Why Government Succeeds and Why It Fails, is a book about the working of government with the focus on the United States of America, but its implications and findings translate to other governments. The authors Glazer and Rothenberg use a systematic approach through analysis and findings to illustrate the reasons for a government’s success or failings. Their use of statistics enhances the readers understanding of the work and increases their credibility throughout the work. Each chapter leads to the next and builds app on itself to further increase the ease of which the reader can understand the book. The books highlights how a government is successful or a failure though the analysis of economics, redistribution, regulation, producing goods …show more content…
They used a methodical and calculating approached that was backed by observations and analysis of data and statistics. In their conclusion the most influential issue when it comes to a succeful government comes down to the economics. A strong income flow with a more limited output will increase the likely hold of a more succeful government. You cannot look at the officils or buricracts and point your finger. Has highlighted throughout the book, it did not matter which party was in office, the economy and inflation was steady. Some interesting lessons for the government to help make them better are manipulate the few. Making smaller moves and regulations on the few will have a greater impact on the many and in turn create the overall outcome that was intended. One interesting theory is a more ignorant voting base. This idea suggest that the government is well educated and would be less burdened by the opposition of the people and would be better able to make the right calls and implement the laws and regulations needed. In the end wide swinging reform does not fix the governments problems. Most of the problems will be from economic restraints, this cannot be avoided. It is of the upmost importance to make policy that takes into account of the economic needs and strain and by doing so increase the policies chances of …show more content…
Over the length of the book the diaries ideas that would improve governments and ways to stop them from failing. One key thought they mentioned over and over was the economy is the most influential aspect of a governments success. Their goal was to enhance a person understanding of a very complex subject and give ideas of ways to improve. Even if the economy does improve there are many thing that will still limit governments ability to achieve its goal, things like the market, expectations, and peoples evaluations. Overall this is a book that should be reviewed and understood to better understand government and to increase its success. The book was well thought out and put in a easy to follow order. There was extensive research and findings that are put in the book. The ways the authors illustrated the information from problem to solution formatting was helpful to understand and follow. One of the biggest draw backs is the fluidity of the paragraphs. There is a lot of back tracking to say why they are saying this and this Leland’s it elf to being more credible, but decreases the interest in the book and makes it harder to
Personally, I did not enjoy the book. It didn't get all that interesting until the last couple of chapters. Before that, it spewed facts in my face and lacked an intriguing plot. I learned a lot from this book, but You would be better off reading a science journal, magazine, or website. Otherwise, it was an okay book.
In the book, the government made all of the decisions for everyone, making sure that in some way they contributed to their community. One example of this is when Equality 7-2521 wasn’t given a choice in the job he had. Although it wasn’t his ideal job, it was still given to him with the purpose of it helping out his community. The final technique which stood out amongst the others is limit of knowledge. The government withheld information from the Unmentionable Times from the rest of the community.
Donald Kettl presents many controversial ideas in his book The Next Government of the United States. While some of the ideas Kettl provides many be disagreed upon by some he gives excellent validation for reasoning. Two ideas that I believe are well worth discussing are the Mildred Paradox that correlates with the Mildred Corollary and the irresponsible governance provided by the federal government. Each of these ideas brings about aspects that should be considered by citizens when thinking of the U.S. government. Kettl’s ideas are important in considering what the government does and does not do for citizens: consequently, some may or may not trust the United States government, and Kettl is providing reasoning behind the distrust. Kettl uses the negligence and disconnection of the government to the citizens to provide reasoning for why our government is failing us.
One of my main objections that I have with this book is that it doesn't present enough of a point of view. It is sort of like a bad research paper, without an opinion, it is simply an organized sheet of facts. Although I wouldn't call this book terrible or a failure, I would call it incomplete. It gives the feeling of reading an encyclopedia, but with more interesting details. It is understandable to have a weak opinion in an informational book, but no opinion at all is scarcely acceptable.
In this chapter, Wheelan shares two lessons about the role of government in the economy. These are: First, he states that "the government must not be the sole provider of a good or service unless there is a compelling reason to believe that the private sector will fail in that role." He expounds further that the government will be freer to take care of things that need to be really handled by the government. There are things that the government should not be doing because when it dips its hands on that, it will presumably be inefficient. He cites the example of postal mail. He posits that the technology today has radically changed and things need to be implemented differently. The second point is that even if the government has an important role to play in the economy, it need not be the actual one to do the work (p 66).
The government’s role for the people is to challenge them like how contestants from “The Amazing Race” or “Fear Factor” are challenged. Government should be like a reality competition show filled with adventure and danger (Amazing Race, 2003) (Fear Factor, 2005). Just like the government in “The Hunger Games” (Collins, 2008). People should compete for rights and liberties. The competitions can be held under the government’s supervision. These competitions can involve multiple life daring tasks and only the ones that survive win. The losers or the ones not so fortunate die in the process, a true fight to the death. Government works from a federal standpoint and does not get involved in local affairs.
