No one can help everyone, but everyone can help someone. I have witnessed the power of mandated community service first hand, through my own school’s service project for needy families. Working together with classmates and the student body, a multitude of families were given essential items, and students were taught communication, teamwork, and empathy. Community service provides many lessons and skills to the student while arguments against the program are flawed. High schools should make community service mandatory.
High schools should mandate civil service for the benefit of their students and their communities. Community service is essential to promoting a moral center for communities, bettering the individual, keeping communities alive,
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Washington-Lee High School successfully operated a no requirement volunteer system and were able to help their community (Bahrampour, 78). This only proves that systems with no mandated service can work, but makes no claims on if they are more efficient or if mandated systems are not beneficial. This case study proves volunteer work can have positive effects, effects that can be multiplied under a mandated system. “Two studies suggest that community service requirements can have negative effects on students’ intentions to volunteer freely in the future but only when students feel they aren’t ready to volunteer or that the requirement is too controlling” (Stukas, Mark, Clary, 78-79). These studies do not present sufficient reason to not mandate civil service, as this lack of future was easily mitigated when the system was applied with student freedom, even in students who were not ready to volunteer. A system applied poorly will have poor results, but that is not a reason not to use the system. Arguments against mandating civil service fail to provide sufficient warrant to prove their
Many high schools around the country have made community service hours mandatory in order for the seniors to graduate. Not everyone agrees that this should be a requirement because seniors already have enough on their plate. When seniors are about to graduate, it does not matter how many tasks they have to complete as a requirement if they do not feel like doing it and they have no motivation they will not complete
Many schools require students to participate in community service, but I think this is a good idea. Many schools do not require students to volunteer in community service. I agree that students should have to volunteer to graduate. I think that students should be forced to volunteer for community service sometime in their high school career as it makes people work and shows them what work really is. It also gets people off there lazy tail.
In “Serve or Fail,” Dave Eggers argues that a community service requirement should be set in place for college university students to graduate, thus creating “well-rounded scholars.” According to Eggers, university college students have “many hours in the days and weeks that need killing.” Students having extra time on their hands could easily volunteer for community service, positively impacting their respective communities, as well as gaining knowledge and experience of working with others in a professional setting. Eggers states that there are already some colleges and high schools with community service requirements in order to graduate. While this requirement could be a strain on the younger levels of education, Eggers believes a requirement set for university college students could work because they generally are not “boxed-in by family and after school obligations,” as well as being able to handle the extra task.
Is graduating a goal for you? To be the first one to graduate in your family? It’s like as if you’re almost there, just one more step but you need one more requirement to be eligible. In this article “Pro/Con: Should Student Service Learning Hours Be Mandatory?” By Claire Koeing, it states the opinion of why high school students should and shouldn’t do community service as a requirement to graduate high school. Many have their own opinion of why it is and isn’t important to have community service as a requirement. High school students mainly seniors already have so much stress and to do, but this does prepare them and give them a taste of how it will be after graduation.
Most students do community service just because it is required. Thus as soon as they do not have to do it anymore, then they are more likely to quit and not do community service again. In “The Downside of School Volunteer Requirements”, Lily Lou explains, “Not having volunteering requirements would not prevent anyone from volunteering, but it would encourage avid volunteers rather generating a larger number of uninspired volunteers who glance at the clock every few minutes.” High school administrations over look the fact that students are more likely to do be willing to volunteer if they are given the choice. Not only that, but when students are given the choice and choose to do community service they are going to be more beneficial to the cause, then if they were doing it because they had
Encouraging students to engage in meaningful, sustained community service and get involved in causes that speak to
Community Service is a way to help others meet their needs. It is important for people to help their neighbors so a community can be strong and successful. By helping doing community service one can also learn new skills to help enhance one’s education.
