
Why Dogs Are Animals Worth It Essay

Decent Essays

Just Because Dogs are Animals, Doesn’t Mean They Have to Act Like It

Dog’s are expensive animals, the money that is spent is worth it. Dog’s are compassionate and loving, however, some dogs by nature and breed are more aggressive. This is where training and the money spent on training the dog is worth it. I have a small dog, her breed is a cockapoo. Her name is Stella. She is a mix of a cocker spaniel and a poodle she is a very docile dog except for when she's on her leash. A couple of days ago I took her for a walk, and on this walk I was about ten steps out of my house. I saw a dog turn the corner, so naturally I picked Stella up, and the dog ran up to me and started to jump on me and claw my legs. The owner sauntered over, and once she got there she just let her dog continue to jump on me and claw. If the owner had a bigger dog both me and Stella could have gotten really hurt. My dog has had a couple of classes when she was younger and when she is not on her leash she is very nice to other dogs. …show more content…

Especially if it is a more aggressive dog by nature. There are numerous cases of fatal and life threatening dog attacks, this is why dog training classes are so important. Although in some cases, training doesn't work, but other times it protects many people because they are trained to not be as vicious. One story was of a young kid in the northeast of Calgary, he was in a backyard with two German Shepherds, both belonging to the owners of the house he was at. He was bitten and hurt very badly although he was not put in life threatening condition. He had multiple bite marks and wounds around his body. Severe dog attacks don’t just cause physical damage, they also cause mental damage. An example of this is PTSD in the victim of the

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