
Why I Chose To Go To High School

Decent Essays

3 years ago I was in the same exact position, an eager seventh grade that can’t wait to go to high school. Just like all of you, I wanted to go to high school so bad and finally be with the older kids. As far away from all the seventh graders as I could get. All the teachers would say how much more freedom we would get and it sounds like a dream come true. You may think they are just sugar coating the whole thing, but they really aren’t. I know it can be nerve racking and all, but you’ve already done it before. Just a year ago you had to come up to middle school and sometime down the line you had to make new friends. Yes you came up with some of the kids from your elementary school, but eventually you had to find new kids to talk to with in classes, lunch, extra curriculars, and the list goes on. This time you are moving up to a school again, but you are with all the kids you’re going to school with right now. It’s an upgraded transition from elementary to middle school. Times of having super strict rules are gone. Yes of course there will be rules, but your freedom will open up. In some classes you get to pick your seats. There won’t be things like silent lunches. I hated having silent lunches, we would have them almost twice a week. I remember when I …show more content…

The best thing you can do is join an extracurricular activity or a sport. This by far the best thing I have ever done. There are so many different clubs and sports for your interests. Almost every sport is at riverside such as cross country, football, basketball, lacrosse, baseball, track, and the list goes on. There is not just sports though, you can also join clubs like Academic Decathlon, ski club, SAFE club, and student council. Not only will you make more friends, but you will become more outgoing and find yourself having a ton of fun. You will get to hang out with upperclassman and the opposite gender learning how to be friends with them which is really

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