Pursuing a higher education is something very important to who I am. From a very young age, my parents taught me the importance of education, despite never having a formal education themselves. I grew up in a very traditional Mexican household, and a goal of mine as a therapist would be to educate the Hispanic community on what physical therapy can offer. Both my maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather fractured a hip. Despite being the same age when their accidents occurred, the difference in their journey to recovery was vast due to the fact that my grandmother fractured her hip in Texas receiving physical therapy, and my grandfather fractured his hip in Mexico, where he didn't undergo physical therapy after his surgery. As a result, my grandmother regained her ability to walk with minor …show more content…
Augustine (USA) because it has a very high graduate success rate, as well as a high rate associated with the results for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE). Additionally, the teaching staff is well-recognized for their contributions to their specific field, such as pediatrics and methods on optimizing movement and function- Two fields I have taken great interest in pursuing. I know that by completing my Doctoral degree in physical therapy at USA I would have the tools, knowledge, and abilities to contribute to the field of physical therapy in a meaningful way. Furthermore, USA is located in Austin- home to a culture that values physical activity and can appreciate what physical therapy has to offer, a perfect place to call home for a therapist. Austin’s population. Also, according to Austin’s government website, Austin’s population is made up of about 35% Hispanics, a number that is anticipated to grow tremendously within the next 25 years. The healthcare industry today is already in need of bilingual speakers and with this anticipated growth, I know that my ability to speak Spanish fluently will be very valuable to
Participating in sports has led me to the career of physical therapy. I have been an athlete all of my life. I have played every sport from tackle football to softball and every sport the community of Sitka offered. Being involved in several sports at one time helped me realize how easy it is to get injured and how crucial it is to have a physician that is supportive and understands an athletes injuries. By going to McKendree University I will be able to become a physical therapist and help injured athletes recover.
Sports have always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember but medical treatment has as well. Throughout my life, I have encountered extraordinary people who I know realize would act as gardeners nurturing my plants, my interests. Since middle school, I faced numerous injuries ranging from groin pulls to tendonitis to lower back pains. These abundant and varying injuries lead me to seek medical attention and subsequently, I spent a lot of time with physical therapists and athletic trainers which is where my interest was planted. Junior year of high school, my sprouting interest was further watered by Ms. Kazimer, the honors anatomy teacher.
When I was younger, I was playing two sports consistently, soccer and basketball. Both of the sports were year round, and of course I wanted to keep doing both. But when I started growing, I realized I was constantly in pain, especially in my legs and back. At first, I would just take Advil, epsom salt baths, and ice my body from head to toe. However, none of the treatments were working. After going to my primary doctor, he suggested physical therapy and looking to get my feet checked.
I define myself as a person who helps others no matter what, I have an unbelievable passion for helping others because of the morals my father has taught me. My close relationship with my father has developed greatly since he would be gone for months at a time due to his affiliation with the U.S. Marine Corps. I have made many connections with others due to our parents serving in the military. Unfortunately, this connection revealed that many parents and loved ones became disabled during their career in the military. Personally, I could not imagine what my life would be like if my father lost his ability to do basic things.
I have previously worked with physical therapists while I was a behavioral therapist at an autism clinic. Some of my patients required a multi-dimensional approach with many specialties including PT, OT, and SLP. Prior to this experience I assumed physical therapists had a very limited role in the health care setting. I thought their only focus was on the elderly and post-surgical patients, but then I realized it is a much broader specialty. Physical therapists can also specialize in neurological disorders, special needs children, and many other aspects of the patient’s overall health.
We are what we do. With few exceptions, our contributions to society depend on our ability to move. Therefore, when something impairs our movement and limits those contributions, it affects our identity. Physical therapists recognize this consequence, and by working to mitigate its effects for each of their patients, they ultimately make the world a more optimally functioning place. I want to be a part of this kind of work. As a physical therapist, I will contribute to the profession's goals to transform society by coming alongside each of my patients to challenge and encourage them to see their identity clarified, goals realized, and obstacles minimized as their movement improves.
