I am extremely grateful to have been chosen to be an DMS student leader this year. Being where I am right now will not have happened without all the opportunities the DMS has given me. One example of an opportunity that DMS has given me was choosing to sponsor me to attend this year's Fall Leadership Conference. Attending this conference opened my mind to different perspectives of leadership, and I was able to apply some of what I learned to my community as an APC officer. In addition, without all of the connections I have gained at the DMS, I would probably have not been where I am today. Therefore, I am eternally grateful for all of the support the DMS has given me, and I will continue to strive to better myself and my
Within the collage I have had the opportunity to represent the school as Junior School Captain and Class leader. I have also been lucky enough to be involved in the Student Ambassador and Peer Support program, working closely with many other leaders within the school. The most relevant position I have held is Gwynton house leader this year. I have learnt so much from this position by assisting and learning from our current leaders Josh and Laura and also by taking charge in some situations and leading the group
In the spring of 2016 I was elected Vice President. This was a huge step for me and I was glad to be on the officer team. I learned life lessons like how to work with a team to reach a goal, and how to be in an interview. I also had to fill in for the president from time to time which was a little scary because I was a Junior telling fellow Juniors and Seniors what to do and to get organized. Although I was nervous I handled myself and the meetings got done
Congratulations to Ms.Scott for being nominated life changer of the year! I couldn't think of anyone better for this recognition. I have had honor have been mentored by Ms.Scott for the past three years. She has helped me grow as a person, and has guided me to become the leader that I am today. Ms. Scott is not only an inspiration to myself but to everyone on campus. Ms.Scott is dedicated, strong, passionate and always has the best interest for every student on campus. She also stays long hours after school working football games, basketball games or planning our next assembly and on top of that she is the best mom ever! Throughout her years as being an ASB advisor she has changed the culture by increasing school spirit and making Hilltop
Throughout my high school career, I have been involved in various clubs and organizations to help me become a leader in my community. At Auburn High School I took on the role of being a Publicist officer for National Technical Honors Society the first two consecutive years that it became a part of our school. I gained a lot of leadership experience through this club. Implementing a new organization is never easy and takes a lot of hard work and dedication from the leaders of the club. By being a part of a very helpful, dedicated and motivated team, we helped affiliate all the eligible members into the club and in turn helped introduce this new club to the school. As publicist my role in helping the club grow was crucial; I helped in publicizing the clubs various projects and involvement.
Throughout my high school years, I gave myself many opportunities and challenges to demonstrate my worth as a leader. Of all these positions, the one I take pride in the most would be taking the lead role of directing a non-profit ACT organization. Together with my classmate, we had founded the organization to which I took charge of after he left to attend college. During my role as president of the ACT organization, my responsibilities included tutoring, finding teachers, organizing sign ups, as well as procuring space to hold classes.
This summer I won a scholarship from Delta Airlines for being a leader in my community. While I was there I was awarded squadron leader and was given the job of watching 10 other individual perform and succeed at the tasks and missions we had to complete every day. Also during my ninth and tenth grade year I was awarded MVP for my volleyball team because of the positivity and leadership I brought on the court. And lastly I was the president of my youth group and was asked to organize and lead special events. These are just a few of the was I have shown leadership, and I hope I am able to further this role in
It’s nice to meet you and it is a pleasure to hear that you continue to help those who are in need. I look forward to reading your discussions and knowing your perspective that you will deliver to the class. It is great that you want to use the MPA program to serve your community more. I am sure you will get promoted within your department. Best wishes to you.
