Why I deserve this scholarship? Because I think I am extremely passionate about becoming successful. College is a tough steps, but I believed in succeeding. My mom had persuade me to accomplished my dream. I live with my mom my entire life, she is unable to afford the cost of sending me to college with her little earning. With the scholarship, I would spend less time worrying about college, and more time experiencing college to reach my goals. I would become a more knowledgeable, and hopefully a better person. I have studied hard when it comes to tests and examinations. School has challenge me to work harder than ever before. I want to continued my studies for a bright future.I believe education is the key to success. I want to pursue myself
I deserve this scholarship because I am hard working and it wouldn’t be a waste of money on some dumb teenager and because my parents don’t have a lot of money, but I also deserve it because I want to go to college to be a police officer and protect the american people, change how police officers are looked at and so I can serve justice to people who deserve
I believe I deserve the A.R.S.S.B Dean’s Student Advisory Scholarship because I am a hardworking student in the business field. I strive to improve myself daily, using the resources I am given throughout our campus. I make a great effort to always staying updated when it comes to any events dealing with the School of Business or TAMIU. Although, I am not involved in the A.R.S.S.B Dean’s Student Advisory Council, I hope to get involved with this program next semester that way I may gain experience and develop stronger work ethic skills. I believe I would be a great recipient for this scholarship based off my dedication to my work studies, and my will to be involved with TAMIU. Although I am classified as a Junior, it is my first year in college,
In the following essay I will be talking about the disadvantages and advantages of partisan elections for state politics. I will also examine the last couple year's election results and costs. Finally, I will discuss if partisanship made a difference in the vote, as well as if a judge should be decided by partisan vote. In the next couple paragraphs I will talk more specifically about these topics.
Wells Fargo offers a wide range of financial services, claiming in its investor presentations to operate more than 80 divisions while still being able to stand for more then one thing. In addition, the company claims to be one of the most "integrated" of financial services companies. For example, instead of running a stock brokerage with separate branches and different customers, Wells Fargo stock brokers sit in retail branches, and generally only serve banking customers. (wellsfargo.com)
I believe that I should be awarded this scholarship because I come from a background in which my parents did not go far with education. This has made life hard for my family and myself. My mother is unable to work because she is dealing with multiple sicknesses and my father, who was our main source of income, passed away. My parent both put a lot of pressure on me to get a good education, but we lack the funds to make my dreams of becoming a doctor a reality. If I am awarded this scholarship, I would be so grateful and it would not go to waste.
I'd like to get this scholarship because i'm a very hard worker once I get my mind set on it, I work at the Roseau Hospital in food service and I absolutely love it! I get to see the residents that's always the best part of my day.
I should be awarded this scholarship because I passionately believe that learning and personal development are crucially important. When I was 12 years old, I began to teach myself to use programming languages and software frameworks to create applications and build websites as a hobby. As a visual and tactile learner, most of my acquired knowledge at that time had come from online videos, forums, and blogs. Throughout high school, I excelled as a student adviser for my programming classes and became the team captain of my high school’s competitive robotics team. During my senior year, I orchestrated and lead a small group of students to rebuild our hometown’s public website as a community project. Now I am a full-time student at the University
My scholarship allowed me to be awarded with an on campus job. Due to my dual-enrollment credit hours and my ACT score, I was given the opportunity to become an athletic study hall worker. I served as a mentor and personal tutor for the incoming freshmen athletes of the university and supervised their academic study hours. All of the athletes were required to attend study hall 8 hours a week. Just like my first class of freshmen athletes, I was also new to the university. This experience was very beneficial for me in that I was given a very important duty at such a young age. I had to learn to keep control of my students as well as ensure a conductive, comfortable learning
I plan to attend the Kansas State University in Italy Faculty led program so I can gain more knowledge and creativity as I continue working towards my degree in graphic design. I have always wanted to visit Italy as well. I think this would be the perfect experience for me since it is held through the Art department and led by my very own professors, who I will continue to work with after traveling abroad. Personally, I have always loved the idea of traveling to other countries to be able to learn and appreciate their cultures first hand. I believe the breathtaking architecture and landscape in Italy will greatly inspire and impact my graphic design and photography abilities the most. This experience will truly help me to grow as an artist. Therefore, I know when I come back for the fall semester that I will be bursting with ideas and inspiration for my art projects. In my future professional career, I would love to be able to work internationally with foreign companies. This program will greatly improve my chances of having that opportunity and give me the skills and knowledge I would need to succeed in doing so.
