I had only a broad idea of the career choice I desired for my future going into college as an eighteen year old freshman. Prior to beginning my higher education, I would classify myself as a well rounded student, but there was not a single area that I exceeded in starkly above the others. However, I have always held a greater appreciation for the natural sciences more so than other subjects. This led me to choose Stony Brook University as the school I would attend as an undergraduate, as this institution has choice science programs. The education I have received at Stony Brook University is one that I value very greatly. My coursework at Stony Brook University has been quite intense, effectively preparing me for the rigors of pharmacy school.
I believe my experience outside of the academic setting bolsters my standing as a competitive candidate. The part time jobs I have worked in the past beginning at the age of fifteen have all involved working in tandem with a team of others as well as the general public. Cooperation in a group is something I believe is vital in any setting, especially the workplace such as a pharmacy, and I believe myself to be one
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I have formed great relationships with all of the staff pharmacists that I work with. I have spoken with them about their career choices, and their insight has only reaffirmed my decisions. I have worked closely with many common medications, become familiar with processing third party insurances, and become familiar with the setting a pharmacist works in, and I can definitely see myself in the role of a pharmacist. I understand the work of a pharmacist is extremely important, the health of a patient relies on pharmacist's competence. My parents have both been on multiple medications and a pharmacist has verified that the prescriptions they are taking are not interacting with each other, ensuring their
There is no requirement to attend a formal education program. On the job training is the only requirement to become a pharmacy technician. Everyone must be registered with the TSBP. Everyone must complete the requirements to be a pharmacy technician within 2 years. There is a 20 hour continuing education requirement every renewal period.
I admire how the university allows students to spend their first two years taking various general courses in the College of LSA that help them decide on a future that is fitting for them. Although confident I want to continue my education in the College of Pharmacy, I will have two years to determine if I am interested in pursuing a PharmD, PhD in pharmaceutical sciences or another alternative path. What appealed to me that most schools do not have is Michigan’s REU Program that allows undergraduate students to have research opportunities to help advance them early in their college careers. I also look forward to gaining practical experience and clinical experience if enrolled. The College of LSA and the College of Pharmacy are both conveniently located on Central Campus, close to the heart of the social and educational scenes. Being able to take classes and live in the most inhabited part of campus allows me to get involved more easily, while everything is at the tip of my
Merci Clinic is a small clinic providing free health care services to adults that have limited income and without medical or dental insurance. The staffs of Merci Clinic consists of mostly volunteers. My job as volunteer at the clinic is like a pharmacy assistant. For my future career, I planned to work somewhere in the healthcare industry. As I narrowed my options down, I wanted to do a job that relates to medicine. I was just interested medicines and want to know more about it. I think that a pharmacist will suit this interest best. My ultimate goal is to research and discover medicine that will cure the incurable illness. Besides the point, I feel that volunteering at the clinic as a pharmacy assistant is slight advantage for my career.
My academic background is unique coming from the Pharmaceutical Sciences Program and the Campuswide Honors Program at UCI. Very few students have completed both rigorous programs. The CHP is the best honors program in the UC system and the Pharm Sci curriculum is designed to give students exceptional preparation for pharmacy school. This has pushed me to be one of the most well-rounded Pharmaceutical Sciences students at UCI. I believe this gives me unique preparation for new and challenging curriculum in pharmacy school. It has also nurtured my love for learning in all disciplines and exposed me to topics outside of my major. Never have I been satisfied with completing the minimum requirements. I have always been the type of student that pushes myself to improve and consider new possibilities I have spent more time than most of my peers developing my
Getting Respect Though Strive and Fight Freedom Writers, a movie showed that a good teacher saving her students from a painful life and taught them how to stay away from violence. Hence, the movie has had a big impact, conducting people’s fight which comes from real life without respect, and let people realize that fine teacher is expected to enlighten minds, cultivate characters and help students in such hard life .But the theme of movie has attracted some negative comment because people think it will be really hard to build an egalitarian①society or change students by individual power if the government could not offer their assist. The fight will show a vista of future with hope, waking people up to resist and fight racial discrimination.