First off, I want to say thank you to my parents for supporting me. Mom, Dad, thank you for being there with me during difficult times. You support and understand me, this gives me the strength to continue fight through the challenges in life. Without you being here today and by my side, I would have given up. Next, I want to thank the administration. You have all contributed to making this school run smoothly but also have allowed us to have a good time. I, as many others, have enjoyed the monthly walks and fundraising activities, the cultural fashion show and the fun and exciting cultural festival with the live steel bad and African drummers. These are some experiences that some students have never been exposed to. Therefore, thank you for bringing new and exciting initiatives to PS/MS124. Mrs. Babb, you are a very loving and an easy person to talk to. You have made so many positive changes to PS124, one of which is allowing us middle schoolers to have student council. I would also like to thank my teachers, for sharing their knowledge. You have taken the time to explain assignments, make class interesting, challenge us beyond our knowledge, and inspire not just me, but all of us. I want to Mr. Heaton for granting me the position of secretary for National Junior Honor Society last year. This was a great opportunity and that allowed me to play a key role in the National Junior Honor
These men and women led the way to do what they have done, whether showing their leadership in the business world, the political landscape, or the high school classroom. I know that I have been a leader for my peers, just as they have been for me. When preparing for a presentation for the Delaware State Student Council, I found a quote by Tom Peters, a writer on business management principles, which really resonated with me. “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders”. I have, since then, done what the quote says, and have built leaders in my peers and my friends. Leadership will continue to be a focal point of my character as a member of the Caesar Rodney National Honor Society, to better not just the people around me, but myself as
I came to Tarleton as a scared freshman who barely knew anyone on campus. The first person that I got to connect with was my Residential Leader. She let me know that no matter what was going on she would always be there for me as a friend and a mentor. When I first came here I decided I wouldn’t try to be an RL that I would just try to be a TTM. Now that I have this awesome relationship with my RL I want to become that for someone else. She was there for me when I was laughing and she was there for me when I was crying. She is one of the reasons that I didn’t drop out as a freshman.
Although I can run three miles pretty fast, and I wanted to race the other fast people on my team, I decided to stick with the “slow group” and help them get motivated instead. I hated having to walk half the way, but it was helpful for me to experience a leader. I had to practice a lot of patience. I was also elected team co-captain, which means I have a lot of organizational responsibilities as well. I feel like Abbey, our coach, really respects me as a leader in the group. I am so thankful for the chance to lead my peers somewhere other than at school. Being in a different environment leading different people presents a whole new set of challenges and benefits.
I would like to thank Trio Student Support Service for honoring me with this great opportunity. As a first generation college student, attending has been quite a journey for me. College has taught me many life lessons that I will always hold in my heart. Without all of the guidance and encouragement I have received from Trio, trying to achieve my personal and career goals would never be possible. Again, thank you for all the help it has been a
I would love for the opportunity to be a SET leader because my SET leader made such an impact on my new member experience. Maddy Hill, my SET leader, is so passionate and truly displays the role of a Kappa Delta member. During new member period, she constantly asked us if we were okay and was always there for a helping hand. She has inspired me to want to become a SET leader. I think being a SET leader would be an amazing opportunity because it is a great way to meet the new members and serve as a leader for them during the transition. I would love the opportunity to be an amazing SET leader, and make the new member experience unforgettable, just as Maddy did for me.
Students Today Leaders Forever is a student-led organization committed to making a difference. Our mission is to reveal leadership through service, relationships and action. We do this through our Pay It Forward Tours - community service road trips where students travel by bus to serve the country, and experience leadership. STLF was founded by college students, and is successful because of college students continuing to dedicate themselves to the cause. This organization is driven by volunteers, with these Pay It Forward Tours completely coordinated and funded by the efforts of students. The trip costs students a total of 450 dollars. That includes tansportation, two meals a day, housing, and two nights in a hotel. STLF also offers financial aid to anyone that applies for it.
I really want to thank all of my instructors for being involved in my journey in obtaining my degree in organizational leadership. I struggled in school as a child and as a young adult in high school. I never took it serious or realized how important it is once I got older. I made a vow to myself that I would put out effort in my schoolwork and strive for high grades. I received my first 4.0 grade point average this summer and I never thought I would see that day. I only wish my mother would have been alive to see that day. If it was not for the support, love and motivation from my instructors, parents and my wife, I would not have been able to be where I am now in addition to have the strength to do this in my late twenties.