Have you ever thought of sports more than entertainment? Well sports are more than just entertainment. Sports can be an occupation,a hobby, and even a lifestyle. It may sound weird for the people that thinks sports are useless. Professional athletes play sports for a living and make good money through sponsorships and contracts. Almost every professional athlete is very wealthy. A professional athlete is a lot of people's dream job and pays well. A good part of the reason that athletes make the money that they make is due to sponsorships. A sponsorship is when a famous person receives money from a successful corporation that has advertisements. NBA sensation Lebron James is the kind of sponsorships. He gets sponsored by NIke,Sprite,Mcdonalds,Kia and a bunch of other multi million dollar corporations. Lebron James is one of the richest athletes in the world because of sponsorships and endorsements. …show more content…
Here are many athletes that get sponsored by many brands like Nike,Under Armour, and Adidas. Those three brands are the main brands that sponsor athletes in sports. It is estimated that Nike makes 11 million dollars a year off of star athlete Lebron James. The brand Adidas offered basketball player James Harden 200 million dollars in an attempt to steal James from Nike. Adidas ended up adding James to their multi-billion dollar team. Every brand has a cover star. Some athletes are fortunate enough to have their own brand like the legend Michael Jordan. As you can see companies pay their athletes, but some companies sponsor sports
and around the world. He has also been part of two Olympic Gold Medal winning teams. He made more than $56 million dollars in 2013 making him the highest paid basketball player and one of the top-paid athletes in the world. He has advertising contracts from companies like Samsung, Nike, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and many others. From being at the center of media attention from a young age, LeBron James has become a brand that people can rely
players images are used in all kinds of magazines, to show off their strengths and to put a image in your head of what you should look like. Like Baker Mayfield who is on sports illustrated. During NCAA games broadcasted on live T.V., millions of dollars are generated from ads and could be used to help pay athletes. On average the NCAA generates almost a billion dollars a year. Teams will give players scholarships to try to get them to go to school their, which allows them to get a good education for free. When very talented athletes join schools, the school gets a higher
College is the most elite of all education, bringing together the most intelligent people to become the next generation of citizens. Out of all the people who go to College; athletes have worked the most to get there, countless vigorating hours of practice and dedication to a sport. Along with getting a scholarship to go to college, they should receive a check for playing for the college of choice. Though you may say that they get money in the scholarship what other money do they get to rent or buy other essentials.
Jimmy Garoppolo will make 42.6 Million dollars more than Oklahoma QB Baker Mayfield. Baker Mayfield was voted the best player in NCAA football and Jimmy Garoppolo was a 2nd string QB at the beginning of the year. Jimmy Garoppolo make 469 times the average american male’s salary. Baker Mayfield is going to college for free but he still deserves a portion of the money that the college makes. Colleges can make a upward of $100 MIllion from 1 sport and what do they do with all that money? Yes they may have expenses but they still have money left over. NCAA athletes deserve to get paid because for the most part their statistics are better, they make money for the college, and they are the future.
Lamar Jackson, John Elway, Julius Peppers, Tim Tebow, Herschel Walker, and Bo Jackson. What do all these guys have in common besides the fact that they were college football players? It’s simple, they never got paid. They’d go out and play football on Saturday for all of us to watch on ESPN, but they never got one dime from the television company or their colleges. All they received was a scholarship, but is the scholarship really worth enough anymore. This has split college athletes and colleges forever due to the impact of the value scholarships, the effect on little schools and the potential ways pay the athletes.
Around eight million high school students participate in athletics within the United States, and more than 480,000 will progress to compete as NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) athletes during college. However, a study from ESPN found that male basketball and football players at a major university who were deemed criminal suspects were either not prosecuted, had charges dropped, or never faced charges at all– 56 percent of the time. These players were treated better than others and therefore have an advantage over them, thus is preferential treatment. Many coaches and athletic administrators believe that athletes are treated equally compared to their peers, but that is not true. Athletes receive preferential treatment by receiving higher grades in school along with
Most people would not complain about athletes making a lot of money. After all, we pay to watch them perform. We root for the ones that play for our teams, and root against the ones that play for the opponents of our favorite teams. The athletes earning the league minimum in a variety of sports are among the top 1% of wage earners in the United States. The problem is, a number of them don't know how to handle money. Among NBA players, 60% file for bankruptcy within five years or less of retiring, according to Wyattresearch.com, and the percentage of former NFL players filing for bankruptcy within the same time frame is even greater--78%. Could part of the reason be their extravagant, some might say dumb, purchases? Following are ten athletes who made some of the dumbest purchases ever.
