"I will continue this journey of fighting for peace and democracy in my country," said ten year old Malala Yousafzai, as she was determined to stand up for the rights to be educated as a women (I Am Malala 55). Her desire for knowledge progresses intensity as she grows older, however an obstacle arrises when the ban of girls education is constructed by the Taliban's. She takes the liberty of speaking out her passions and beliefs of her rights to education, until she is targeted for defying rules. Malala is changing the world with her voice by fighting for the fundamental rights of education that have been denied from more than 130 million girls who are not able to attend school due to work, early marriage, poverty, etc. and ending violence …show more content…
Hundreds of advocates, like Malala herself, attended the event to discuss not only human rights, but to prosper in education, equality, and peace among the citizens of the world (A World at School). To protect those who are not able to protect themselves from the awful people who murder and injure others. She speaks for "Those who have fought for their rights. Their right to live in peace. Their right to be treated with dignity. Their right to equality of opportunity. Their right to be educated" (A World at School). This was the first time she spoke about the Taliban's shooting at herself and her friends. She does not was revenge, but she wants her voice to be heard, She wants people to know that she will not stop fighting, even after this threat, until every son and daughter has the education they so greatly deserve. With the help of people who have the same ambitions as her, it is possible for women to be treated with equality, for all children to receive education, to expand more possibilities for girls because they are suffering the most, and to look towards peace instead of using our typical strategy of the use of violence (A World at
Malala Yousafzai being a completely different person that any girl in her country demonstrates the gruesome ,and savage nature of the men and women in the country of Pakistan. She not only shows the unawareness driven by fright among the people there, but displays how horrid it truly was. Influences of a misinterpretation form of Islam yield the innocent under the hands of the miserable forces of the evil such as the Taliban. Subsequently, the country of Pakistan under Taliban rule has gone through continuous fear and discriminations that strip girls from their education. Malala Yousafzai, a young Pakistani women who only wanted an education, was obligated to view her life at its worst and at the same time, view the desire and dreams of girls who brawl for there education that they have been denied.
Malala persistently battled to stand up for women’s education in Pakistan. Once the Taliban took control, it had put an end to their education
“They will not stop me. I will get my education if it is in a home, school, or any other place” these are the words of Malala Yousafzai, a Nobel peace prize winner, a human rights activist, and a Pakistani girl, who has traditions, stories, and a unique experience. She was named after Malalai of Maiwand, the greatest heroine of Afghanistan, and she lives up to her name as a heroine for girls education. Despite the cultural traditions of Malala Yousafzai’s community, she has grown as a world leader in spreading world peace throughout the globe, through her challenges, her accomplishments, and her growth in publicity, with her common goal being an education for all girls.
On July 12, 2013, 16-year-old Malala Yousafzai, delivered her first public speech, to the United Nations Youth Takeover, where she persuasively articulated her aspiration to reach out to young, adolescent advocates the deficient nature of education, specifically in regards to women and young children. During Yousafzai’s advocacy for children’s right to education, her spoken ambition was to reach a global audience in hopes of bringing awareness to a troublesome issue. Likewise, throughout the speech, Yousafzai effectively expressed her gratitude to the people who have made an influence in her life, including the champions of the world Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah as well as the countless teachers she had who motivated her to persist in further educating herself. Nevertheless, she also commendably reveals through her Nobel Peace Prize Speech that the award is not only for herself, but, consequently, for those “disregarded” children who continually yearn for education on a daily basis. This successfully demonstrates that she is not above those children, but, instead, stands with them. In several illustrations, she conveys the notion that she is not going to stand idly by and witness young girls being denied their rightful education. Accordingly, Yousafzai deliberates, it is moral and upright to fight for what one believes in.
As the quote claims, “All I want to do is go to school and that is not a crime, it's my right.(Malala, pg.86)” Women's education had went to a downhill by the bombing of the Taliban, also Malalas rights had went to a downhill by the requirement of all people in Swat to stay inside. As Malala shares her thoughts of equality of education, people start to realize its their own rights to have an education. Malala would always imagine herself in front of millions of people sharing her believes in equality. The only way she could save people's rights to education was for her to fight to hers
Malala Yousafzai contributed a variety of ideas to improve education all over the world. She was first discovered at eleven years old, when she became an anonymous blogger describing her life under the Taliban’s rule (Chai). Yousafzai wrote under the pseudonym ‘Gul Makai’, with her work published in BBC Urdu for years. She regularly used the media to her advantage, and continued her public campaign for girls’ right to go to school (Chai). Her voice grew louder, and over the course of the next two years, she and her father became known for their goal to give all Pakistani girls access to a free quality education (Walsh). Malala Yousafzai’s activism and commitment resulted in a nomination for the International Children's Peace Prize in 2011.
