I agree that police officers spend an ample amount of time on traffic control and maintaining public order. Officers maintain pedestrian and vehicular safety and assure free and orderly movement, so that” citizens are able to travel daily safely and smoothly” (Cordner, 2016). They also maintain work zones, accidents, road obstructions, traffic violations, drunk drivers, reckless drivers, domestic disputes, fights, School security, and there are so many more hats that officers wear as a means to protect and serve the public. Moreover, police officers need good decision making skills in order to effectively control crime in society. Crime control takes up an enormous amount of police time. Police use discretion when dealing with the
Have you ever asked yourself what it would be like to become a police officer. Becoming a police officer isn’t an easy take because they have to risk their life everyday to protect and serve the community. They have to go through the dangers of arresting criminals when there is a chance that they could die. However, in today’s society only a small amount of police officers actually serve their community and protect citizens from danger. Right now, most police officers abuse their power to the point where they don’t seem to care for the safety of the community. They would usually arrest innocent people, make accusations, and even use their power as a source to show their dominance. If you think about, whenever you are stuck in traffic some
Police officers continue to put their lives on the line to protect others. They don’t even know you and everyday they wake up, put on their uniforms, and set out to do whatever it takes to keep you safe. It is not their fault you or someone you know broke the law and got a ticket or was arrested – it's your own fault; you chose to break the law, that police officer was only doing his job. "Police officers take risks and suffer inconveniences to protect the lives, defend civil liberties, secure the safety of fellow citizens, and they endure such risks and tolerate such inconveniences on behalf of strangers."
Police Foundation stated that because the majority of a police officer's time is typically spent on non-crime related matters, the amount of time spent on crime is any less important (Police Foundation, 2017). In my opinion, there are no strategies to deter crime because criminals are going to commit a crime regardless. In doing so, there should have been a better plan and strategies of where to put each police office to cover the area that seems to have a high crime rate and the area with the less crime rate would have a patrol officer to monitor that area for appearance for the security of the neighborhood.However, I commend the effort of trying to find a solution to deter crime in the city, even though it was stated that the experiment of Kansas city crime does not compare to other city but it has some similar crime with Detroit and San Francisco. The experiment can be used if the data was accurate to brainstorm by building off the Kansas City Preventative Patrol Experiment to another option to execute to deter crime in another
During the course of 12 months, data was collected and analyzed. The conclusion; no significant differences in the levels of crime, citizen satisfaction of police services, citizen fear of crime, citizen’s satisfaction of police response time, or overall police response times. The data also produced qualifying and quantifiable measures of police activities during shifts and insight into officer attitudes and understanding of preventative patrol (Kansas City Experiment Report, 1974).
Across America, there are a lot of small towns that make up this country. Within small townships there are police forces that only have five to ten officers that patrol acres of woods or farm land. On a daily basis these officers deal with minor crime like drugs, aggravated assault, burglary, and property crimes. If a crime happens it can take about twenty minutes for the township police to get there or it can at the state police up to an hour to get to the scene of the crime. In a big city like Baltimore police force take about three to five minutes to get to the scene of a crime. The township police force might get a new police car every couple
Have you ever asked yourself what it would be like to become a police officer. Becoming a police officer isn’t an easy take because they have to risk their life everyday to protect and serve the community. They have to go through the dangers of arresting criminals when there is a chance that they could die. However, in today’s society only a small amount of the police officers actually serves their community and protect citizens from danger. Right now, most police officers abuse their power to the point where they don’t seem to care for the safety of the community. They would usually arrest innocent people, make accusations, and even use their power as a source to show their dominance. If you think about, whenever you are stuck in traffic
With the mentality that they need to do anything necessary and the community thinking the same thing because they feel that this is an officer job, it could push them to behave unethical. Perez and Moore (2013) points out that police officers are face with situations where the people in the community is telling them every day to either get the gangs or guns out their neighborhood and keep the drugs out and away from the kids and do they don’t care about the cost that this demand could have on others. “Unlike any other form of misconduct, noble cause corruption is often accompanied by a significant amount of community support (Perez & Moore, 2013, p. 195). At the end of the day everybody rights is important whether they are or not a criminal
It seems that in some cases police officers forget this. “Prior to Ferguson, police were politically untouchable.”(Somashekhar et al.) Police officers had not been put under the spot light as much as they have been recently. The law seemed to always be on their side protecting them from all wrong doing. Fortunately, the media has finally given these wrongful acts a place to be investigated. Law enforcement agencies can no longer turn their heads on what is really going on. “Some in law enforcement are troubled by this trend, worried that public sympathy is shifting toward suspects and away from the police who put their lives on the line every day.” Yes it maybe a police officers job to arrest people doing crimes but it is also their job to protect. Just how it may not be fair that they put their lives at risk everyday and are scared to get killed in the line of duty, people should not live everyday scared to go out and be confused for a criminal by an officer just because of their skin color, clothing or location. Police officers have to go into work everyday know g that there will be consequences to there wrongful actions. This will make them think twice before pulling out their guns on innocent people of color. Yes, there are criminals that police need to be careful for but this does not mean that everyone one has to pay the cost. Officers should be charged if proven to be at fault for being involved
The main purpose of the law enforcement is to maintain order and enforcing the laws. The police are given one toughest tasks in the world, and that is with preservation wellbeing of the public. When dealing with people that those that violate the law and situations that creates, the police are authorized to use as much as force as necessary and within reason to protect themselves and others. It is sometimes quiet difficult for the public to understand what is reasonable when it comes to the use of force. It is very easy to watch a video and judge when you are not in the situation or do not have the level of training that officers are given.
Police have many roles to take on an everyday basis. The main goal for an officer is to keep criminals off the streets and to try and maintain a safe environment for people to live. Many people disagree with some of the decisions officers make to enforce these rules and causes a lot of controversy. Today many people don't respect our police officers because of actions made by others. A major issue today is police use of force, stop and frisk.
Police officers have played a major role in society by protecting us from crime. Their responsibilities include not only preserving the peace, preventing criminal acts, enforcing the law, investigating crimes, and arresting those who violate the law but also directing traffic, community relations work, and controlling crowds at public events.
The role of police officers is very significant to American history. Police work toward protecting citizens’ rights and helping America become the land of the free. The United States of America is built from the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights and police play a major role in making sure American rights are met. Evolution has changed many of American history for the better; policing is part of those changes. As new issues in society arise, police must change and adapt to protect and serve the public.
Police officers are held accountable for everything they do. The public is always watching. Police officers are members of the communities they work in. They are just paid to protect and serve their neighbors within that community.
“Fuck the Police” by NWA is more than a group of black men, cursing and speaking vulgarly about police. This song is told through three different POV’s, Oshea Jackson aka Ice Cube, Lorenzo Patterson aka MC Ren, and Eric Wright aka Eazy E. The different POV’s, show people the constant discrimination and unfairness they face against the police and their stereotyping.
Police officers are often viewed as oppressors and unjust by the community, when in reality they are just doing their jobs. The job of a police officer is to apprehend criminals and detect crime, and the maintenance of public order and to the extend and complication of this duty police officers often need to make split second decision that is not often view by the public as what we call “self-defense” which is a right we all have as human beings and stated in the Universal Declaration of