I believe I should be awarded this scholarship because of the hard work and dedication I put fourth in every school day. My family has just enough money to make it by, living pay check to pay check. I don't like to see my parents struggle and I now have two jobs in order to not take away from the money making ends meet. My economic status doesn't hinder me, it makes me stronger. I know I have to do well in high school and college in order to change standards that my family lives in. Neither of my parents graduated from college and I want to break the cycle not only to make them proud, but to make myself proud. I believe I should be awarded the scholarship because I am not only thinking about futhering myself, I'm thinking about helping my
the importance I place on doing well in school and putting in the time to study
I feel that I should be considered for this scholarship because I have worked hard to attain my achievements and I had to mature at an ealier age than most students. My parents divorced when I was in elementary school and from then on my brother and I had to deal with constant arguments between our parents. We were under a lot of pressure to decide which parents would attend what events we had for they could not get along in the same building. This was especially hard because every child wants their parents to be able to support them and watch them grow throughout the years. Having to choose between the two parents put on a lot of stress on myself and it made me realize how successful I want to become in life. I want to ensure I go to college
I deserve this scholarship because disregarding the seventeen ACT score I have or the 3.24 GPA I have, I have worked very hard to get to where I am now being my last year which is senior year. Around two years ago, I wasn’t who I am now. Freshman and sophomore year of High School all you saw was a girl who just let days passed by. I didn’t pay attention to my grades, or pay attention about college or anything. If I had a 70 in one of my classes I saw it as a pretty moderate grade, as long as I was passing my classes. However, little did I realize that the poor choices that I made would affect my last two years of High School.
“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure” (Bill Cosby). Reflecting back on my life I have dealt with numerous downfalls but I always bounce back. I was born in India and moved here when I was six years old. As I grew up in California I was not a bright student at first. I was enrolled in Carmichael Elementary in which I was the only one with Turban on my head, which caused me to get into a lot of fights with other students who were making fun of turban. Not knowing how to speak English at the time affected the way interacted with teachers and students. On the other hand my family always had a tight budget at home. Both of my parents worked at the store we owned which was the only source money. At school kids were always talking about their new shoes and the iPod which his or her parents got them. I didn’t get everything I wanted as a kid but as I got older I understand if did I could be a spoiled brat. When I moved from Carmichael to Sacramento and I was enrolled at Maeola R. Beitzel elementary. Going to this new school I already learned English so I made marvelous friends and was surrounded by positive people. Going from a chaos environment to this harmonious environment in part because I was speaking English, made me have unique personality .I was playing sports and growing as a student. Those years went by in no time. Now I am in high school and my family’s income has been growing. My mom changed her work to now at Jack in
In recent years, there is no denying the fact that the environment becomes unstable for many organizations today, as the organization striving to adopt this fact and adapt this situation. The reason of this phenomenon is external stakeholders affect, which including two essential factors are general and task environment, for example, economic, technological and sociocultural, it leads to the environment creates uncertainty to managers or organization (Kinicki et al. 2015, p75-79). “Organizations operate in an environment and are dependent on it for the procurement of inputs and the sale of outputs” (Eppink, 1978). It is necessary that mangers should establish a suitable appropriation when organization environmental change for their survival. In order to make business less vulnerable to organization environment change, planning is a process of make plan and helps organization face different circumstances. There is a long-running debate as to whether the managerial plans are often redundant when the environment change so quickly under the organization operates. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the managerial plan is not useless as soon as they made when the organisations environment changes so quickly. Plan helps organization adapt the new requirements of environmental changes. Due to the planning process, planning can increase the capacity of the whole organization which is decrease the vulnerability that brings to organization. However, with the organization