Conflict arose when in 2008, her homeland slowly became taken over by a militant islamic terrorist group called the Taliban who used violence against the people whose areas they take over to keep control (Harris 1). This group brought about fear and agony towards the innocent people they treated terribly. The taliban “put in place harsh rules about all aspects of life”, including rules that “women and girls should not be educated or play [any] part in their society outside of the home” (Harris 1). It was hopeless to many people to try to stand up. However, Malala’s mother, Tor Pekai and her father Ziauddin, had an immense impact in her life, both encouraging her to speak out even with the known danger if she did. They were not afraid, so she was not afraid. Living in Pakistan, education for girls was not allowed. But Malala still went to school and got the best education she could get in this circumstance. At an early age, this “bright and curious girl” One day heading home from school, two men forced the bus, Malala and some of the students had been riding, to come to a halt. They walked on and yelled out “ where is Malala?”. “ I am Malala” she cried out. Then he shot her. This spiraled into a start of something terrible yet empowering. This gave Malala a chance
The book, I Am Malala, gave a powerful message about activism, family, women’s rights, but most importantly, the power of education. Malala Yousafzai had a very strong belief in education and would not stop at anything to guarantee that every child was able to go to school. Malala grew up believing that education was the key to success, but not everyone else believed that. Malala lived in a society where women were not treated as equals, and soon appeared laws prohibiting women’s right to attend school. Malala was extremely determined to continue her education, she even snuck to school, hid her books and abandoned her school uniform so she would not be noticed. Malala becomes vocal about education and gives her opinion in interviews for many news stations. Many people in her country feared to express their opinions, however, Malala wanted to be the change. Malala expressed her belief that “If people were silent, nothing would change.” (Yousafzai 140). Although Malala knew that it was dangerous to speak against the Taliban, she suggests her opinions in interviews to draw international attention to her cause. Malala dreamed of getting an education so she could become a politician and help her country. But when she was 10, the Taliban took control of her town, making it a law that girls were banned from
Malala encountered terrorism because she went to school and it outraged the Pashtun Society. Therefore, people threatened her and her family that they will hurt them. This was Malala’s first encounter with terrorism; her father’s first encounter with terrorism was when he was trying to open up a school for girls. Moreover, Malala displayed bravery when she got shot in the head. When she got shot, she showed everyone that she didn’t want to stop or give up there. She still wants women to have equal rights and for everybody to go to school. She didn’t want to stop or give up there because then all the things she did for Pashtun Society and everyone would just go to waste. Malala also shows bravery when she stood up for education and equal rights when all the other girls were too afraid. Furthermore, the other girls were too afraid because they were going to get hurt; and last but not least, men are more powerful than women in the Pashtun Society. After Malala attends school as a young woman in Pakistan, she is targeted and attacked by the Taliban and begins a journey to stand up for women's rights and education. She begins a journey getting the world’s attention. Then later, wrote a book called I Am Malala. The book tells the readers about her and her parent’s past, how women and men in Pakistan should have the same rights, and how she stood up for
Malala Yousafzai is a young woman speaking as a young education advocate at the Youth Takeover of the United Nations. This was her first speech since she had been shot in the head by the Taliban in Pakistan on October 9th, 2012. The Taliban targeted her because she was blogging about her own right, and the right of all women, to an education. Her purpose is to inform the people of the denial of education to children around the world. She is also trying to persuade her audiences to join her campaign in ensuring all children gain their right to education before the end of 2015. Her primary audience was all of the delegates who attended the Youth Takeover of the United Nations, and all the people fighting for education. Her
Malala Yousafzai was a young girl in Pakistan who lived a regular life, she never imagined the day in which laws were placed against her actions. On October 9 in 2012 she was shot for standing up for her right of education. Throughout her life, she had always heard about the Taliban but that never stopped her from attending events on speaking out about them. In her memoir, she shows her strong belief for female rights. Throughout her prologue she expresses a tone of hopeful to fear. The purpose of her book is to inform readers about the problems that she faced for standing up for her rights and she wants to influence young girls to be brave and to express their voice.
Malala Yousafzai was a talented and brave young woman who had one goal in life: to get an education and encourage others to do the same. Born in Pakistan, Malala did not grow up with many resources, but she was lucky enough to have a father that shared the same goal as her. At the young age of fifteen, she was shot in the face by the Taliban for standing up for girls’ rights to an education. Although the recovery time was long and hard, the Taliban did not silence her as she continued her campaign. This eventually led her to opening her own school in Yemen and writing the novel I Am Malala. As someone who highly values education and bravery, her story made me interested in learning more about her culture, family, and experiences.
Imagine having no education. Imagine not knowing anything. Imagine being shot in the head, while fighting for what was right. Well, all of these things happened to a teen activist named Malala Yousafzai. When Malala was just 14- years old, she decided to make a stand, and fight for the rights of girls education. Malala lives by many quotes, but one of the powerful ones she lives by is, “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” Malala set up the Malala fund where people can donate money to fund education. While fighting, a terrorist group called the taliban splinter group disagreed with Malala´s idea. They shot her in the head, which skinned right through her eye and shot her in the head. But, none of this stopped Malala from fighting for her cause.
Across the world people think of Malala Yousafzai as one of the most revolutionary women in the world for her stance against heresy and gender discrimination. She has showed through example that she is willing to give her life in the defense of her beliefs regarding women’s rights to education. Malala is an equal rights activist; she continually fights for women to have the same rights as all other people. Malala has endured a long and dangerous path to make people aware of the discrimination and dangers that women are facing in Pakistan and all over the world. Her famous journey and non-violent methods has had a profound effect and has resulted in the world taking a more active part in her fight for equal rights and women 's education.
Malala Yousafzai’s is a women’s activist for youth education, but primarily for girls. On July 12th, 2013, she delivered an address at the Youth Takeover of the United Nation. This speech is powerful, eye opening and deserves to be heard. She is addressing two audiences, one being the people that follow her same belief for education, some of those people would be at this convention and the other being the people that disagree with her purpose, like the Taliban. Yousafzai was in 1997, in Mingora, Pakistan, which used to be a popular tourist destination. As of now the region has been taken into control of the Taliban. Her father is also an anti- Taliban activist and educator. She, her father and tons of others just want thing to be like they used to. Where they had a safe neighborhood and didn't have to worry about violence. She delivered a speech riddled with excellent use of rhetoric to convey her argument. Malala’s whole purpose for her fight for education of the youth is so that it will stop future violence, She displays this purpose in her speech by using outward focus, compassion and personal experience to her audiences.