
Why I Chose Public Sector

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Many will say at an early age they knew exactly what type of career they wanted to pursue. For others such as me; future thoughts, dreams, and decisions were often pushed to the side due to a complex life that surrounded me inside and outside the home. However, those negative feelings did not outweigh the inspiration in wanting to dedicate my life to the public sector. I was raised in a low income neighborhood that experienced nominal capital improvements. The lack of encouragement and opportunities to reach beyond the stars inside and outside the home were almost nonexistent.
As I reached the mid to later grades of elementary school, I began to realize that I may not be able to personally improve the situation that surrounded me, but I could immediately improve my personal self. I was a motivated individual with a confidence level soaring on cloud nine. I discovered a new found freedom, the act of performing well academically. Instead of the streets, the public library became my best friend. I told myself I did not want to be associated with the negativity, violence, and lack of opportunities that plagued my environment. I was able to rise above the imposed limitations exposing myself to superior levels of reading by burying myself in dictionaries, encyclopedias, and the great world of literature. I discovered the position …show more content…

I have been working as a 911 communications officer for the past 8 ½ years with the past 3 ½ years as a 911 supervisor. I am very ambitious and was appointed supervisor just five short years after being hired. Even though I was not able to begin my college journey right after high school, I was able to begin after a few years of starting my career at the 911 center. After entering undergraduate school, my desires to become a successful leader only strengthened. My dream, vision, and goal to someday become a well-trained, capable and highly dedicated manager were and are well

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