
Why Fish Dying

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I don’t agree with your statement about the cause of the many fish dying off in the Gray Area. To start off, you stated that the chlorine was not killing the fish, although tests proved that 8 fish were killed in result of chlorine from the waterpark. To add on, Ken Unballe stated that,“When we were forced to re-test on different days, we did find too much chlorine in the water”. Proving, chlorine is part of the fish dying off. In addition, phosphate tests on the cattle ranch also showed that the phosphate levels were not too high. Unlike, the phosphate levels in the golf course, which could be killing the fish. Phosphates build up in the water and cause more plants to grow, creating less oxygen to breathe. They do not poison fish. To add on, the oil found on the beach near Synchrony City was car oil, NOT refinery oil. Showing, that the refinery and cattle ranch can’t be killing the fish. …show more content…

Nevertheless, the sediment increases the water temperature because hot water can’t hold as much oxygen. Also, the tests on the rivers showed that the Gray Area did not have too much sediment so this could not be why the fish are dying. To continue, tests on the lakes and rivers showed that the Gray Bay Area was too acidic for fish. But, in your letter you said that Don Juan Tuno’s oil refinery is causing pH 8 acid rain in the rivers nearby, however fish can live in pH levels from 5-9. Also, the data from tests proved that it’s mostly pollution from cars creating the acid rain in the Gray

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