A pharmacist is a healthcare professional who is an expert on pharmaceutical drugs and how they act to fight disease and improve the health of the patient. Pharmacists are responsible for the implementation of drug therapy with the intention of improving the quality of a patient’s life. Some examples of such improvements include curing diseases, reducing or eliminating a patient’s symptoms, slowing the process of a disease, and preventing disease. A pharmacist works with patients and other healthcare professionals in order to design, implement, and monitor a drug therapy plan specifically designed for that patient. Not only do pharmacists advise doctors and patients on prescription drugs, but they also provide information on the best
I choose the specialty pharmacy rotation in last year because I had very limited experience and knowledge about the specialty pharmacy and medications. Obviously, the local pharmacy would not see medications which the specialty pharmacy normally would handle. Also, I think as a pharmacist, I will have more
Pharmacists work environment of pharmacists is usually in retail places, hospitals and research facilities. The most common retail places pharmacists work are CVS, Rite Aid, and Walgreens. In Pennsylvania alone the average amount of annual openings is 400. In Pennsylvania alone, the employment number of “pharmacists is expected to grow by seventeen percent between 2008 and 2018” (“Outlook”). The employment number increase for pharmacists is higher than any other occupation. “The reason that pharmacist job prospects are high is because employers have problems attracting pharmacists because of the limited number of PharmD programs” (“Outlook”).
My decision to pursue pharmacy as a career started with my first job. I got hired at a retail store shortly after my 18th birthday, and one month later was hired as a cashier in the pharmacy. This start in pharmacy was completely unplanned, but overly welcome to me at 18 with no plans for the future. Due to strange circumstances I was pushed strait into a technician training program that was finally completed 5 years later, also due to strange circumstances.
To management, I would like to take this moment to state what was wonderful about working for this company. It was wonderful to know Banjie, Walter, and Patty in greater depth than I did in all the years I had been just a patient that they always treated with care. Banjie, (who hired me right out of the Pharmacy Technician program), is always a joy to be around. I had her as a boss and now as a friend. She has taught me that value of evenhandedness and compassion to both friends and patients.
I recently graduated from Concordia College in Moorhead with a chemistry degree. I became interested in the healthcare field during my senior year in high school. I had two internships with Walgreens and Yapel Orthodontist. Originally going into college, I wanted to be a pharmacist due to the amazing time I had job shadowing at Walgreens and seeing the interaction with the pharmacists caring for their patient’s needs. During my final year of college, I took anatomy, neurochemistry and finished my neuroscience minor. These classes taught me how intricate the brain and body is. By being a scribe, it will allow me to continue my learning with the healthcare field. It will also
The career that I am interested in pursuing is a Pharmacists. The number one reason I have decided to become a pharmacist is because I want to help and assist others. The satisfaction of me helping a patient get better quickly is the motivation that drives me. The second reason is the act of working with other health care professionals. Pharmacist have to communicate with other professionals as a team to avoid errors. Communication and connection is a major key in today’s society, in which I like with a passion. The big career dream began when my older cousin sister became the first in the family to graduate from college with a college degree. Her getting a well-paying job and taking care of my aunt and uncle led me to work hard and achieve pharmacy just like her. HCC will help me pursue my goals by helping me get high grades and achieve a high GPA. By me getting an Associates in Science I would then transfer to a big university like University of Houston to continue for higher education.
My academic goals and research interests have developed significantly over the course of my undergraduate studies at Susquehanna University. When I first arrived at Susquehanna I was a biology major and had dreams of medical school. However, by the end of freshman year, I began to develop an interest in neuroscience. Declaring a major in neuroscience allowed me to explore the components of biology I loved, while incorporating psychology and chemistry.
My desire to help people is a major factor in my decision to become a pharmacist. I have aspired to be a pharmacist since I was in the eighth grade. I have taken several different steps to assist me in attaining my dream. The classes I have completed to aid me with my goal have been very stimulating. I attended a pharmacy camp that truly enlightened me and made me understand how much work it will require to become a pharmacist. I have done other activities as well to improve my goal of becoming a pharmacist. I have visited specific colleges that have pharmacy programs and I have completed research on the job market for a pharmacist and the salary I would receive. My background has prepared me for the work and effort it will involve for me to
My time spent interning at the UVM hospital pharmacy has helped me grow with the career I want to pursue. Going into the class I was interested in healthcare that would provide a comfortable living for myself. During my job shadow I learned how being a teammate is very important the being a pharmacist. The team consists of doctors, nurses, technicians and the patients. The comradery of each other helps with the job. This is helpful for me because I want to be in a career I am comfortable with. I have been playing multiple team sports since I could walk. It’s part of my life to understand how a team works. The time spent talking to the pharmacists in the chemotherapy wing helped by understand where I want to be in the pharmacy career. Retail is for the person that has social skills and economical skills along with the skills of being organized. Working at a hospital is more “working behind the scenes”. It possesses similar skills but the environment to applying them is different. It has helped me determine that I want to get my MBA throughout sometime in my career. I heard that some people got their MBA as they got their doctor of pharmacy but that is very ambitious. I think that I want to get my doctor of pharmacy and then wherever I am working might be able to pay for my education to get an MBA. I like how there are always a job for pharmacist, also jobs anywhere. That helps because I don’t want to be restricted to a career where I can only work in certain parts of the