The next four years of my life will determine the direction of my future. In the near future, I plan to go to college to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. With this degree I hope to become a person who has the necessary skills and knowledge to find innovative ways to solve problems. Advancements in technology revolutionize the way people interact on a day-to-day basis. Someone must be bold enough to lead teams of thinkers to view reality as it can be, instead of accepting present limitations.
When one decides to strive for a career in engineering, intuitive thinking, thinking in terms of what can be instead of what is, is a useful skill to have. I have always considered myself an intuitive thinker. In different labs in my physics class, I have often found creative ways to work with the material in the classroom to build what I need in different experiments. However, I must develop the necessary skills to use my intuitive thinking to its fullest potential. Though obstacles will follow, the skills that I gain in my studies in college will lead me to become an accomplished engineer.
I have often wondered if every “simple” tool has already been invented, like a hammer, fork or pair of scissors. Surely, there must be more problems that
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In the field of engineering, I want to be a person who demonstrates leadership in my occupation. I want to be someone who leads engineers in contributing to the advancements that develop everyday. Changes like these not only revolutionize how everyone interacts with each other, but also increases everyone’s standard of living. For example, the invention of the car, and the system designed to mass produce them, has not only fundamentally changed how the vast majority travels, but also has helped many people in the process. People can now travel anywhere in the country faster than before. Changes that benefit everyone like this requires one to acquire leadership
I believe that college is the right choice for me. I’ve grown up looking forward to advancing my education and creating a foundation for a future career. Both of my parents are college graduates and ingrained in me from a young age that college is the path to success. My aunts, uncles, and cousins are also highly successful after completing college. All the adults that make an impact in my life have gone to college, and I believe if I continue advancing my education I will turn out extremely successful.
This website will give me statistics of the level of education that Americans have completed in various years. The statistics vary by age, median earnings, and poverty rates giving me various groups of people to look at and compare. The source is credible as they get their statistics from the United States Census.
Theodore Roosevelt said, “A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” A college education will give me the knowledge needed to do what I would of hoped to achieve in the first place. In my case, college will prepare me by giving me the tools needed to become successful in the classroom. This will better my knowledge when applying myself in real life situations. I am attending college in hopes to better my education, reach my culinary goals and experience the college life.
Is college really worth it, is a question that many people are asking themselves when thinking about their future. College is very expensive, though is worth it because there are many benefits to getting a college education. Most people who are against college do not understand what it can do for the next generation. College is very much worth it for the education, for the experience and also for the money.
After four years of high school, there is only one goal I have in mind. That goal is to attend college. This is the next big step in my life. All the late nights I stayed up to complete school assignment was for this moment. All my hard work was has lead me to this point in life. College will open a whole new to me. A world where I can meet new people while working to improve my future. Why do I want to attend college though? Well I have three specific reasons for this decision.
I decided to go to college because I believe that education is an important part of life and that being educated has many advantages. Like many, one of the biggest reasons for deciding to attend college is to create a better future for myself. Being a first-generation college student my parents have implanted on me the importance of college education, as it is something they wish they would have done themselves. As the first of four children to go to college, I feel that it is my responsibility to be a good example to my younger siblings, and show them that it is important to have goals in life and to better yourself as a person through education. I understand that an university education may not be for everyone, but it felt like the right choice for me. What I hope to get out of college is a life-changing experience, not only to get a better education, but to find something I am truly passionate about. I think it is important when choosing a career or a major to find something your heart truly wants and not just a career that will make you able to afford expensive things. I also hope that somewhere along the path to graduation and adulthood, I find myself as a person and develop ideas, opinions, and to be able to approach the world with an
The reason why I am I college is so I can become a counselor. My dream is to help people because it is something that I am good at. In high school I ran for vice president of my senior class so I can help our senior year be the best (I won of course). I listened to what everyone wanted to do that year and my student government and I made some of it happened. I was also a part of two teams in high school, the soccer team and the swimming team. Being part of of these teams I would help my teammates during our games and meet; couching them in what they are doing right and wrong. After high school I started working in a retail store, footlocker as a cashier and till this day I still have my job. As a cashier we get many complaints in the day by our customer when they feel like they did not get the proper customer service or when the merchandise is unwanted or destroyed. My job is to listened to the customer and make sure they are satisfied with how they got treated in the store. Since I have been in my job for so long, I also help the new people that come in by training them. Doing all of the things made me
Drucker, H (2012, May). Going Back to College as an Adult: The Benefits. Retrieved from
Noted authors, Brandon Chambers, is quoted saying, “If you are going to fear anything fear success. Think about what you are doing and when you succeed what life you will have.” There are several different reasons why I could stay home, work and not go to college; I could go to work every day and make more money for the house, it’s easier, and I would be less stressed. Now, on the other hand there are many reasons why I should go to school; such as further my education, make my family proud, and make myself proud. I am attending college for several different reasons. One reason is to further my education. I hate feeling like I don’t know something, I like being the person everyone comes to for information. Also, because I want to
“Knowledge Is Power” one of Sir Francis Bacon famous quotes, those three words says it all. I’ve been hungry and excited for
After high school students have the opportunity to attend a college. Today, it seems like fewer people go to college. People will say “It’s too expensive or I don’t have the time” however that's just not the case, in my opinion, college is worth it because if someone is seeking a long-term job with security, mobility, and pay increase must attend college. Having the degree is better than not having one at all.
I want to go to college to earn a degree, but I would also like to play college volleyball. I wonder if I am cut out to juggle academics and athletics and still earn the grades I need. I believe “Participating in college sports provides opportunities to learn, compete, and succeed” (NCAA). So I must examine not only the requirements and effort necessary to successfully earn a college degree, but also the requirements and effort necessary to participate in college athletics.
Aerospace engineers relate to these characteristics super well. According to the Education Planner survey, it is the easiest to learn with visual representations including graphs and diagrams. Visual learners are normally well organized, and learn more easily when the teacher explains concepts using examples and colorful images that will help the mind remember the information. They are easily distracted if the teacher does not present the students with enough visual representations. After taking the survey, the statistics given show that the learning style is forty-five percent visual, thirty percent auditory, and twenty-five percent tactile. According to a survey taken on Personality Type, the results provided are INTJ. INTJ stands for introvert, intuitive, thinker and judger. People with this personality type are very independent, they enjoy understanding things in a variety of different ways, and they focus on the future ahead of them. The career center at Ball State University talks about the specialized careers for each personality type. The best suited careers for INTJ personalities include aerospace engineering, architecture, astronomy, computer programming, and
A few days ago I saw a movie about the band “Frei.Wild”. They took a trip to Mexico because they wanted to film their new music video. Suddenly, the air condition turned out and they were not able to stand the heat any longer. Because they had nothing else which could have annealed their car the boys had to think about an alternative. So the band members cut the bottoms of some bottles off and stuck the remaining parts together to a long pipe. After that they kept it in front of the front air conditioner to get fresh and cold air also at the back. This kind of thinking is a typical example for out-of-the-box-thinkers who found a solution in a creative and untypical way while others would look for a garage and lose lots of time. But because of the reason that these “crazy” people with their unusual ideas are often unaccepted by others the question arises: Does our today’s world of work needs more out-of-the-box thinkers?
I believe that the ability to invent, innovate and discover is what has propelled man to the echelons of success. Throughout my life, I have been driven by the desire to create, to experiment a capability that transcends the passive acquisition of knowledge. I have always been captivated by the power of mathematics and science and this fascination inspired me to pursue a career in mathematics and science.