Brandon Santiago
Research Paper
Soccer Player Wages Too Much Or Too Little?
Soccer has been around for many years and it has drastically changed because people are doing it now for the money instead of playing for the sport, which is how it used to be back in the day. People who think that soccer players are underpaid are wrong because they can make up to $400,000 a week. Some soccer players even get more than that. Also, some soccer players make millions of dollars a year. Even if they don’t play some games, some soccer players still get paid. When players miss more than three games because of injuries or other reasons, some clubs still pay them even though they are not playing. Soccer players are being paid excessive
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Soccer has been around for many years and it has drastically changed because people are doing it now for the money instead of playing the sport which is how it used to be back in the day. People who think that soccer player is underpaid are wrong because soccer players can make up to $400,000 a week and even some soccer players even get more than that. Also, they make millions of dollars a year and even if they don’t pay some games, some soccer players still get paid when they are not playing. When a player misses more than 3 games because of injuries or other reasons some clubs still pay them even thought they are not been performing that they are getting paid …show more content…
Also, people get paid on the position they play on their team. Also, it matters if they are a player that is needed or that is not even gonna be played or have playing time so they will just be on the team only when the coach calls them in when they really need them. Soccer may be a popular sport in many parts of the world but in the United States, it is one of the less popular sports. The people of the United States watch it less often than other sports like football, baseball, basketball, and more. There is still tax and other fines the soccer players have to pay. That means the salaries are affected by this because they won’t be making the same amount of money as they are supposed to be making. Also when they are new to the game of soccer they get paid less in the United States but in the European or Spanish leagues they get paid a lot because the European and Spanish leagues is a tougher league so then that means when they got scouted that means they are really good or the clubs that bought them in the European and Spanish leagues think that they have
By being so accessible to the people soccer becomes a cheap sport. Club teams, which give a good opportunity to get scouted, don’t cost too much money. Some of the best club teams will cost one thousand dollars total, with trips to tournaments included. However, those clubs aren’t the only ones a player can choose. There are many leagues that will only cost someone seventy to eighty dollars to play per season. Although what really makes soccer one of the cheapest sports is the lack of equipment needed to play. All that is needed to play is a field, cleats, a jersey and shin guards. The jersey and field is given to the player by the team, and the cleats and shin guards can be
In the old days the players weren't getting paid much money, but they were doing a job that they were talented in and enjoyed and made just enough money to support their families. Over the last 98 years the price for players to play has been growing at an astronomical
This unfair compensation would need to be accounted for and is not feasible to make fair. However, if players got paid for their performance, there would be better competition fighting for a better living just like in the
One reason professional athletes are not overpaid, is they work extremely hard for their earnings. The athletes who make serious money are virtuosos, many of whom combine hard work with undeniable talent to make a career out of what they love. There’s a reason professional leagues only have about thirty teams, rather than one for each city in the country, talent is rare. What many people fail to see in an athlete is the amount of talent in them,
Have you ever thought that national athletes get paid too much money?I will argue that national athletes get paid too much.there is 2 sides of the argument even though I am agreeing that they get paid too much you can be on the side that they get paid enough or too little. The 3 main points that I will talk about joy and money,americans payment and,entertainment. My first point is that all athletes play for is joy and money. I read a article that said after ever baseball game they all fought about who got the most money and who played the best. I also read that they get paid more than police,firemen,and paramedics get paid.
Football and men’s basketball players bring in the most revenue out of every college sport. If they were the only athletes to be paid, other athletes may say that’s unfair and push to be paid as well. Their argument could be
There is no demand to watch soccer”. But, Abe Metamoros believes other athletes should get paid. “Yes, pay the football players, but not the athletes in the non-revenue sports.” According to Ekow Yankah, it couldn’t hurt by paying these athletes more because, “The athletes in major football and men’s basketball programs are
They are well off without the money from playing a sport they chose to play in the first place, it was their option to play. There would be too many complications to pay athletes and it would cause a numerous amount of problems. The players and fans need to realize that the athletes are still kids and students not employees. They are the ones who chose to play in
Some people think players don't get paid enough when statistics say they do. Some players even complain about their earnings. To start the players that get paid the most are the most well known players and the top professional league to get paid is the NBA. The NBA’s average player made $5 million per year in the 2010-11 season. Top professional players such as Kobe Bryant, Sidney Crosby, and Alex Rodriguez make from $9 million to $32 million dollars depending on how many goals, hits, or field goals they make.
If you took the time and effort into something would you be upset if you weren’t getting paid? College soccer players and also other college sports should be paid to play because they put in the time to play and they are the business as of why people come to watch the games.
Are Athletes getting paid too much? Some would say yes, some would say no. Athletes are paid based off their skills, talent and their work ethic. I believe it’s what drives kids and or students to strive to be their very best because they as student athletes can only dream of a life like this. One sport where people athletes are overpaid is Major League Baseball. Baseball players are given vasts sums of money based on their performance, however there are many other reasons that I personally feel qualifies them for high salaries other than performance.
, Is this just me, or is it unfair that people like Christiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi get paid so much for playing football. Let’s look at how much footballers get paid compared to other jobs. Top footballers like Wayne Rooney and Stevan Gerard can be paid up to 1048 times more than an average fire-fighter (who is paid £25,000 per year). Lionel Messi, who is the highest paid footballer in the world, is paid over 193 times more money every year than David Cameron, who manages and takes care of the whole of the UK,by doing this, we are saying that we value these footballers more than other people
The U.S. women’s soccer team filed a complaint against U.S. Soccer for wage discrimination, claiming they make roughly 40% of what their male counterparts do. This is only the beginning of a trend in wage disparity in the Major Soccer League. The National Women’s Soccer League, or NWSL, has a pay ceiling per player of just $37,800. The men in Major League Soccer make an average of more than $300,000 with a median of about $100,000. The teams in the NWSL have a salary cap of $265,000, but for the men it is more than $3 million. The extremity of the wage gap is clearly depicted in CNN Money, the report states that the “amounts female American players receiving equate to less than 6 cents for every $1 earned by the German men”. The US women’s
Professional athletes are not over paid, if anything they are underpaid. Professional athletes get paid on a salary, so this means they get paid so much money every year. The average salary for an athlete in the MLB (Major League Baseball) is 3.2 million a year. When most people hear that number, they think it is low for a professional athlete, but it makes sense because, there is only one to two athletes on each team getting paid 75+ million per year. If two people, make that much and there are thirty teams in the MLB that means there is only sixty people in the whole league making 75+million dollars a year out of thousands of players.
Finally, the football business is private, no public money pays for the bills so why should we care about how much are the players paid? It is a sport that is enjoyed by millions of people and it is known everywhere so it is maybe true that these players are worth the money, that their talent deserves this money.