I hate gossip, especially when it is no one else's business. All these people are doing is making others feel bad. It also leads to rumours which can destroy people's perceptions of their self worth. When something is happening between two people it is no one else's business but theirs. If someone decides to open up to you about something then they have trusted you will their feelings. In no right does that person then have the right to spread that information among others. One thing I find the most aggravating is when people assume you know everything about a person's problems if you are friends with them, they then asks you if that other person is ok to make themselves look good. Not that they actually care about the other person. It's
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I guess it's because everyone does it. As children we hear our parents or other adults gossiping about each other and so we are raised to believe it is ok. Social media makes it even easier for people to gossip about each other without being caught and so due to that fact, there is no real consequence for gossiping. Therefore there is no real reason to stop. Except for the reason that it is morally wrong, which people just seem to ignore. This insinuates that no one seems to care about what is morally wrong anymore, it all about what makes us feel important. When people want to start a conversation with someone you can normally find it starts with “Oh did you hear about what ‘blank’ did?” or “Did you know that ‘blank’ and ‘blank’ don't talk to each other anymore”. It seems to be a very popular form of communication. And I find it so wrong. If we don't stop gossiping about each other and hurting each other now then there will be no hope for the next generation or the generation after that. And that is the saddest thing because what we grow up doing will be something we teach to our children and then they teach to their own. Which is why it needs to stop now, and unfortunately I find the prospect of that happening very hard to
Whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. there is always some type either bullying or whatever people want to call it taking place. An instance in which the noting that takes place in Much Ado About Nothing and social media now could be similar would be seeing a picture of two people kissing compared to actually witnessing it in person as they do in Much Ado About Noting. Just because it is centuries later and things have become more evolved since that time period, does not mean people have learned what is right and wrong. Today it is much easier to do these types of things because technology has been advanced enormously. In addition it is easier because people are not face to face with someone most times while doing these things. Even though it happened long ago and is still happening today with the strict rules and laws, it will never not be a
The door on the side of the building into Bitch Media’s headquarters is always locked. For those who would like to go inside, the little haphazardly-taped sign on the door instructs “FEDEX, UPS, USPS + ANYBODY ELSE PLEASE RING THE DOORBELL.” The only way to tell that a powerful feminist publication resides on the second floor of the building is from the small metal sign with “bitch” inscribed. Before Gamergate, a series of personal attacks on female game developers, and the vandalism of the Bitch offices, Bitch’s door would have remained open and unlocked for anyone wanting to use Bitch’s lending library. Now, the staff at Bitch Media cannot take their personal safety for granted. They make sure that there are no obvious markings that might lead to unwanted attention; I parked in front of what Siri told me was the headquarters and walked around the whole building twice before spotting the entrance.
In “Anatomy of A Rumor: It Flies on Fear” Daniel Goleman explains how anxiety plays a role in the creation of a rumor. He explains how many psychologist have found that the spreading of rumors are based on things they are already anxious about. He says that people are more likely to spread a rumor if they fear it's truth. In the article, he uses an example of how a rumor about getting AIDS from swimming in a public pool was spread because of people's fear of it being true. Goleman compares the rumor to a virus, “thriving because of their ability to create the very anxieties that make them spread, and to mutate to fit new situations”.
Last December Police in Italy found 7000 tons of phony olive oil headed for supermarkets, and stores all over the world(Whitaker). The agricultural mafia or agromafia of Italy has taken over the food industry in Italy, and many of the traditional Italian foods that people and tourists eat are phony. Tom Mueller, a journalist who has lived in Italy for twenty years, and routinely speaks with food investigators, and producers said, “Easily half of the bottles that are sold as extra virgin in Italian supermarkets do not reach the legal grades for extra virgin oil”(Whitaker). This information could not have been found without muckraking, and people all over the world would still be paying great amounts of money for adulterated italian cuisine.
As a benefit of reading the post, “hoodwinked” is the new word in my vocabulary. To expand the search without duplicating the articles chosen by other students, substituting the key words with the synonyms might be helpful. As an example, while searching for the articles about human trafficking, the use of “trafficking in person” or “forced labor” as the key words will provide more relevant articles. To avoid the risk of choosing the article used by someone else, it is usually helpful to skip the top links and browse through the articles below the top twenty results. Thank you for the post.
