The reason why I am quiet
Most people would say I am quite, antisocial, and a little weird. I don't fully disagree with this, however, I do see it as an ill-informed assessment of me as a person. I am more of a thinker and not the primer set. I feel that more time I spend thinking, that there will be a bigger payoff in the end. It just seems like I do not want to socialize. And results in long awkward silences with me having a completely serious face. Which I must admit seems a little weird.
Ok, I know I didn't exactly start with what I am interested in, but it felt more proper to introduce myself and my personality first, then explain what I'm interested in, I hoping it will explain itself as the subjects of interest come up. Anyway, what I find myself thinking about most of the time are on the subjects of engineering and psychology. I feel as though these are subjects worth thinking/talking about. Sure I’m
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I spend hours sometimes thinking about “what can be made next?”. Or what has already been made. I like to come up with my own ideas and jot them down for later. Then I think innovations that can help many people and how it can be accomplished. I talk with my friends about this and we go on and on about the latter.
When it comes to psychology I discuss it to figure out other people. However, I often try to find out why I do things. I realize a lot of people can be categorized as having a certain mental disability, I’m not really worried about that. I’m more interested in the cause of that disability. As to why a person became the way they did. Their experiences, their feelings, their goals, and their connections that make the people I look at.
Well, now you know what I am interested in. You also know why I am quiet. Most of the time I’ll probably be thinking. But converse with me about those things I enjoy talking about you can get me to talk. We can think about it
I have always been a shy person who doesn’t know what the reason for being shy is. There has been always a question that I ask myself. Is it just me and my genes or I am always affected by what people think? Is it how my parents has raised me or is it how I was created? Some enduring issues apply to my situation and might overlap, but I am going to focus on one of them which are nature and nurture.
There is something about the word dead that many people suddenly feel dread. It is just your usual English word and I guess the meaning is what scares most people. It is dead the unknown the mysterious and so on. In the old days in the American west or Wild west there was a man who was considered to be one of the greatest gunfighters. His name was “Wild Bill” Hickok and he met with death in Deadwood, South Dakota. There we have it perhaps he should never have gone to a town with a name like that.
Apache Wars The Apache Wars were wars or battles fought by the United States and various Apache Tribes. The main reason for these conflicts was over land and white settlers coming for the gold rush. There were also broken treaties involved. These wars were fought over 50 years.
Two Thinker toy methods that helped me process and come up with new ideas are “Feeding Your Head” and being a “Travel Junkie” (Michalko, 2006). I usually read and travel for fun or a purpose, not for creative thinking.
In David Carr’s essay “Keep Your Thumbs Still When I’m Talking to You,” he explains what people nowadays normally do at social events and how it reflects on the people surrounding them. In the 21st century most people believe everything is about technology, every second there are new updates or more news feed to scroll down to and so many people are caught up on what other people are doing, rather than what is going on around them. Carr describes situations in which people are compulsively looking at their screen while they are out at a social event, which is something that is known to be fashionably rude. Carr’s argument is if society does not realize the respect they need to offer then, if in the 21st century people are going to social events to just stare at their phone screens all night, how will it be in the future?
Introverts are often mistaken as shy or quiet, mostly because they keep themselves, they see thing in a different light. Introverts and others often view their quietness or the way they like to be alone as “a second-class personality trait, somewhere between a
Propaganda is a type of communication used to influence people's opinions, beliefs, and behavior toward a particular cause. It is a powerful tool that can be used to manipulate people's thoughts and emotions. There are several types of propaganda, including emotional, testimonial, bandwagon, and plain-folk propaganda. In this essay, we will compare and contrast two examples of propaganda: Nazi propaganda from World War II and Soviet propaganda during the Cold War. During World War II, Nazi propaganda was used to promote the ideology of National Socialism and to support the war effort.
To society I seem to be very talkative on the other hand I can be intelligent. For example was in National Honor Society, had above average grades, I was very outgoing and did a lot of sports and clubs throughout the years. People would also agree that I always have been very clumsy. In general people would say I am not an overall serious person.
