There are many films that focus individuals who need assistance in daily living activities. From these films we can gain lots of information regarding types of conditions, the supports they need, and how a care professional and/or human service provider can help. The movie The Intouchables is based on the journey Abdel Sellou and Philippe Borgo travelled together. It reflects on the compassionate care required in assisting others, and takes a look at the challenges a paraplegic individual encounters. Philippe needs assistance in any activity that would require movement and Abdel, played as Driss, is randomly selected to be the caregiver providing the assistance. Throughout the film there are emotional challenges, along with the physical; we get to see how the care providers can deal with these.
Film Summary
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When they are cornered the men lie to the police, and pretend Philippe is in cardiac arrest and needs to get to the hospital. The police then escort them to the hospital; when they leave Driss and Philippe laugh and then drive away. Then the story is played as a flashback, starting with Driss (a man from the projects) looking to receive the unemployment benefit. In order to receive the benefit he must provide proof that he had been looking for work and was refused, so he interrupts an interviewing process at Phillippe’s and demands a signature. Philippe is a quadriplegic, looking for a new live in caregivers. Driss comes off rude and disrespectful, cutting inappropriate jokes toward the quadriplegic man, and sending inappropriate gestures toward Philippe’s assistant Magalie. Philippe requests Driss comes back the following day to pick up his papers, but instead of signing the papers, he challenges Driss to take the caregiver position. Driss accepts this challenge, and moves into the
In the movie the mother, Mary, is the one affected by the illness. She is hospitalized due to her psychotic behavior. In her absence the father, John, tries to cope
stays focused on reality and her idea of perception as well as the friendships she acquires in her two year stay at McLean Hospital and her recovery period once she is released.
The major distress in the film is, in my opinion, emotional distancing of the couple. It is inevitable that the emotional distancing can produce anxiety and imbalance of the relationship that lose its homeostasis. Although emotional cutoff tends to manifest through multi-generation of families according to Bowen Theory, distress caused by emotional cutoff in a family or a couple is as significant as distress caused through multi-generations of families. In reference to the film, the major conflict is the
The featured film documentary called ‘Murder Ball’ directed by Dana Ruben and Alex Shapiro focuses on Mark Zupan and Joe Soares life of a Quadriplegic person. I have responded to the main characters and their situations including how they make me feel about the lives of Quadriplegic people and how they deal with it during their lifetime. My overall impressions about Mark Zupan and Joe Soares lives as a quadriplegic has encouraged me to respond not to feel sorry for them but to gain respect and be inspired .I will be discussing the film techniques to support my ideas in the documentary.
The main character observed was Norman even though it was his birthday and the rivals of his daughter visit. He encounters many emotion’s while on the journey entering late adulthood. Biologically Norman faces fear of aging, but also feeling the past is fading away. Norman attitude changes to due to grief felt as he experiences physical and mental changes, yet it puts relationships in a warp of a tornado. As the movie progress you will see Norman reveal emotions, insecurity, and mental instability and becomes a serious challenge, for example when Norman was lost in the woods he came back running because he was not able to find his way back. With the disease he is encountered with a slow mental decline. Aging adults become very grumpy, arrogant, and impatient, however, Norman will not let go what was once familiar to him, and even if he struggles to claim a command with the younger ones.
The Medical Model regards disability as an individual problem. It promotes a traditional view of disability, that it is something to be ‘cured’, even though many conditions have no cure. The problem is seen as the disabled person and their impairment, not society, and the solution is seen as adapting the disabled person to fit the non-disabled world, often through medical intervention. Control resides firmly with professionals; choices for the individual are limited to the options provided and approved by the 'helping' expert.
The film pointed out a lot of subject matter that greatly affects our lives and these are as follows being a Good Samaritan, determination in reaching our goals and dreams, expression of once self, making decisions in the path we take, the different perception of different individuals to a certain subject, our judgement in the life of others, the impact of different exercises/evaluation concerning a person’s multiple intelligence to how he copes with life, and so much more. The Good Samaritan in the film was depicted by Leigh Anne. She portrayed that even in her elite kind of living, she still managed to offer a home for a young man who she had not known except for the fact that she was a friend of her son SJ, although she was a
Pat is the main character in this film adaptation. The film takes the audience through Pat’s life and his denial and struggle with a mental illness. The movie starts with Pat leaving a mental rehabilitation center, for his mother got a signing from the court to bring Pat back home after eight months. It is later shown in this film, as to why Pat was committed into this hospital, for Pat had an outburst when he had found his wife having an affair and then was later diagnosed with Undiagnosed Bipolar Disorder. Although Pat is the one struggling with bipolar, his whole family is there riding along working against this, with there own issues a well. One particular scene, that was very well constructed, is where Pat has a Bipolar mania episode at three in the morning, searching for his wedding video. As a
Describe some of the ways in which the caregivers are affected in the film. (How are they coping? How have their lives changed? What are some of the challenges
Disabilities within the characters of “The Life You Save May be Your Own” by Flanner O’Connor
This also means more disabled individuals are receiving work in television, for example, such as jack osboune who has recently been diagnosed with MS. Also the Paralympics was a huge success in Britain bringing attention to people’s abilities rather than disabilities. In the workplace, policies and procedures when applying for a job in care such as CRB checks are mandatory, however CRB’s do not give a well-rounded picture of the potential employee’s opinions, so it is up to fellow staff members to challenge them if they are deemed to be discriminatory against the residents in their care.
The story of the friendship between the two men is then told as a flashback: Philippe, a rich quadriplegic who owns a luxurious mansion, and his assistant Magalie, are interviewing candidates to be his live-in caregiver. Driss, a candidate, has no ambitions to get hired. He is just there to get a signature showing he was interviewed and rejected in order to continue receiving his welfare benefits. He is told to come
More and more people will need care in old age, and if they are disabled. Millions of Americans suffer from a chronic illness, or some kind of disability, and many of these people will have limits in their daily activities. Some people experience
The theme of the movie is laughter is the best medicine because joy will always cure the soul. The movie started off with the main character Patch Adams admitting himself into a mental hospital. Being in the mental hospital he came upon a rude psychiatrist that didn’t care to help or listen to the patients. This made him realize he wanted to go to medical school and properly help, care and treat patients. Patch released himself from the Mental facility and went to Virginia Medical College. One part in the movie that makes you understand the theme is when Patch Adams dresses up as an angel which symbolizes spiritual figures. Patch Adams was determined to become a medical doctor once he started visiting patients in the Medical school clinical hours. This made him truly passionate about helping people. Patch Adams believed the medical staff did not appreciate the methods of healing patients as much as they should, they care about the money instead. He cheers the patients up by making light out of the idea of death. He dressed up as a clown for the children who had cancer, asked patients what they wanted to do before they pass away, and he tried to make their wishes come true.
Another obvious physical disability is an individual's confinement to a wheelchair. People who cannot walk under their own power are usually at a great disadvantage. Many times there are no special considerations made for these people. Even some typical expressions demonstrate this lack of compassion, such as "I have to run to the store", or "I'm going for a walk." People in wheelchairs are often considered weak and unable to care for themselves. However, some advances have been made in our society that encourages the independence of these people. Wheelchair ramps, handicap parking, and cuts in the curb of sidewalks are just some of the more obvious changes that have been made to better accommodate these people. But some problems may still occur for people in wheelchairs. Some hallways and doors may not be wide enough for the chair to fit through and when it is icy outside it is very easy to slide if the pavement is not sanded properly.