
Why Do Steers Super Smoothies?

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Steers super smoothies portray the message that Steers have taken into consideration the wants of their customers and have introduced smoothies to appeal to their more health-conscious customers. They have done this in order to expand their target market therefore increasing their customer base and furthermore their profit. We suggest that Steers communicate their message through the various means of advertising. We also suggest that during the first two months of introducing super smoothies into all their franchises, they should be placed on their own menu board. This will draw attention to the super smoothies therefore encouraging customers to buy it, giving Steers a competitive advantage. We will be advertising Steers new super smoothies on social media with an advertisement that will look like this: …show more content…

Their flavours include: strawberry and banana, and berry. You don’t want to miss out on this SPLBLENDED promotion so get to your nearest Steers, TODAY!

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