
Why I Chose To Become A Social Worker

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For a long time now I have always aspired to be a social worker, I have worked hard at my education to make this possible. I would like to work in a field helping and caring for others. In everyday life individuals go through problems, which make life difficult to them to live. The saying ‘a service is only as good as the person who delivered the service’, makes me want to be that person and deliver good service to people who need it. Through studying health and social care I can justify my understanding of problems that affect people and how society can affect individual’s life and behaviour. In society people may face different problems such as abuse, disabilities or mental illness when living in residential homes or with families who may struggle to get right facilities or treatment they deserve, as I carry on with my course it has developed my curiosity in learning more, I feel this is preparation for further studies in University to study to become a social worker. …show more content…

My first placement at St Giles, allowed me to work with children with moderate or severe learning difficulties and autism. Whilst here I have been able to help children learn with individual approaches to learning and to learn with different activities and experiences. Whilst here I was situated in Red room, I was able to work with children on a one to one basis during P.E. I was able to help children get familiar with touch; this would be using bean bags and balls to start to use their hands and feet. My next placement was at ‘Right At Home’. This placement is in home care and assistance. During my time here I have learnt what it consist of to help older people stay living in their home for as long as possible and to add quality to their life. These placements have let me come into contact with individuals in the care profession which has improved my understanding of social

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