My family tends to say these things about me a lot, my grandmother calls me meano. I'm am always viewed as smart, respectful, outgoing and funny. My report and my performance in school shows my intelligence. I was taught never disrespect any adults and when I with my friends I just like to have fun and make everybody laugh. My best friend say that I am very ambitious, but I can sometimes mean and boring. Some days I just don't be in the mood to be bother with people. People who don't know me just think I'm quiet and shy but that's not true all because I can be very loud and funny when I'm with people I enjoying being with. I call myself different from other people because some days I really don’t like being bother with people, I rather be in my room listening to music. My mother sometimes calls me a old lady because I watch Friends or Grey’s Anatomy. Overall, I’m a nice, smart, and responsible young
Imagine this: you are 18 years old; you and your friends are together drinking. Suddenly, one of them passes out. You are too afraid to call the cops for fear of being arrested. Because you told no one, your friend did not get treated in time, and he or she died. This is exactly what happened to Brett Finbloom's friends in "To Tell or Not to Tell". The article, “To Tell or Not to Tell” by Mary Kate Frank, is full of statistics, true stories of people's lives, how they were affected, examples, and advice of why you should tell and what could happen if you don’t. Although some teenagers of “To Tell or Not to Tell” have argued that speaking up when you think you shouldn’t can ruin friendships, closer examination shows that speaking up can save people's lives.
With any literary piece of work, there are strengths and weaknesses. I believe that Silent No More had greater strengths than weaknesses but I will explore both. I think that it may have been beneficial to hear more from Aaron and that sometimes Mike’s speculations were not a necessity. On the other hand, I do understand why it may have been easier for Mike to write about the ongoing legal case process, since he was one of Aaron’s biggest supporters. I was surprised at the accuracy of the information and how it coincided perfectly to what we have been learning in class. It was helpful in my understanding of the meaning of a preferential sex offender. I learned that the child welfare system was a major protective factor for Aaron but the criminal
Many are rich many are poor many have money many don’t. Have you ever had a moment where you did something selfish for desperation of money and karma hit you right back with a right hook?. And felt regret towards yourself. In the short story “Why, You Reckon” the author uses irony and dialogue, to show the audience that money can't buy happiness.
Agreeableness is average, meaning I do not try to be either cooperative or antagonistic towards others. I generally take a laissez-faire approach to my relationships and do not have an invested interest because I do not believe I can significantly impact the long-term well being of others. During conversations, I do not inquire specifically about their personal lives, I let the other person tell me what they are comfortable about talking about and what they want me to know. Conscientiousness is also average. I have a fair balance of structure and spontaneity. There is just enough control and regulation in impulses to maintain a harmonized flow of daily life that will allow for spontaneous activities. For example, school work is more or less planned out by the day to prevent falling behind, but I will still embark on spontaneous adventures of bicycle rides to abandoned warehouse roof tops at midnight on a school night. Survey results are consistent with how I view myself generally. While it is impossible to be completely objective in self evaluations, I think I am fairly in tune with my inter- and intra-relationships because I make an effort to heed feedback. When interacting with others I pay attention to their facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and not only their words, but their silences.
I believe that few people have a strong inner feeling that pushes them to think out of the box to identify as issue and find the solution. Personally, I always try to find the most creative solution and do not give up until I get it. Sometime this energy is contagious on to next. I always search for the missing links and fine-tune my thoughts until I reach a point that works. This creativity has steadily driven my ambitions through the organization.
I am a pretty well rounded individual although not perfect by any means. Throughout my life, I have always tried my best to be friendly to everyone and optimistic in all situations. I don’t think anyone would ever describe me as a critical or aggressive person. I’ve always been willing to give advice and be encouraging to anyone that I felt needed it. I believe that I am a fairly conscientious person in that I have always been careful and diligent when it comes to work and other life choices. I’ve always been organized and usually don’t act on pure impulse alone. I’ve never been described as traditional or conventional. I’ve always been open to new experiences and relish every opportunity that can make me a more well-rounded person. People would also describe me as a fairly intelligent individual with a vivid imagination. My weaknesses, however, would have to include my ability to develop people and team process. I’ve always been encouraging, but I can improve upon my ability to develop people by providing feedback to individuals on their performances and recognizing individual contributions when I am part of a team.