“Unless you’re finding a cure for cancer or creating world peace, I don’t know if anybody deserves to get that much money.” That is coming from a NFL quarterback, Drew Brees. Take for instance, Jimmy Garoppolo, which is only 26 years old , just signed the biggest contract in NFL history. The contract was for 5 years and worth $137.5 million. He is making on average $27.5 million per year! Now, look at the average salary for a Georgia State Trooper. Once they graduate from trooper school, they can earn on average $35,741 a year. The athlete makes nearly 770 times the amount of the troopers’ salary! The people that keep the roads safe have a salary that is no comparison to an athletes. Professional athletes get paid too much to just entertain the general public. Public service jobs, military
Professional athletes are highly talented and determined entertainers with extraordinary physical abilities. They compete in various sports to entertain people and make a living. Those include basketball, football, baseball, hockey, tennis, and the list goes on to any athlete that gets paid to play. These athletes train really hard and for long hours to be the best at what they do. Fans pay to watch them perform because they really enjoy seeing them. Like other entertainers, such as actors and singers, athletes are paid large amounts for their performances. Professional athletes are not overpaid for the amount of physical and mental stress they go through to do their job.
It seems that we have an entitlement issue with our young adults; an issue even those young adults wholly admit to. But perhaps nothing betrays this point like the following chart. The Washington Post asked Americans whether kids who participate in youth sports should get trophies just for playing, or only for winning. A strong majority of Americans (57 percent) said only the winners, but then you look at the age breakdown. Though older Americans are overpoweringly in favor of trophies for winners only, those 18-24 favor participation trophies all around. I suppose its best now to make a name on this topic for this generation maybe titled “The Give Everything to for no Work” Generation. Here’s a big kick for you as well, Washington Post also posted a graph that showed those in favor of only preferring winners, also made more money than those that are all for participation trophies. So see everyone, winning really does pay. But it doesn’t just pay, it builds people into strong individuals that know what it’s like to fall down and get right back up. Those in favor for only having winners get trophies make on average 46% more than those in favor of “Everybody’s a Winner”.
“Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is true failure.” -George Edward Woodberry. This quote is relevant to the question because if you have a bad GPA you're not trying, thus losing. High school athletes should have to keep their grades up to play a sport. There are three reasons for this. First, if they have good grades and are good at sports, there’s a better chance of getting into college. Second, grades keep them motivated during sports. Lastly, it helps lessen the stress of paying for college.
The richest athletes in the world have more than just agility and speed some of them also have the business savvy to earn and maintain the highest net worth in the sports industry. In fact, some of the richest athletes don’t make most of their money dribbling or kicking a ball; a bulk of their income actually comes from endorsements, investments, business ventures and more.
Nevertheless, student-athletes struggle to make ends meet as they devote an immense amount time to their schoolwork as well as their sport. So many sacrifices are made from these students in which they should to have to make; furthermore, the stress level that these athletes can obtain is outrageous, as their day-to-day regimen is always busy. While these athletes are so dedicated and reliable to their college and athletics, colleges should be equally reliable and dedicated to them in order for the students to feel safe and comfortable. In order to do so, they should provide further compensation and benefits other than just their scholarship; providing back up compensation would reduce the stress of the students as the fear of losing their
NBA teams offer players contracts worth absurd amounts of money hoping that the players will accept their offers and play for them. In addition to these contracts, players often sign endorsement deals worth even more money. Lebron James is currently the top endorsed basketball player and makes thirty million dollars a year from Nike. If players like James make millions of dollars in endorsements, a team does not need to pay the players additional millions of dollars. Compared to other occupations, top NBA players make significantly more money than people who work jobs that are beneficial to the general public. NBA players should be paid less money because their jobs only benefit themselves and their franchise; the players and franchise owners
In a conclusion, sports can be very helpful in you're education, in life skills, and skills to be an athlete. Everyone should double think about sports because they never know what kind of changes it could make in your life. It really doesn't matter if you don't have a degree or passing all your classes because if your goal is to be a professional athlete then you will accomplish it if you dedicate your time into it. In addition, you can always get your education later on in your career even though it might be a little tough. People misjudge sports without realizing it can change peoples lives for