For a long time now I have always aspired to be a social worker, I have worked hard at my education to make this possible. I would like to work in a field helping and caring for others. In everyday life individuals go through problems, which make life difficult to them to live. The saying ‘a service is only as good as the person who delivered the service’, makes me want to be that person and deliver good service to people who need it. Through studying health and social care I can justify my understanding of problems that affect people and how society can affect individual’s life and behaviour. In society people may face different problems such as abuse, disabilities or mental illness when living in residential homes or with families who may struggle to get right facilities or treatment they deserve, as I carry on with my course it has developed my curiosity in learning more, I feel this is preparation for further studies in University to study to become a social worker. …show more content…
My first placement at St Giles, allowed me to work with children with moderate or severe learning difficulties and autism. Whilst here I have been able to help children learn with individual approaches to learning and to learn with different activities and experiences. Whilst here I was situated in Red room, I was able to work with children on a one to one basis during P.E. I was able to help children get familiar with touch; this would be using bean bags and balls to start to use their hands and feet. My next placement was at ‘Right At Home’. This placement is in home care and assistance. During my time here I have learnt what it consist of to help older people stay living in their home for as long as possible and to add quality to their life. These placements have let me come into contact with individuals in the care profession which has improved my understanding of social
We are now living in an ageing society and so health and social care will play a part throughout our life course in one way or another. I shall start the main body of my assignment by providing an explanation of what is meant by the life course. I will then move onto my experiences of adulthood and of using health and social care services, showing as I go how block 1 has helped me to critically reflect upon these and the outcome. Critically reflection means that I will analyse, challenge and question within this assignment. I will also show the different
Assuming you are a care worker working in this Care Home providing care services to the service users:1.1 Explain how principles of support are applied to ensure that individuals are cared for in health and social care practice 1.2 Outline the procedure for protecting clients, patients, and colleagues from harm.1.3 Analyse the benefit of following a person-centred approach with users of health and social care services1.4 Explain ethical dilemmas and conflict that may arise
This unit develops understanding of the values and principles that underpin the practice of all those who work in health and social care. The essay consider theories and policies that underpin health and social care practice and explore formal and informal mechanisms required to promote good practice by individuals in the workforce, including strategies that can influence the performance of others. The first part of this essay will consider how principles of support are implemented by using Overton house residential care home to evaluate and explain how principles of support are applied. Key concepts such as person-centred approach and dilemmas and conflicts arising from the
Social work involves passionate individuals who are dedicated to helping others by providing services to vulnerable children, families or individuals in need, while constantly looking for ways in which we can improve society. This discipline is dedicated to helping people find solutions to their problems in order to make the world a better place. I chose this field of study, because I find the job of a social worker rewarding. I have always enjoyed helping others and knowing that I have made a difference in someone’s life. It is no secret that this is a challenging career; however, the feeling of knowing that you made the world a better place is indescribable. I have simply decided to make my passion of helping others into a career. I know that in order to make my passion a career I will need to get the best education and training possible.
There is an increase of chronic diseases and complex medical conditions within our society of health and social care as a result there is a growing need of health and social care services to provide support and high quality care to these service users. To ensure safe and effective care health and social care organisations need to recognise and understand the relationship between this growing disease and how more services are required to offer support and guidance for individuals for example the need for expertise, training, partnership working, funding, and improving individuals living conditions. Health and social care organisations have many key priorities for example maintaining a good level of hygiene and maintaining safety and security,
In this essay I have been asked to research an area in social care that I am interested in. I am also asked to explore the role of a social care worker in my chosen area. I have defined social care and a social care worker. I will research an organisation or service that provides help and support to my chosen area. I will talk about a few different hospitals around the country and how they help and support the clients. I will discuss mental health
All my life my parents have taught me the value of helping others. Having different experiences and growing up in an atmosphere where the need of others were put before our own, led me to have a desire to be a social worker. Believing that being a social worker involves many special skills, as an example one of those that u need to interact with people from different cultures and principles than me. For as long as I remember I have had the desire to become a social worker inspiring people and developing people that will drive me to dedicate my excitement and dedication to do what is important in this dream job a reality.
My passion for helping the vulnerable is one reason I ‘am inspired to become a social worker. I also want to be available to provide support to those who have nowhere else to turn. My experience in social work has taught me to celebrate the small victories towards positive changes. I look forward to gaining the skills and knowledge to aid me in becoming a successful social worker.
Life is a journey filled with opportunities and challenges. Being a social worker allows me to alleviate client’s depression and help them to develop positive values towards life. I would like to major in Social Work because social workers have assisted me to relieve stress and I want to repay his kindness. In my childhood, I would describe myself as “sadness” in the film Inside Out as I always think negatively and find my life meaningless. Fortunately, I can seek help from social worker and learn to appreciate what I have. I will try to face the problem optimistically as it provides me a chance to grow maturely. More importantly, I can learn to appreciate the strength of others, comprehend what ‘Empathy’ is and offer assistance to client.
1. What are your reasons for applying to the School of Social Work? Discuss how your personal, professional, and/or community experiences and values affected your decision?
Growing up my grandmother always told me to “Never be afraid to do what is right.” This is something that I live by growing up and what lead me to want to be in the helping profession. My grandmother was not a social worker, but she was very active in her community and she advocated and provided support for the community. She did exactly what a social worker would do. Growing up I wanted to have a career where I would be making a difference in others’ lives and “do what is right”.
The Head Dean from the school influenced me to be a social worker, but one of the other reasons I longed to be a social worker is my uncle. My uncle has a disease called Parkinson’s disease, he has his own social worker and a ton of other doctors. My uncle is at the last stage of Parkinson’s disease which means he needs medicine to help him maneuver. Most people assume Parkinson’s disease is having continuously tremors, my uncle typically doesn't have tremors the medicine that he takes allows him move, without the tremors he wouldn’t be able to exert from point A to point B, be able to change his clothes, or eat.One of the reason why I bring this up is he’s social worker is marvelous she’s is understanding, she laughs with him, and assist
The decision to enter the field of social work was liberating for me. After a constant battle with myself, I choose to be true to myself and pursue a career that I am passionate about instead of listening to what other thought may be best for me. I have always been a natural helper, especially to those close to me. However, since childhood, I have taken note that there is a difference in assistance an individual versus fighting their battle for them. I firmly feel that if I am in the position to help others I should. I know it feels to be in need and not have anyone to be of assistance. Through my life long development, thus far I have always wanted to help people, especially underrepresented people, specifically children. Children are the
Social work is ignites of life interwoven with abilities to build man and restore hope. The activities incorporated in social work open a new horizon and challenge to the clients who are battered by the issues of life. Having intimated myself with the clout of social work, I would like to say from now on, I will consider myself as a team player in this great field. I have always desired being in a position that will enable me make positive impact in the lives of people around me and my community.
INTRO: Stated by an unknown author, “Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence.” The words of wisdom that everyone needs to hear at times of importance, advice and much more.Social work is such a complex concept because you have to understand the point of view of many and pick one best fit for everyone. This is why as a future ambition I want to be a social worker: to give people words of wisdom and helping people that may be suffering from different situations.