Why do we have vaccinations? Is it so that vaccinations help people not get diseases and can help people get over what they have? Vaccinations are a good thing to have so that it helps stop a virus and not get others around you sick. Many people believe vaccination is a good thing to have. Vaccinations can save your children’s life because of all the advantages in medical science, children all over the world can be protected by diseases and more. Diseases that have killed children have been looked into and there has been a vaccine made to help kill the disease or help prevent. (www.vaccines.gov) Vaccinations are very safe and affective. Vaccines are only given to children after doctors look into is and see what all the side effects it has and what it is made out of. While getting the vaccine it can cause some irritation and discomfort. This pain is only minimal of what it could have been with out the vaccination. (www.vaccines.gov) Immunization protects can protect anyone that gets them. Children in the united states still get vaccination even as they are growing up due to the fact that there are more and more diseases discovered every day or over time. In 2010 the United States had over two thousand cases of whopping cough and was reported over 20 deaths, most children were younger then six months. (www.vaccines.gov) This can save many families time and money by getting it done when they are a child and as they are growing up. Children who have diseases van not be
Hello I would like to inform you why it is important for people to take vaccinated. The first reason why you should get vaccinated is you may be at increased risk for complications from certain diseases if you have a chronic health condition or weakened immune system. Like my mom because she takes bio meds that weaken her immune system now a commend cold could kill her. The next reason why you should get vaccinated is you can reduce the chance that you'll pass on a serious disease to your loved ones. The third and finally reason why people should get vaccinated is so you can help protect those who can't get vaccinated. In conclusion there are two big reasons to get vaccinated for you or for your loved ones.
Children's immune systems are not as strong as an adults, therefore it is crucial children are regularly vaccinated to prevent and defeat diseases. To begin, a huge number of children’s lives have been saved from diseases and illnesses because of vaccines. For example, vaccines save about two and half million children’s lives each year from preventable diseases (Source 1). In other words, vaccines are effective in fighting off diseases. Vaccinations are saving children’s lives because they help prevent getting an illness or disease.
Vaccines can protect future generations and prevent current life threatening illnesses. If you get vaccinated it can decrease the chances of your child getting a disease.Mothers who get vaccinated when pregnant also decreases chances of birth defects while mothers who were not vaccinated when pregnant had more of a chance of their baby having birth defects. Getting a vaccine early on can make your body immune to the disease and help your body even if you do happen to catch the
Vaccinations have been shown to prevent many diseases, including measles, mumps, pertussis, polio, varicella, and influenza (CDC, 2009). According to Shot@Life, a United Nations partner program, vaccines stop around 2.5 million children from developing preventable diseases each year (ProCon.org,
Proponents will argue that vaccines can save the lives of children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics states that, "most childhood vaccines are 90%-99% effective in preventing disease." (3) If a child does get a disease, the symptoms are less severe if they have been vaccinated vs a child that has not. When there is a medical condition preventing the child from being vaccinated, like cancer, it is due to the child having little to no immune system. Vaccinating children, protects them from being infected with a disease that can result in death.
Vaccines are safe and effective. They are only given to children after a long and careful review by scientists, doctors, and health care professionals. When the shots are given there can be some discomfort. There can be pain, redness, or tenderness at the site of the injection but this
Preventing disease is much easier than treating a disease once it occurs. Vaccines can prevent most childhood diseases such as measles, diphtheria, polio, and small pox. There has been much discussion in the news recently over whether or not to vaccinate children. One argument is that vaccines are not safe and contribute to autism. The vast majority of people continue to believe childhood vaccines are safe and choose to have their children vaccinated. If deadly diseases are going to continue to be prevented, it is necessary to have children vaccinated.
Only after a long and careful review by scientist and healthcare professionals are vaccines given. They cause some mild pain and discomfort, which is nothing compared to the trauma, and discomfort of the diseases theses vaccinations prevent. Side effects of these vaccinations are very rare if any at all. For most children it’s better to have received these vaccinations than to have not
It is very important to have vaccinations for diseases because it will help protect the body from germs, diseases, and even the swine flu. It can also boost your immune system. And it can even help boost your mood.
In the last century, vaccinations have become the single most leading achievement in public health because these vaccines have saved millions of lives as well as prevented illness and lifelong disability. These childhood diseases that once resulted in hospitalization, death or lifelong consequences only a few decades ago have now become preventable. If we do not vaccinate against diseases such as RV, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Influenza, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella there could be serious outbreaks. It is my belief that as parents, the goal is to give children a healthy start in life and one of the most important decisions that can be made is to get your child vaccinated, especially since there are no effective alternatives to immunization.
Another good reason a person should get vaccinated is people who already have a disease could pass it to another person and that person can spread it then it could travel around the world if that person has it. And whatever disease it is can kill a lot of people around the globe so that’s why people need vaccines.
There are many reasons why vaccines are important. I will go over three of them. Vaccines will keep you healthy, diseases have not gone away and the people around you need you.
A reason your child should get vaccinated is that it ensures that your child won’t get sick. 96% of doctors recommend getting a vaccine for your everyday illnesses such as the flu, DTap, MMR, etc. Most often these illnesses focus on physical growth and metabolism growth. These vaccines ensures healthy start to a child's life. All parents want their children to grow up to be nice and strong. 99.9% of the vaccines any doctors give babies or children is to keep the child healthy and strong.
Vaccination is another form of keeping our children healthy, especially when they are in school or daycare center. They are exposed to all kinds of illnesses and diseases, by getting them vaccinated their immune system will eventually starts
Vaccination can save your child. The medical world is more advance then it has ever been before. The advancements in medicine have been able to save many children’s lives again harmful diseases that once killed thousands. Vaccines have killed off many diseases and a lot are on the brink of extinction. Vaccination protects your child from more diseases than ever before. Polio was once an epidemic in the united states that killed millions. Thankfully to vaccination polio is very rare and has not been reported in the states recently. Vaccinations help your child’s immune system interact with the substance that is in the shot and kill it off so that they are immune. The vaccine will not harm your child. Yes, there can be allergic reactions but that is better than death from your body not being prepared to attack the viruses.