Students Need Allowance
Many students often feel bad about begging their parents for money. Gilt is an emotion that is hard to overcome. Middle school students should have an allowance because kids need to go to college,students need to learn to think for themselves, and It teaches them responsibility. Students should have an allowance because kids need to go to college. Students need money. Some kids have to go to college. College is expensive. Having an allowance for college is beneficial to students. Being able to think for yourself is something students need. Students have to think how they are going to spend their money. Kids have to think about saving some. It makes students think about what to buy. As you can see students need to be
I have so many reason why I wanted to attend DCCC and each decision that I make at DCCC is that I’m gonna face it till the very end of my courses. I always wonder how can I get a step further in life and how can I get my stuff done and start early and there was an option that was given to me in my 8th grade year and it was a sign up for an orientation for Yadkin Valley Regional Career Academy a school where you can learn how to start you career and be professional looking/acting when applying for a job that suit you better. I came to Yadkin Valley for orientation where you can check the school out, but I had a little problem I didn’t have my glasses so couldn’t really see how the school look because my eyes were blurry, but I notice that I really didn’t need to see just listen to the teachers and how they talk and communicate and how they tell us what we be learning and discover while we are here at Yadkin Valley and what they have in store for us and then I heard a
The belief that everyone should go to college strives from the fact that in many circumstances a college degree entails a higher paying job and thus a better financial situation. The essay “Should Everyone go to College” discusses this matter in a variety of ways, ranging from financial breakdown by private and open enrollment of schools to likelihood of individuals finishing their degrees.
Although college is expensive and a risky investment, students should still go to college because there, they learn much more than just a subject or a profession. In college, not only do students learn things like liberal arts education, life skills, and other important skills needed in life, but it also gives students the experience that they need for their careers.
I would like to attend college because I want to be able to demonstrate not only to myself but to my family that we can do what we set ourselves to do. I would to do go far in this life and accomplish my life goals. Without college, I will not be able to do my goals. My goals are to graduate from college, one day own my own land so that I can own my own agricultural business, and have my home there too, and I want to be a high school Spanish teacher as well. Another reason as to why I want to attend college is that I want to be able to show my little sister that anything is possible, we can do whatever we set ourselves to do, as long we do not give up we will be able to accomplish great things in life. My teachers have also been a great influence
College is supposed to be the memory of a lifetime not just an experience. College is about getting out and meeting new people from all over the world, learning how to live and do things on your own without having your parents telling you to do your homework or study for a test, but most of all college is for you to go and make your dream come true by getting a degree and making something out of your life. College may be expensive, but if you believe in your goal, then the cost shouldn’t matter.
As students start graduating from high school, they start to ask themselves “Why do I need to go to college and is it going to really be worth my time”. Students are forced into going to college either by their parents or by society. School has been made up to be the holy grail of knowledge and “if you don't go to school, you won't make it far in life”. You can get knowledge from places other than schools.
Money can help them paid for lunch. They could also paid for something they lost such as a book. How can money help students in the future? Well it can help them paid for collage. Money can also help students if they have an accident in the future. You might be asking yourself, is giving students money a good thing or a bad thing? Giving teens money is a good thing because they can buy what they need for school. But giving students too much money could be bad because most teens are responsible when it comes to
According to Ellen Andersen, college is full of learning experiences, one of which is learning how to work with a budget. Learning how to handle finances is a necessity. If you never learn, you won't know how to handle bills and taxes. With college being free, students would not know how to handle their finances (Andersen). With college being free, students wouldn't have to pay for their education, and if they don't pay for it, they don't value it.
As we know the average individual will attend college for a particular reason, either a family tradition or a lifelong goal, but for most part the reason is for a better life. A majority of people attend a college to obtain a degree or training to become specialist in a certain field or profession, in fact enrollment in college skyrockets when struggling economy. With the shutdown of Internet startups and a slowdown in the economy, a glut of people with experience in high-tech industries is competing for available jobs, leaving fewer opportunities for recent graduates (Perlman). With the current job market being saturated with people who have the same degree competing for the lesser number of jobs, this would only worsen future matters if
Is college necessary? Plenty of individuals would answer yes to this question. People believe without a college education a person cannot live a stable life and provide for themselves. However, that is not the case. Attending college is not necessary since all jobs do not require a college education, some people are just not academically prepared, and college is expensive.
Living in the 21st century, education, in general, is a necessity. It is no longer a choice or privilege reserved for those who want to be successful. Considering the cost of education and pressure of living in economically tough times, it raises the question of why study up to college? Could it be the peer pressure, feeling of being left out in the society, or is it just necessary for one to be educated to have a healthy life are some of the questions that we need to answer?
Students should have an allowance because they could buy items from the vending machine. If kids got to go to the vending machine they would not get as hungry throughout the day. When they got home they would not go to the fridge right away. In turn they wouldn't complain about there being no food in the fridge because they would not be as hungry. In conclusion giving kids an allowance is a great way to make them stop complaining.
I have always wanted to graduate high school and attend college. From a young age, I remember thinking about what an honor it would be to attend the same college my mother did. I always worked hard and maintained a high grade point average, hoping to join the ranks of high school seniors who moved into the college world. The suddenly I learned about a program that could help me reach my dreams sooner than planned.
I do not want statistics to define me. I remember reading that in 1999, it was found that 82% of students whose parents had a bachelor’s degree immediately enrolled in college. On the other hand, only 54% of students whose parents did not attend college immediately enrolled in college. Neither of my parents went to college, so I fall into the 54%. When I read that statistic, it gravely angered me. I was determined to be more than just a statistic that was left behind and did not attend college because the odds were against me. So, I worked and worked all through my schooling career to become the best possible student I could be regardless of the “potential” difference between my other classmates who come from more “educated” households and
Why is college so important? A few years ago, most people only obtained their high school diploma and would receive any job in the market, but colleges have become the twenty-first century key to success. Jobs are now being given to those who are more educated and college provides this extra education. It is not the same as high school. High school education consists of a more general knowledge, which is a small amount of information about all the topics, but college is focused on the major. College graduates have more comprehension in their area than those with a high school diploma. As President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” (Chicago Tribute). His point is that the more educated a person is; the higher goals they can obtain. College is the best way to succeed because it provides more education about deeper knowledge and moral value. It also opens up more job opportunities, and practical knowledge about the discipline and enlightened understanding.