Some of the dependence people would do to take methamphetamine is having more time. One addict took meth so he can work 24 hours a day up to two weeks. Taking meth can have serious side effects like severe depression and inability to eat or sleep. The body also gets affected; one of the affects is called meth mouth. The teeth starts to deteriorates due to grind and the chemicals, which wear away the enamel and the gums, the salivary glands dry out which causes the teeth rots and decay. The appeal of methamphetamine is that it gives the brain high levels of dopamine. They contend to use the drug because of the high levels of dopamine and it’s hard to get off the drug.
Methamphetamines (Meth) cause a wide array of problems with its users, a lot of which are permanent. Meth’s affects range from neurological issues, alertness, paranoia, and aggression. It also leads to psychological and physical disorders. Because Meth is a stimulant, it can cause the user to be up for days and even weeks at a time causing stress to the body and can result in over exerting oneself and inevitably something will give. Personal problems from users will be talked about, as well as scientific studies on the Meth epidemic.
Methadone is a high risk for abuse. It work in the brain to change how your body feels and how it responds to pain. If one take Methadone, they will start to vomit, shaking, diarrhea, and failure to gain any weight. If someone is not using this drug correctly they will have crucial consequences. It is advised that, methadone should only be use the correct way. If you brain gets addicted to methadone and one decides to stop taking it for awhile. One may suffer from mood swings, particularly because the supply of the drug gets
Although not talked about in the main text, it is shown in a bullet list of effect. Tooth decay can be physical and chemical, a cavity would be a chemical change as the substance of the tooth is changed, but the shape of the tooth as it decays would be physical, the shape and size of the tooth is changed. Another example of physical changes to the body on meth would be weight loss. This too is from the bulleted list. By losing weight, you can gain it back so it’s not irreversible, by losing weight, you simply change the shape and size of your
Some behavioural symptoms might be depression, delusions and hallucinations, obsessive behaviour, uncontrollable movement, addiction and aggression, paranoia and tolerance to the drug. ‘Body by Meth’, the users’ hair will start to fall out due to the toxic chemicals mixed with malnutrition, it can lead to rotting teeth and gums due to poor oral hygiene and the acidity of the drug, meth raises body temperature to dangerous levels and it severally increases heart and blood rate. They often hallucinate that bugs are crawling under their skin causing the users of the drug to try and dig them out leaving them with open sores, meth users also become very frail and thin due to the absence of appetite. Users of meth lose all self-respect for themselves, almost as if they’re becoming a slave to the drug. They become vulnerable and the risk factor increases while their care factor drops and they tend to be less selective when choosing their sexual partners. Meth users are more likely to engage in unsafe sexual behaviours such as unprotected sex, this increases the risk of STI’s (sexually transmitted diseases) like Herpes, Chlamydia, HIV and
PER REPORTER: The mother is on drugs. She is using crystal meth but they don't believe it's being used in the home. There are no drugs being sold or manufactured out of the home. Drugs are not accessible to the children. When the mother goes missing a day or so, she is doing crystal meth. About 2-3 weeks ago, the parents were given a drug test. The mother failed. She was told if she failed again, she had to leave the home. The parents are divorced. The father has full custody of the children.The mother gets visitation with the children possibly every other weekend but mom lives the the home. The father allowed the mother to come back to the home. The family has an open case. Per reporter, the mother left last night going to an AA meeting in
Speed, stove top, biker’s coffee or hot ice, there are many names for Methamphetamines. They are cheap and provide a fast-powerful high that makes it attractive to users. Meth is an intensely addictive stimulant and it perilously affects the central nervous system. Use of the drug can quickly lead to addiction and prolonged use creates a variety of serious health and social problems for individuals and their families.
