Coal, coal is our most used resource in the world. It’s dependable but far harder to obtain than you think. We’ll be seeing what, when, where, how and why we use coal. For centuries, humans have had a close bond with coal, fires centuries ago to fuelling technology today. The use of coal is scarce though, meaning it’s a non-reusable resource not only is it unsustainable it prove to be detrimental to the environment. Due to this fact, we cannot use coal in large amounts as there ill be many negative effects.
Coal. One of the most used natural resources we use the most of. So, what is it? It’s a some-what fragile black, rock that has a lustre of shiny or dull reflection. Coal is a naturally occurring fossil fuel, flammable consisting of organic materials, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen with some exceptions of sulphur and nitrogen. So, why do we humans use this resource? Humans have been using this resource for centuries, fires from all the way to the stone age with lesser knowledge of its use from today where we use it for further technologies fuelling our electricity and our vehicles, cars. Coal, when processed to electricity is made into a liquid substance which creates a gas. This gas then powers a turbine which is then connected to a generator which has magnets and a coil which makes magnetic energy then to create electricity we use everyday.
Coal is
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The effects can be economically and environmentally unfriendly. The mining of coal is vital for the everyday use of humans today. During the mining processes is a ton of digging for the deposit which can prove to be dangerous to the environment around, they have to consider if the environment there is good enough to mine around. Economically standing, it’s very economically draining. Machines, excavators, explosives and the money maybe to make people move out for demolition. The person running the mining procedure would have to use tons of money and ponder about the
Coal is a type of fossil fuel that contains stored energy from dead plant matter. Coal is formed millions years ago in geologic time. When coal is burned the energy is used to heat water and generate electricity.
Coal: Electricity from coal is the power made from the energy stored in coal. Carbon, made from ancient plant material, gives coal most of its energy. This energy is released when coal is burned. We use coal-generated electricity for:
Nowadays, coal is still one of the greatest used energy to generate power in so many countries. Using coal in electricity generation is 93% in South African, 87% in Poland, 79% in China, 78% in Australia, 45% in USA, 41% in Germany, 58% in Israel etc. (Coal & Electricity) From the data above, even the developed countries use coal to generate power as the main source. In many developed countries, energy generation is still based on coal as a long-term source. In recent years, although there is an increasing number of equipment using gas and wind to generate the power, it is still lower than the proportion of coal-fired power generation. The reason why most countries choose coal as a main source to generate electricity, is that there are many advantages in using coal to generate electricity. First of all, coal is the
Coal has been around for 250 million years, but only has been used since the 1800’s first by trains and now for energy all around the world and many other things that people couldn't think of! Coal is a combustible sedimentary organic rock which is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It is formed from vegetation which has been consolidated between two other rock strata and altered by the combined effects of pressure and heat over millions of years to form coal seams. There are over 174,000 jobs in the U.S associated with coal and 83,000 of them are mining jobs, Coal miners have found many ways to extract coal from the ground which includes, surface mining, longwall mining, room and pillar mining, and underground mining. “Surface
1 What is coal? Coal is a substance we consider today a fossil fuel, created from all the dead plants millions of years ago. Coal is formed from prehistoric plants that when they die are not able to release the energy they built up from photosynthesis Typically the plants had fallen into large swamps and bogs, and then over time the dead plants lying on the bottom of the swamps and bogs were slowly covered with other dead plants and sediment build-up. Once buried the plants were subjected to high amounts of pressure and temperatures, which over long periods of time it becomes peat then eventually creates coal. We refer to coal as a “fossil fuel” today because it is created from prehistoric plants and the coal we have today has been millions of years since it was in plant form. Today we coal is still being created we just don’t fully recognize it because how long the process actually takes.
It also burns cleaner than most people think, and provides a stable source of energy. Anthracite coal is high in CO2 but low in sulfur so it is cleaner. Coal burns very hot making it a very good source of heat. Coal is seen as something that harms the environment but in all honesty it burns cleaner than most things. The coal plants are nowhere near as harmful to the environment as a big rig you see daily, because of all of the filters they’ve put on the smoke stacks to catch the harmful particles.
Coal is very inexpensive. This helps the U.S. because we won't ave to spend a lot of money
Coal is good example of a nonrenewable resource as well as a fossil fuel, a subcategory of nonrenewable resources. There are two types of nonrenewable resources found: fossil fuels, like coal, natural gas, and oil, and nuclear energy. Since coal is a fossil fuel, it is literally made out of fossils. Coal was only produced once, because there had to be a point in time when the decayed plants would be able to retain their energy from photosynthesis. This energized decayed plant matter became known as peat, which turned into coal as it underwent intense heat and pressure over time. . Coal has many uses, such as steel production and electricity. Coal is not only an important resource, because although there is a limited supply, it can be found all over the world at ancient swamps and mountains making
With that being said here are some environmental impacts of coal you may not know about. The air pollutants cause acid rain, smog ,respiratory illnesses, cancers and toxins in the environment. Coal miners can get respiratory illnesses from the coal dust while mining. If an abandoned coal mine catches fire it puts tons of mercury into the atmosphere, this happens every year and is responsible for three percent of carbon dioxide emissions globally. The second largest contributor to
Coal is a hard, black colored rock-like substance. It is made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and varying amount of sulphur. Coal was form as decomposition took place in the absence of oxygen and much of the hydrogen content of the matter was eroded away, leaving a material rich in carbon. The material was compressed over the years by sand and dirt, leaving the form of a carbon known as coal. The different types of coals are Anthracite, bituminous, lignite, peat, coke, and charcoal. Coal is mined out of the ground and used to produce energy. However, they are many deaths, injuries, and sickness involved in mining coal.
Coal, a mineral I have discussed previously, is necessary to our everyday lives. Coal is an incredible source of energy; it heats our houses and buildings, and also fuels stoves. You may often wonder where this extremely useful mineral comes from. Coal does not just appear; it needs to be mined through a process which results in our being able to utilize it. Coal mining is fairly inexpensive, is carried out on a large scale and can be mined in either underground or surface mines.
A short term effect is when coal is being mined coal dust which spreads rapidly through the air that can and will affect the miners who work in the environment. Coal dust is also created when it is transported to the coal-fired power station and is also created when it is handled.
Mining is the extraction of expensive minerals or metals from the earth. The economy cannot function without minerals and the products made from mining due to the fact that many of our daily used objects are not organically grown, but are man-made. Everything we rely on depends on mining minerals. Our homes are made out of foundations made of concrete. Water, electricity and gas are conducted though copper and steel wires. Several modes of transportation require coal fuel to power it. “The country was in the midst of an industrial revolution -- a period of great advances in technology -- and coal made it possible. Coal powered America's new factories. It fueled the ships and trains that enabled
Effects that coal mining have on the soil; could cause soil contamination and erosion and it will affect the chemical as well as physical properties of the soil. Soil will become loose and also lose
Coal is a general term for a wide variety of solid materials that are high in carbon content. Most coal is burned by electric utility companies to produce steam to turn their generators. Some coal also is used in factories to provide heat