In order to decide how much my employees will be paid I will first check around the area to see what other childcare centers are paying their lead teachers, childcare assistants, directors/office staff, cleaning staff and cooking staff. If my center was for example only paying $9.00 an hour while over at another center they were paying $12.00, I may not receive the best help because those people would be going to where they were compensated at a higher rate. I understand that it is not quite as easy as saying, all my employees will be making three more dollars an hour, I must first consider all my expenses. The cost of the building, electric and water bills, the cost of the food and formula, etc. must all be covered before I am able to even …show more content…
If I as a director see positive interactions with the children and continual growth going on in their classroom, I will reward my employees with vacation days. Typically the two items employees’ value is money and time. Therefore time off will assist with relaxing and taking time for themselves to promote self-care. Additionally, I would compensate my employees with staff lunches or dinners, where the childcare center would cater food for all to enjoy. Throughout the past twenty years of my life, I have learned that people are genuinely happy when they are around food, therefore providing a meal here and there would reward my employees with a job well done. For example, over the summer I worked in a printing mill, when each department met their safety standards, we were rewarded with dinners to say congratulations. This may not have been money, but it was self-satisfying and let the employees know they were doing a good job. Many educators choose to go into the educational field for the outcome, not the income. Therefore, they may never have the most money, or the biggest house, but what educators will have is a full heart, and at the end of the day that is what truly
Charles Sarkisian Teacher J Period 5 February 23, 2024 Why Tipping Is Important? In the world, tipping is still a way to show kindness to a worker or group. Sometimes, people argue why they should tip money from their pocket for others if they can use that money for other stuff. Most people who own businesses think this way. Businesses should not eliminate tipping because some people rely on it and it benefits businesses.
It is not worth having to go through all the trouble in order to get paid. Is it really worth spending so much time on the things you have to do to get paid? NO! Plus not all students and families can afford to pay for their tuition. At the end these athletes could end up paying for their own tuition. A problem is that tuition and college expenses would not be deductible because the income level surpasses the IRS eligibility limit (Thelin). Basically if a student were to get a certain amount of money he will be paying for his tuition, room and board , out of state fees (if they’re from out of state) , plus taxes on top of that. At the end, the amount of money he or she is getting paid will end up at the same place, and equal out to the amount
The closer you look into the world, the more secrets you will unlock. If you were to look closely in world history, you would see racism and inequality. If you look in art, you can see racism and inequality. Inequality has not been eradicated, there is still a heavy divide between races in our nation, the United States. As article one stated, 88 percent of blacks believe the nation still needs to make changes to benefit equality, but 43 percent do not believe these changes will occur. Different races have different views on the changes for equality. Article 1 states the 53 percent of whites believe the nation needs to change to aid the fight for equality. The other 47 percent believes that the country has changed enough to support equality.
Lastly, the third principle is that economic considerations of the employer should also be taken to account when considering just wage. This argument stems from the theory that without an economically healthy employer, opportunities for good paying jobs might be limited. Wages are an essential part of the overall budget of an organization, though the economic health of the institution should be kept in mind as well. Institution or employers who are in a tough financial situation must adjust paying living wages accordingly. Pope Puis affirms this thought and states, "in determining the amount of the wage, the condition of a business and of the one carrying it on must also be taken into account; for it would be unjust to demand excessive wages
For many years people have wondered if college athletes should be paid. The NCAA rule is that you cannot take money from coaches or promise to pay. For many years, these athletes have been having a lot of attention to college sports. However they are in school and you don’t see high school kids being paid to play sports. But they also have practice every day for however long it is then they have classes.
. The daycare and child development business is booming and profits are soaring. With more people looking at the child care field from different angles, these type of programs have more opportunities for more allies and partners, for funding and positive public relations, for improving, and “professionalizing” the programs that we offer to our children in our communities. Non-profit groups and higher education have increasingly partnered with schools, often including after-school hours.
3. Some employers provide on-site care for the children of their employees, while others reimburse workers for daycare costs.
30 percent of Early Childhood educators change or leave the field completely every year. Think of that percentage, 30 percent altogether. That is a pretty large number to factor in annually. “It is estimated that staff turnover can cost, at a MINIMUM $3,000 for each lost employee.” (Page 200) Not only is it hard on the company and director when employees turn over, but it also becomes hard on the children and families at the childcare center because they have created a personal relationship with the employee! As most people know, there has always been a major factor that plays into the childcare field and that is low wages and poor benefits. Whether you are a teacher or a director, you really have to have passion for the field of childcare
I don’t think PFP (pay for performance) is a bad idea in the workplace. However, I feel that employees should be aware that is how they will be paid before they begin work at a company who pays that way. This is fair and the employee knows what they are getting into. Many people are doing their job correctly so working for their pay by PFP is no big deal. My daughter is currently getting paid that way and she is happy at her job and is getting paid well because the customers are leaving wonderful comments about her. It is a personal preference, but do not see a problem with it.
The costs of this expansion will mostly go toward labor, as labor is the single largest component of costs for early infant and toddler care centers (Marshall et al., 2004). For teachers to stay invested in the children they teach and care for, they must be fairly compensated to maintain the high quality of care. According to a study in Massachusetts, 72 percent of typical full-time, full-year center expenditures go toward labor (Marshall, et al., 2004). In dollar amounts, “average expenditures per child care hour were $4.42 for centers serving infants and $4.28 for centers serving toddlers. These correspond to full-time care expenditures of $10,343 and $10,015 for the two groups of centers [infants and toddlers, respectively]”
As every single employee thinks of promotion they expect higher salary, as well money motivates us to wake up in the morning, everyone's dream includes money and more money, therefore, I believe the more money a company could offer brings a strong purpose to their employees of achieving more, as well as they would try to exceed the company's usual profits.
Lastly, and most importantly, is to have wages raised. By having wages raised, there would be more loyal employees. For example, more people would be willing to pick up extra shifts because rather than working at their other job, they can work just full time at our company. Although, it is hard to work full time with our company because it is not a regular job. We work based off the amount of events happening that week. Sometimes we can go up to 2 weeks without having a big event going on. No matter whether there are big events going on or not though, we have clients that we provide 24/7 security for. These are smaller accounts that might only require 2-3 people but the more committed ones are the ones who get to pick up these shifts and receive
If the United States is an equal country, then why are men and women still paid different salaries? The U.S. is said to be a country of freedom and equality, but the crucial part of every individual’s life, getting a job and working, is not equal. Men and women in America are separated by a long-existing wage gap. Though the gap may only be a few cents difference, over time, it adds up to a large amount of money. Education seems like a solution to the problem, but it does not help. Also, the gap can hurt young girl’s self-esteem as well as making it harder for single mothers to care for themselves and their children. To achieve a truly equal country, the pay gap
Restaurant employees should be paid the non tipped minimum. I say this because tips arent always enough to put food on the table or keep a roof over your head. Living expenses are always getting higher especially in bigger cities, usually when that goes up everything else does to such as gas or food. Ive known the resturaunt buisness most of my life and it is not the easiest job out there.
The words "Employers have a moral obligation to ensure that their workers are paid well enough to maintain a decent standard of living," should not be followed as law or exact truth. Although in many cases, people do their work and get compensated in a just amount, it would not be right for an employer to pay a father with a family of 4 who works every day to sustain his family's well being the same wages as a 15 year old boy in high school looking for some extra cash. Employers need to not just worry about whether or not their employees can live off of their wages, but more so that the worker is paid for the work tht they do.