There is a lot of time and dedication that goes into community service. Some students may say that it is a waste of time. Community service is very time-consuming. There are better things that can be done. Students will find other alternatives that will get them out of doing community service. The students will either join a club or play a sport. They would do anything to get them out of doing community service. Some students are not as social as others. They would rather be in their room alone than be out with others. Some students are not as social as others. Some students find joy in helping others. It warms their heart to help out where and when it is needed. Community service should not be required because it is taking away from their education, and adding more stress than they already
When a good service becomes mandatory, it loses the effect it had originally. In Volunteering to Graduate: Do We Need More Requirements? by Miriam Dodge, the author makes an important point about community service. “... making a selfless
Students should not be required to complete 100 hours of community service to graduate high school for many reasons. Some of which include the lack of extra free time, inability to go somewhere, and the potential to have a higher dropout rate.
A continuous debate that is currently receiving much attention is whether community service should be a mandatory graduation requirement. Preparing students to effectively function in the real world is an important aspect of our education system. Today more than ever, there is an emphasis on having experience before beginning work. Most jobs are now focused on looking past your resume to see what you have given back to the community. Nevertheless, it is important that schools focus on preparing college students for the work force by mandating that they receive all of the necessary exposure and experience. Numerous schools across the country have mandated that in order for their students to graduate, they must complete a predetermined amount of community service. In Maryland, high school students are required to complete a minimum of 75 hours of service in order to graduate. However, this decision has resulted in a lot of mixed responses. Advocates of this decision stress that mandatory community service opens doors for students, while the opponents feel that it takes away valuable time from students who need to focus on their education. I believe that gaining experience outside of school is critical for future success in life. To ensure that students are prepared to transition smoothly from school to work, they need to be involved with the community while in school in order to build the leadership skills that are necessary to succeed.
If high school graduates work for the civil services, a majority of the population of workers would not wish to be there. While this would benefit many and make them better citizens, the negatives would make civil service less effective as a whole in America. Many young adults would love to take the path of civil service, however, if everyone was required to do it. If high school graduates work for the civil services, a majority of the population of workers would not wish to be there. While this would benefit many and make them better citizens, the negatives would make civil service less effective as a whole in America. Many young adults would love to take the path of civil service, however, if everyone was required to do it, It would not be a positive atmosphere for these young adults to serve. This would not be valuable to the civil services, and it would be invaluable to the people participating in it. A lack of motivation leads to a lack of results for civil services. If our country forces graduates to join the civil services, people passionate about the civil services would not get the experience they are hoping for. This further proves that forced civil services is a frustrating obstacle from letting people do what they want to do with their
“Community Service is important for many reasons. Taking part and volunteering teaches compassion and understanding. You can volunteer for something you really believe and have an interest in, and can volunteer as much or as little as you'd like or have time for.” Community service is really easy to get into. I mean, it is not like you have to put out an application and have an interview in order to do it. It is really easy to get into, and is really fun. It is things you wouldn’t even think are considered, like:
All through high school one always wonders why certain courses have to be taken. Thinking certain courses are a waste of one’s time and how it takes 12 years just to receive a diploma. Sounds crazy to think half of one’s life is spent in school preparing to receive a better understanding of education. During graduation, walking through the stage makes one along other proud and accomplished of all the efforts that took place. This not only helps one become more educated and aware of the things going around them, but helps become financially stable with a job or other necessities in life. Therefore, high school should be mandatory for students at least till there are 18, and not to drop-out.
As an 18-year-old tennager, I was forced by my parents to participate a summer volunteer program in my freshman year. Even though I felt that I was a victim of “tyranny” in the beginning, I realized that I actually enjoyed the process of helping people in the middle of the program. Now, I participate that program every year as an active member, and I have gained the personal enrichment that I am unable to learn from other sources such as math club or SAT preparatory class. There is no doubt that community service can bring essential benefits in helping students develop their moral value and future interest, and it should be mandatory because some students attempt to utilize community service as a tool for their own profit without the school supervision.