Vince Lombardi once said " the price to success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.'' i believe that i deserve this scholarship to attend florida state university to perceive my interest in business. it isn't that i am extremely talented or smart, i just work hard at what i do. A few of my accomplishments is my first degree black belt in tae kwon do. i have participated in tae kwon do for five years, and received my black belt about a year ago. martial arts has helped me become a stronger person both physically and mentally countless pushups and other exercises have increased my physical strength and overcoming challenges has increased
The stone sculpture is made from marble. The artist remains unknown, but it was restored by the Italian Vincenzo Pacetti, an eighteenth-century sculptor. It is a Roman copy of a Greek work of the fourth century B.C. It is a medium size statue with a height of 82 3\4 in. (210.2 cm). Vincenzo Pacetti (1746-1820) was an Italian sculptor dedicated to restoring classical sculptures and then sell them to the rich.
In times of trouble, governments turn to propaganda to persuade their civilians to stay positive. After the onset of WWII in Britain, The Ministry of Information was given the task to create a set of three propaganda pieces that worked to boost morale. Of the series, two displayed "Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution; Will Bring Us Victory" and "Freedom is in Peril; Defend it with all Your Might," while the final read "Keep Calm and Carry on." The first two were displayed around the streets of Britain. The final was only to be released if Germany invaded Britain, and as it never happened, it ultimately was never viewed by the public. Although never publicly debuted during the war, the "Keep Calm and Carry on" propaganda piece
I want to help research and design robotic prosthetics that provide more natural movements and the sense of touch. Movement is one of the challenges that affect people with missing limbs the most. Having the ability to stand, walk, reach, and grab are tasks that do not come easy for them. They will always need assistance. Being on our high school robotics team, we built robots that could lift, throw, and grab objects. I would love to make robotic devices to help disabled people live normal lives. I recently had the opportunity to visit a facility for wounded soldiers at Ft Sam, TX. We learned how they fit and customize prosthetic arms and legs for the soldiers and how they benefit
Leadership and service, both as part of and in a community, invariably determine the result of actions taken, and ultimately, the success of such a community. Leadership is about taking the first step while service revolves around taking the necessary steps that result. I am a passionate student mainly because during my life I have seen firsthand the effects of not working hard and momentarily losing hope. My goal is to harness my past experiences as motivation to improve the lives and care for others effectively. I believe I am one of the best candidates for the Rev Dr. James and Aretha Rogers Education and Scholarship Fund because my passion, dreams, and aspirations are only fundamentals to my hard work ethic; this scholarship would allow me to be prepared for college and a give me a great sense of honor.
First generation college students, are just trying to be different than the rest of their family. They are trying to better themselves from what they grew up with, or at least for me, I am. I deserve this scholarship because I am trying to beat the odds. I am trying to overcome my environment, I want to be more than just what I was born into, I just want to exceed, and show how capable I can be.
I deserve to be considered for this scholarship because I will take this great opportunity as my motivation to finish my study in order to improve the communities that provide my knowledge and skill. This source will help reduce the burden from my family who support me to attend Webster University. I am grateful for the opportunity that you offer and I am persisting to work hard to reach my goal of a career. I hope you will consider me as the one who receipt the scholarship, so that I can continue my dream job as a financial
I plan to attend the Kansas State University in Italy Faculty led program so I can gain more knowledge and creativity as I continue working towards my degree in graphic design. I have always wanted to visit Italy as well. I think this would be the perfect experience for me since it is held through the Art department and led by my very own professors, who I will continue to work with after traveling abroad. Personally, I have always loved the idea of traveling to other countries to be able to learn and appreciate their cultures first hand. I believe the breathtaking architecture and landscape in Italy will greatly inspire and impact my graphic design and photography abilities the most. This experience will truly help me to grow as an artist. Therefore, I know when I come back for the fall semester that I will be bursting with ideas and inspiration for my art projects. In my future professional career, I would love to be able to work internationally with foreign companies. This program will greatly improve my chances of having that opportunity and give me the skills and knowledge I would need to succeed in doing so.
I believe I should be awarded this scholarship because of the hard work and dedication I put fourth in every school day. My family has just enough money to make it by, living pay check to pay check. I don't like to see my parents struggle and I now have two jobs in order to not take away from the money making ends meet. My economic status doesn't hinder me, it makes me stronger. I know I have to do well in high school and college in order to change standards that my family lives in. Neither of my parents graduated from college and I want to break the cycle not only to make them proud, but to make myself proud. I believe I should be awarded the scholarship because I am not only thinking about futhering myself, I'm thinking about helping my
I believe I should receive this scholarship because I do not have the best ACT score and my parents make just enough to pass the limit for financial aid. ACT scores decide if you can even apply for many scholarships. I tried my hardest the many times I have taken it but with test anxiety it will always be tough. I could use any money I get because $80,000 a year stretched for the 5 people in my family is hard. University of Kentucky is my dream school I will do anything in my power to attend and to pay for as much as
When I got accepted into NJHS it meant to me that I had a high enough GPA to get in and that I need to work hard every day to keep my grades up to stay in NJHS. Now I have more things to motivate me to try to get high grades than my peers and to do more community service. This is a very food program that they provide at our school and I am excited that I got accepted into it. I know that I will be doing a lot of community service in the next months to help out our community and I am glad that I get to do it with my friends.
Growing up is a big part in life. It is very scary and hard sometimes, but I want to do it the right way. In 2019 I am a high school graduate, and Schuylkill Valley Alumi. I want to do big and better things once I graduate, and go to college.
“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure” (Bill Cosby). Reflecting back on my life I have dealt with numerous downfalls but I always bounce back. I was born in India and moved here when I was six years old. As I grew up in California I was not a bright student at first. I was enrolled in Carmichael Elementary in which I was the only one with Turban on my head, which caused me to get into a lot of fights with other students who were making fun of turban. Not knowing how to speak English at the time affected the way interacted with teachers and students. On the other hand my family always had a tight budget at home. Both of my parents worked at the store we owned which was the only source money. At school kids were always talking about their new shoes and the iPod which his or her parents got them. I didn’t get everything I wanted as a kid but as I got older I understand if did I could be a spoiled brat. When I moved from Carmichael to Sacramento and I was enrolled at Maeola R. Beitzel elementary. Going to this new school I already learned English so I made marvelous friends and was surrounded by positive people. Going from a chaos environment to this harmonious environment in part because I was speaking English, made me have unique personality .I was playing sports and growing as a student. Those years went by in no time. Now I am in high school and my family’s income has been growing. My mom changed her work to now at Jack in
Since the project is solely based in England and is a civil and structural project which is not publicly procured, the only viable legal contracts are JCT and NEC. Mumin Contracting prefers the NEC contract over the JCT because the JCT contract considers time and money as two different concepts. Whereas in the NEC contract, there is a compensation even which
I believe I should be awarded one of your scholarships because I believe in taking advantage of every opportunity that the scholarship will bestow upon me. I am a student that believes in working hard, being a positive influence, and giving back to the community. Your organization and I share these core values and I would like to take our vision further by using this scholarship to advance my education as well as an opportunity to improve the lives of those around me. As an immigrant from Nepal, I have had to work hard my whole life just to survive in America. Working multiple jobs while attending school is a tough challenge that I face but I believe that if one works hard their dreams can come true. Many people from my community give up
I believe I deserve this scholarship for numerous reasons. I am a hard working person, who always strives to do my best, and tackles any challenge posed with the ambition. My greatest desire is to become a successful engineer, however the financial burden that college bares is too great an obstacle to conquer on my own. I believe I deserve this scholarship, because investing in mem would be investing in the future.