
Why I Chose Physical Therapy

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Pursuing a higher education is something very important to who I am. From a very young age, my parents taught me the importance of education, despite never having a formal education themselves. I grew up in a very traditional Mexican household, and a goal of mine as a therapist would be to educate the Hispanic community on what physical therapy can offer. Both my maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather fractured a hip. Despite being the same age when their accidents occurred, the difference in their journey to recovery was vast due to the fact that my grandmother fractured her hip in Texas receiving physical therapy, and my grandfather fractured his hip in Mexico, where he didn't undergo physical therapy after his surgery. As a result, my grandmother regained her ability to walk with minor …show more content…

Augustine (USA) because it has a very high graduate success rate, as well as a high rate associated with the results for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE). Additionally, the teaching staff is well-recognized for their contributions to their specific field, such as pediatrics and methods on optimizing movement and function- Two fields I have taken great interest in pursuing. I know that by completing my Doctoral degree in physical therapy at USA I would have the tools, knowledge, and abilities to contribute to the field of physical therapy in a meaningful way. Furthermore, USA is located in Austin- home to a culture that values physical activity and can appreciate what physical therapy has to offer, a perfect place to call home for a therapist. Austin’s population. Also, according to Austin’s government website, Austin’s population is made up of about 35% Hispanics, a number that is anticipated to grow tremendously within the next 25 years. The healthcare industry today is already in need of bilingual speakers and with this anticipated growth, I know that my ability to speak Spanish fluently will be very valuable to

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