessional for children with special needs. I absolutely love my job. Being able to help other children by accommodating their needs is a true blessing. Providing children with the tools necessary so they can accomplish given goals and expectations according to their specific needs makes me feel like a successful assistance. I have learned to be patient, understandable and resourceful for both children and families in my classroom.
Having just completed writing my paper, I was able to see where my strengths and weaknesses are. Having to write a paper on an argument, I struggled trying to come up with what to write about. Making a valid argument in academic writing is different than that of just making an argument. In a person’s academic argument, the writer should not only show his/her own beliefs, but they need to also show there opposing views. While this may seem easy, it can prove to be difficult because as a writer, they are not allowed to attack a person or group, or the essay can become invalid to the readers. Deciding to stick with writing my topics on teachers, I decided to write an essay on how they are underpaid. This topic not only explores why teachers are underpaid, but it also shows how teachers are viewed.