President James Garfield’s tragic death is brought to new life in the book The Destiny of the Republic. Author Candice Millard shows readers just how that very incident brought one nation together. This being in the middle of the Gilded Age, at times it looked like the nation had everything under its belt but in reality, people didn’t see the corrupt happenings at that time. Through poverty, war, a surprising turn in events, to downright failure in medicine, President Garfield’s life was a downward spiral and he wasn’t even aware. As much as Garfield was unaware of that, Americans at the time were unaware that they were slowly beginning to unite over the ignorance of both Doctor Bliss and Charles Guiteau. Millard didn’t just write a book of a detailed and historic biography, she wrote somewhat effortlessly of the personal yet challenging circumstances Garfield and his family were in and simply told a story.
A successful economy is perhaps the most key ingredient leading to a successful nation. An economy is a delicate balance of many different conflicting and coexisting elements. Naturally, an economy’s success can often be measured by the amount of wealth it contains, not to mention the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of its distribution of the wealth. Effective distribution of wealth is no easy feat. Wealthy and poor people will always need to coexist- this is an inescapable truth. The government’s job in many cases becomes that of a referee. Naturally, perfect peace and harmony between two totally different classes would be a utopia, and probably will never be completely achieved. A government must, therefore,
For as long as governments have existed, the people they ruled feared them. This fear and the desire to improve these governments have let to countless different attempts to perfect government. From the most liberal democracy to the most crushing dictatorship, governments have all faced some shortcomings. Because of the faults inherent in all governments, various types of governance have been the topic for many authors. The late novelist Ayn Rand wrote many books on the trouble that a socialist government could bring and espoused the virtue of individualism. She felt that by allowing government to limit our individual freedoms, we were sentencing ourselves to a certain death. She wrote that “We are fast approaching the
The role of government has developed throughout the years changing the way we view and act in society today. For example, the national government ensure that the citizens of the United States are all treated equally, applies law and order, and provides opportunities. The government has changed dramatically since we now have social media, newspapers, and the radio. However , not only has the government provided a strong impact in society in a positive way, but it has also impacted the society in negative ways. As a nation the public has found many imperfection in our government that they want to change. Public opinion has caused negative feedback through media and political participation . The government is trying to help the people by
Overall the book was a good read and touched on some various topics that are discussed in our class.
Every country differs in their preference of political system to govern their countries. For democratic countries, two possible choices of governing are the presidential system and the parliamentary system. Since both the presidential and the parliamentary systems have their own strengths and weaknesses, many scholars have examined these two forms of government, and debate on which political system is more successful in governance. In this paper, I will first provide a detailed analysis of both the parliamentary and the presidential system. I will also evaluate each system’s strengths and weaknesses, addressing any differences as well as any commonalities. Finally, I will conclude by using historical examples to analyze and support the
There is the need to stress improving organizational and processing procedures. This can be done by the use of technology such as e-gov and management information systems. Also, computer and software applications can make a difference in large education systems, unemployment compensation, retraining, welfare-to-work, and monitoring capital construction programs. The importance to maintain and improve productivity of our government programs. It is very important that we improve productivity of government programs. In this economy we need to be able to cut costs wherever possible, this enables us to do so. It also would limit the amount of involvement and confusion it would bring if we don't improve them. The efficiency as we improve will also be developed.
There are numerous ways in which underperforming governmental institutions fail their citizenry. Institutions can fail in regards to education, economics, the military/police, religion, the social sphere, and through institutional
Have you ever wondered about the role of government in society? Henry Cloud, a leadership expert and psychologist, claims that “every human being must have boundaries in order to have successful relationships or a successful performance in life” (Cloud). However, on the broader spectrum, can this message also apply to our government? Even if you have not considered these two questions, you will certainly have expectations from the government, which may be related to your wellbeing and/or the society’s wellbeing. Since each individual has different expectations, it is easier to analyze the role of government by considering societal expectations. Societal expectations are commonly shared views about the role of an exceptional government, which would include security, right to equal opportunity, and economic prosperity. Thus, the role of a government is to ensure that the country is moving towards economic prosperity along with providing security to its residents. However, does this mean that all of the government’s decisions are directed towards this responsibility? Unfortunately, this is not always the case; there are many times of when a government oversteps its boundaries by hindering economic progress or sacrificing domestic security. One example of this would be the USA’s decision to send its military aid to Pakistan for fighting terrorism. Nonetheless, there are also many times of when a government acts within its boundaries by ensuring the protection of its residents.