1. Hope
2. God
3. everything is for a reason
4. trust
5. hard work
6. Love
7. friendship
Hope is a lot of things that we use today. Today, I hoped that I would pass my chemistry test and at most only be insufficient in one class. A lot of people use hope just like me when I took the test. Another example is, our basketball team hopes to win and I hope I won't have to go to summer school. Hope is a big things that we should never let go, if you do no one will like the consequences.
Hope connects to my personality because I never give it up. An example could be; when I play basketball and we are done by fifteen, I don't give up and try to get us back in the game. Same thing with school, I just want to roll over and not do anything for the rest of the year but I keep pushing because I know that in the long run it will be worth it. That is how hope connects directly to me.
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I say this because looking back in the book I don't see where he said that he caused a car wreck or something like that. We read about what he learned through others people mistakes but I want more of lessons through his mistakes growing up as a kid.
My bias is about sports, so I will think good about it and because I like it, it will appeal better to me. For someone who does not like sports or more specific football. They will probably not like this book because a big portion of this book is about football and a little about basketball. Im bias on this because I can only think about how good and great it is and don't see any down side to
Being hopeful is an eye opening experience that encourages people to move forward in a difficult situation. The author of the book Station Eleven is Emily St. John Mandel is a novel that details this exact thing. This novel has these three characters that demonstrate a sense hope; Kirsten, Clark, and Jeevan. Kirsten’s hopefulness in this novel is to have civilization restored which gives her a positive look on things. Clark makes the Museum of civilization to help remain positive and give other people a sense of hope that things are going to be ok. Jeevan always has hope that he can help people with his medical experience and that he’ll do everything he can to help them. These three characters have a huge understanding of what it means to have hope and to never give up. By examining the characters in station eleven, it is clear that many of the characters had a feeling of hope which encouraged them to persevere in hard situations.
The pilot in this excerpt shows immense amounts of hope in multiple different ways. This pilot is so ecstatic when they are able to get the aeroplane up and running. Their hope and motivation pushed the pilot and those with them to create a way for them to escape their current status. When they were able to get the aeroplane working they got such high hopes of a chance to escape and be free from their horrible situation. Due to their determination they were able to fix what was ruined, thus giving the pilot and those with them the hope and chance to get back to their lives, loved ones and family.
Hope is what brings people closer, but at the same time allows them to move
Countless countries and beliefs were made possible because of hope. This is the same in literature. Most ideas and actions or risks are based upon hope, and is usually proceeded with persistence. Through the school year many units were covered that would be able to defend that statement. The “Slavery and Civil War” unit was one that talked about the hope of being free. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck told the story of two men with a big dream of having no worries. Finally, Stanley Gordon West’s, Until They Bring The Streetcars Back was a novel that was about how one boy did everything he could to help some stranger.
It is the story of a band of refugees attempts to escape the World War Two battlefield with nothing but hope and each other. The most obvious example of a character depending on hope to survive is Emilia, a fifteen year old Polish girl. Emilia probably has the worst experience of all the people in the novel, but she is rarely unhappy. This probably has to do with how much hope she had of survival. Throughout the journey she is always remembering her childhood in Poland and using that as motivation to continue. While reflecting on her time in Poland, she whispers, “There were no ghettos no armbands. I often fell asleep to a breeze floating through my open window. It’s true. It was like that once” (Sepetys 268). Another example of Emilia relying on hope to make it through the journey is her mental reaction to being pregnant. While the real story is extremely disturbing, Emilia tells herself that the baby’s father is the boy who she lived with before the war. That story is what gets her through the war because the moments where she remembers that the real father is a Russian soldier, she becomes depressed and scared. However, Emilia wasn’t the only person who relied on hope to get through the journey. Florian has an entirely different story of his own, and hope plays just as big of a role. He is a German soldier who has a plan to go against Hitler. The reason he is going on this
Hope to me means that you're not giving up and no matter how hard of difficult something may be, you still carry on. Even though it may seem like it’s the end or it will only continue to get better you continue to follow through by keeping your head up high. It’s important to have hope because without we would all be have very pessimistic thoughts, making it impossible to have dreams, goals, or desires. Hope gives us something to
In this modern world, hope can be hard to come by. Everyday a new tragedy is on the news, another country attacked it’s neighbor, there was another terrorist attack, etc. However, living
Hope helped prisoners and refugees believe there was still a chance of survival. If there was anything to convince them of remains of survival, it was hope. Such as in, Between Shades of Gray, the
Exemplar case: Kathy is a married 45-year old mother of one and she has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Kathy has always been a positive person in every situation and is quite known at her church for her smile and uplifting words of encouragement. Kathy’s husband and teenage daughter came to visit her at the hospital and were initially shocked and saddened by her sickly appearance. Her husband
Hope, by definition means to look forward to something with reasonable desire and confidence. Hope also means a person or thing in which expectations are centered. When discussing the word hope, one must consider the core values by which the word works around. You could hope for financial success, world peace, or simply hope for some good out of your day. In 2006, Barack Obama wrote the political biography The Audacity of Hope to outline his core political and spiritual beliefs, as well as his opinions on different aspects of American culture. The Illinois senator divided the book into nine chapters, each concentrating on both his own and the United States’ successes and failures in local and state politics. While revealing great
Yes, hope is the thought that things will eventually turn out in a positive way, but it is also much more than that, as described in “The Will and Ways
I believe writing is important to Hope because it helps her handle her feelings. I also think that writing is a good source of closer for Hope in the event of her father leaving before she was born and her mother not wanting the responsabilty of a baby. Hope wrote a letter to Gleason Beal after he stole their money, saying how she trusted him and thought of him as a friend but now hates him for what he did. She never sent the letter to Gleason, she kept it with her and on one of GT's final days she read him the letter that was mean't for Gleason Beal. I don't write all the time but when I do I like to compel it off of what I think and where I am. I think that writing is an amazing way to expresse your thaughts and your feelings, even if
Egypt was a complex civilization in many ways. It was important because of the civilization indicators.
Is there a connection between hope and prayer? Are hope and prayer the same thing? These are a couple of questions I stumbled upon and asked myself when dealing with these two subjects. In regards to hope and prayer, having a religious point of view makes a greater impact upon defining what hope and prayer are. To the believer hope and prayer are intertwined as one pours their soul to the Lord. On the other hand, nonbelievers can still find themselves hoping and praying but it is not in the same sense as the believer. Either way, each can take on different ideas and have different meanings. For the purpose of this essay, we will look at the meanings of hope and prayer from a Christian’s/believer’s perspective.
In a mad world, only the mad are sane. To quote the late great Edgar Allan Poe, “Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality” (BrainyQuote). Poe could not have taken this much more seriously than he did when writing literary masterpieces. Psychology is the science of mind and behavior, which is right up Poe’s figurative alley. A number of Poe’s works focus on the psychology of an individual or individuals, but none more so than his work “The Fall of the House of Usher.”