
Why Do We Live In Oral Cavity?

Decent Essays

Hello, I am an Treponema Denticola, a gram-negative bacterium. I am from Spirochetes family. I am slim and curved; therefore, not to lose shape, I always move. My home is oral cavity because temperature and pH level in oral cavity is optimal for me. The normal temperature at which I can exist is ranged between 32-42°C, and pH level is ranged between 6.5-8.0. I love darkness where is no oxygen because I am an anaerobic microorganism, so I settle down deep to periodontium. If I have great conditions to grow and multiply in oral cavity, I can cause several periodontal diseases such as periodontitis, necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, and acute pericoronitis. At this time I have changed several hosts in order to find the best that fits me …show more content…

My first house was a little periodontal sulcus. The owner, a young woman, was very fond of cleanliness. She brushed her teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, flossed places where toothbrush could not reach and rinsed her mouth daily. She always ate healthy food; she did not consume a lot of carbohydrates that were best food for me in order to grow well. I could not stay there anymore, so at the first opportunity, I moved to another house. My second house was bigger; the periodontal pocket was deeper. The owner of this "house" was a teenager. He loved eating snacks and drinking sweet carbonated drinks which were good source of food for me. He was not as fond of cleanliness as my first host; however, he still cleaned his mouth every day. I wanted to make friends, hang out with them, and make parties; however he did not give me a chance to put down roots. I could stay there, but I was lucky and found the house that suited me the most. It was a big periodontal pocket. The owner did not worry about cleanliness. he did not cleaned his mouth for several days; he smoked and ate a lot of snacks with high level of sucrose. All of these are great for

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