The passion that I have for the field of Physical Therapy will help not only help me but others around me succeed. The passion that I have will help not only me but also will help my patients to excel because the enthusiasm I have for the healing process will be uplifting and giving off positive energy to those around me. Learning about the human body is very interesting and being able to put all of my knowledge to use is very exciting to me. The passion I have will help everyone around me by being able to experience the excited attitude that I have for the
Movement is vital in maintaining a healthy life. Physical therapists persevere in restoring motion to those who have lost their ability to function physically. It is important to take a proactive approach before symptoms get worse. In order to maintain a healthy life, movement must be integrated in one's life, for healthcare issues start from sedentary lifestyles. It prevents obesity and other health issues which are tied to prevention.
Once I graduate from a doctorate of physical therapy program, I hope to come back to my town and serve those in need. After reflecting on personal experiences, finding a program that prides itself in promoting physical therapists into rural areas is
I selected theses schools as my choices because of their accredited medical programs that specialize in physical therapy. They have a earned grants from different foundations that believe they are housing students that are going to change the medical world and provide advancements in health care for patients, such as new medicines and treatments. This demonstrates to me that they are proud of their work and determined to create a change for the future. This makes me want to be apart of these programs as well as share my own ideas that will help make a difference in the lives of others. Texas State and UT have more affordable tuition rates compared to Baylor but, they all are relatively close to home where I am able to visit with my family
Since entering college, I definitely “hit the ground running”. I have wanted to be a physical therapist since middle school, and I am anxious to be a part of its community. That being said, I set out on my career path with the goal of obtaining my bachelor’s degree and applying for physical therapy school within three years, while doing my best to hold a 4.0 GPA. This called for taking a heavy load of coursework and choosing to take classes year-round. I scheduled my time so that I would be able to balance the heavy course load, while continuing my normal volunteer work, job shadowing/observing, and being an active member in my organizations. One thing I did not account for was actual ‘paid’ work time. This is partially due to me being fortunate
In the United States, it is estimated that about “53.9 million people report having at least one or more musculoskeletal disorders, with per capita medical expenditures averaging over $3,578” (Ojha et al. 15). These conditions represent some of the leading causes of restricted activity days, which causes many of these individuals to seek care from a physical therapist or at least be referred to one. Traditionally, in order for one to see a physical therapist, they must first receive what is known as a physician’s order, also called a “referral”. A referral is defined as “a recommendation that a patient or client seek service from another heath care provider or resource” (Ojha et al. 16). Basically, this means that a patient cannot have access
Ever since I was young my life goals were to help others when I grew up, however I wasn’t exactly sure how. Throughout the past couple years, with a wonderful support system; I have been able to make the decision about wanting to achieve the goal of becoming a physical therapist. It is my belief that I have a high spiritual calling to be a physical therapist, because I have the intention to be able to guide others. I gather that this can be spiritual, because helping others is what God’s intentions are, and would recommend others to follow in His footsteps. My mindset is indeed compassionate, empathetic, selfless, and strong with a thirst for knowledge. Being a physical therapist has many rewards such as happiness, equality, and a sense of accomplishment which can be very valuable and will affect my life in a positive manner.
Colleges with a medical department often have a master’s program for physical therapy. (“Physical Therapists”) Physical therapy students have a required amount of field work in order to complete a program. Each candidate must work in an accredited workplace for the field work assignments. This part of the program is extremely valuable and helpful for a new therapist entering the field. Working one on one can be difficult even with all of the educational tools. (Curtis 37)
I want to pursue a career in the medical field, because I truly have a passion in helping others. At a young age I watched my premature sister and grandpa benefit from Physical Therapy. I saw the positive impact in their strength and mobility. It made such an impression on me I knew this was what I wanted to do with my life by the time I was in the ninth grade.