
Why I Chose Sociology

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Being raised as an unwealthy, Muslim American women in the United States is one of the many reasons why I chose sociology. I grew up seeing my parents struggling day in and day out to pay for rent and food for us, while at the same time hearing people complain about how poor people are “lazy”.I grew up hearing racist remarks being thrown at my family and others, as well, while at the same time hearing people say that racism no longer exists. I grew up seeing that if the opposite sex and I do the same amount of work, I have to work 5 times harder to earn what a man earns, while battling the misconceptions that feminism is women who hate men. I grew up seeing how only some lives mattered in the eyes of many and how this is how the media is as …show more content…

Sociology helped put my observations into something scientific, into something real, not just something that I felt. Ironically, being critical led me to joining an LAPD cadet program, which helped me become more involved within the community and get more acquainted with the Latino/a culture, since a majority of people involved were from that culture. I also joined to see for myself how police officers act around certain groups, how they treat children of color, and how this altered their sense of self. I also joined an internship called American Federation of Teachers, where I got to see firsthand how unions, activism, and protests work and why they chose to do what they did. I also recently joined a Blatigenous club where they focus on black, indigenous, and latino/a issues. These programs and my day to day experiences taught me that I cannot leave people behind. I need to help disadvantaged people. I want them to know that they do have a chance, even in a system that was set up to help them fail, but the most important lessons I have learned is that when people come together, it can be very

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