There are a variety of brands of dog foods available for sale today. Choosing the brand that will be best for your dog’s health as well as delicious to his taste buds can be a labor of love. Baneful dog food is tailored to a dog’s particular need at various stages during his growth. Each product is made with 100% real ingredients enriched with important nutrition that dog’s need. The baneful brand includes 8 varieties of dry dog foods, 20 varieties of wet dog food and 11 varieties of dog treats.
Gossip itself can be detrimental to anybody and their self-esteem but when your whole seems to be the topic of discussion, than that must be extremely difficult to handle without repercussions to your
I fucking hate humans. I'm so tired of people and school. I hate teachers and students. If you could kill people and not go to prison i swear to god on my momma i would kill a lot of people. But you can't so i gotta deal with people.
Every Monday and Wednesday in my College Career Skills class, a student enters the classroom making sure everyone knows he has arrived. Multiple times he has run into the class acting like he was late, yet he was at least five minutes early. Every class, he has to interrupt the teacher while she is in the middle of a lecture and half of the time it is not relevant to what is being taught. One of my biggest pet peeves is being interrupted while trying to learn and it happens every time I am in this class. We have been told on multiple occasions that class will be let out early, yet this student continues to interrupt the teacher causing us not to finish and leave early. I have tried to be nice and just ignore it, but it has gotten out of hand
A pet peeve is a specific thing that bothers you every single moment. I don’t like it when workers are giving buyer poor customer services. This sincerely gets my blood pressure going. When it comes to client happiness, bad patron service is not a good thing. I feel one of the reasons why business have poor customer service is because they personnel get overwhelmed. When I’m at the other end and I’m the buyer, I have no tolerance for ill-mannered staff and poor customer service. Another pet peeve I have is when employees gossip at work. In the work environment, chatter is a motions that can generate, divert, and weakness laborers work fulfillment. Negative conversation can generate output misgivings, confidence issues, worker engagement, and
A pet peeve of mine that pushes my limits is when a person is mad or extremely moody for their own personal reason and then decide to take out their irritation on somebody else. This behavior rises my own temper when somebody else’s temper gets the best of them. Not only do I see it as being rude but when it doesn’t involve the other person being at fault, it infuriates me. Every person experiences bad days where your attitude is very negative but it gives you no reason to be harm someone else’s feelings or mood. Still, a normal action like experiencing a bad feeling and making a remark just shakes my nerves.
“Dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing I learned. They're only powerful when your back is turned.” - Eminem If I treated you, the way you treated me. You would hate me. Hatred is a really, really extreme factor in our world. I am going to introduce Hatred not only just in the Holocaust, but also in life today, and how much there is in this world. Hatred is a deep and emotional extreme dislike.
It is no secret that social media has taken over a lot of our time, and perception on society. It influences our day to day lives without us really knowing. Social media usually portrays one’s life to be perfect, or it makes us feel like one’s life needs to be perfect. For this reason being, social media can be a bad thing. In "The Social Networks" by Neal Gabler, he explains how media has taken away the meaning of friendship or anything 'real'. In the long run, social media makes things seem better than they actually are, it gives us unrealistic expectations for our friend and family interactions, which kills the chance of having actual friendships because our expectations are so high. So, here are the reasons elaborated on why social media
I didn't pick a theme for my anthology because I couldn't choose between the different ideas I had. One of my ideas for a theme was sports. I put a lot about sports in my anthology because they make me happy. My other theme I wanted to pick was feminism. I have two articles in my anthology that relate to it. I think women don't get as much respect as men do just because we are women. Men don't think we are as capable as them and it makes me so angry I want to cry. I am definitely a feminist. I really couldn't decide between the two so I just put both of them in my anthology along with other stuff I like. These are some of the reasons I picked the things I did.
Defined as the idle talk or rumor that typically refers to another’s personal or private affairs, gossip plays a major role in formulating our opinion of others. Appearing seemingly harmless, gossip is often seen as a double-edged sword. On the positive side of things, discussion of social norms and values can build trust, intimacy, and community among peers, especially through the use of constructive feedback. For those that do not want their private affairs made public, gossip can harm a person’s self-confidence, form tension among friend groups, and cause damage to one’s social reputation, regardless if the information provided is true or not.