Meth users that take meth daily tend to insert meth into their daily activities hopefully, with some true data regarding meth, you can better spot some signs of meth use and addiction. (www.methhamphetamine)
“Along with the selling of the drug, methamphetamine labs can breed crime, including burglaries, theft and even murder (Community Impact from Methamphetamine, 2015)”. A person high on methamphetamine could potentially end up hurting themselves or some else. People have been killed for not owing up to a drug payment or coming though on a transaction (Community Impact from Methamphetamine, 2015). It is very dangerous to have this type of person living in a community. It endangers everyone and the outcome of the situation is
The addiction of methamphetamine amongst juvenile’s and adults has reached epidemic proportions that affect the individual, families and communities. Methamphetamine abuse has crossed all social economic boundaries that have negatively impacted law enforcement, social and clinical services. According to Anglin, Burke, Perrochet, Stamper and Dawud-Noursi (2000), methamphetamine, also known as meth, crystal, or speed, is a substance that affects the central nervous system creating a stimulant effect that can be injected, smoked, snorted, or ingested orally. Individuals who use meth for an extensive period of time tend to become addicted and will likely need to continue to use meth at high levels for its effects to continue to provide the euphoric symptoms and sensations. Anglin, et al, also describe methamphetamine as a derivative of amphetamine, this form of amphetamine was often used for medication purposes in the 1950’s and 1960’s to treat symptoms of depression and obesity. Durell, Kroutil, Crits-Christoph, Barchha, and Van Brunt (2008), also stated that illicit methamphetamine use is a public health concern in the United States with an increase use among teens and young adults in the 1990s. The Mental Health Services Administration conducted a national survey on meth use in the United States and found that currently as least a half a million of Americans used or have used methamphetamine. Meth use is an epidemic that is slowly becoming a destructive
The Article discusses how the meth rampage in America, has essentially destroyed people, and their communites. This drug started on the west coast but eventually spread to the east. Meth is easily, and cheaply made. Yet has permanent effects, and destroys lives, and town. The toxic ingredients in meth lead to server tooth decay known as meth mouth. The teeth become black, stained, and rotting. The teeth and gums are destroyed form the inside, and the roots rot away. It also causes open sores, weight loss, and will make you look twenty years older than you really are. One puff will keep you up for 24 hours. Methamphetamine is a manmade chemicals, battery acid, drain cleaners, and anti-freeze., as well as amphetamines, which is from cold medicine.
I chose Methamphetamines because of how fast the drug causes users to go downhill. When meth became the drug of choice in Arizona, within a couple months entire neighborhoods were garbage strewn, and the physical effects of the drug became apparent in anyone using. Friends disappeared off the radar, to be seen a month later, unemployed, paranoid, scabbed and thin. I would like to learn more about the history and long-term effects on the body from methamphetamines.
The United States consumes seventy five percent of the world’s prescription drugs, even though the country only makes up five percent of the world’s population. “In a culture of quick and easy fixes, prescription medication has become synonymous with ‘wellness’” (Rehabs). Pharmaceutical drug overdose is now one of the leading causes of death in the nation. But, could doctors be to blame for this epidemic? Research shows how doctors are universally prescribed, but are so that doctors have been told frequently that patients should not be on them for more than four weeks. Patients become addicted to medications prescribed by their doctor. People who abuse prescription drugs, taking them in habit or dosage than prescribed, or taking medications
The drug tricks your brain into hallucination, some cases while using the drug causes you to feel bugs crawling on your skin, things coming out of your skin, and feeling the need to pull them off. When in all actuality, there is nothing on you so all they are doing is pulling apart there real skins which leaves scabs, and scars. It also greatly affects the nerve cells and daily activities your body is use to performing. Meth affects the brain, heart, lungs, digestive system, liver, kidneys, and teeth. Choosing to try meth even once can get you hooked because of the rise in dopamine it makes it highly addictive. Some short term effects of Meth are, loss of appetite, dilated pupils, nausea, exhaustion, violent behavior even death if taken too much. Long term effects include, tooth decay, depression, anger problems, short term attention span, and a lower IQ just to name a few. After using meth for an extended amount of time it ruins your mind and, tends to destroy all senses of pleasure. There are more than 24.7 million methamphetamine users in the world, it has one of the highest relapse rates of any drug.
Methamphetamine also affects the user’s mouth. This is often referred to as “meth mouth.” There are several factors which, when combined, create an environments that destroys the teeth, the blood supply and supporting tissues. Methamphetamine users are unable to take care of daily tasks, such as brushing and flossing, due to the crash affect of this drug which can last many days. When they are awake for long periods of time the energy bursts they experience do not allow them to concentrate
Crystal abusers become so heavily reliant on the drug that they will go to any extreme to get more- including violent crimes. Due to the manor in which meth is produced the users have no way of knowing what is actually in the product. Along the distribution path the product is cut- to increase profit by creating more product, which puts the user at increased risk of danger. Which brings out many questions, such as: why start, why continue and most of all, why not just quit?