
Why Do We Go To College Essay

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The notion that to be successful in life, we must go to college is 100% inaccurate. Sure, going to college opens countless doors and pathways toward future endeavors, especially for those who aspire to pursue a field in law, or medicine, or engineering. Higher education also enables children to learn to be independent and to mature into capable, responsible, educated adults. However, colleges and universities can be viewed as big businesses looking for financial gain from easy targets that have been taught that college is the only road to success. In his article, “The college scam: Success doesn’t require a degree”, John Stossel asserts that college is a scam in that individuals may not be receiving an appropriate return on their educational investment. According to, a scam is defined as, “a dishonest way of deceiving people to make money.” Therefore, from a financial standpoint, yes—John Stossel is correct; college is a scam.
Just like any successful business, colleges have viewed the landscape and determined the high …show more content…

Schools continuously showcase how successful their graduates are and how much money each of them is making in countless desirable jobs. Morevoer, admission to these schools is becoming increasingly competitive while their tuitions rapidly rise. As Stossel stated, “tuitions have risen four times faster than inflation,” making higher education harder and harder to pay for. Yet, students still apply with an eagerness to pay for the college of their dreams with a loan that they will be paying off for the better part of a lifetime. However, what we need to consider is the fact that these success cases would probably have achieved their goals without the college degree because they are innately intelligent and motivated. These are qualities that cannot be taught by even the most prestigious of universities. So, yes, college is a

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