A leadership style is defined as a leader 's style of providing direction, implementing plans and motivating people. I believe I have the coaching leadership style. I tend to focus on individuals and I try to help improve their performance. This style assists employees in advancing their skills in their current position which will ultimately lead to achieving the organizational goal and could help with their career aspirations. My supervisor has communicated to me that I possess the skill of agility and adaptability I’m able to adapt to the new changes that are made in the department and handle unexpected demand. Lack of communication is one of the main reasons conflicts arise in the workplace. In my current workplace I have witnessed minor conflicts turn into big conflicts due to poor communication and lack of communication. One of the most recent conflicts that occurred in my workplace that I helped my manger resolve was with two employees who were doing the same work. My co-worker called out and his normal backup started doing his work. But my supervisor forgot that she delegated all his tasks when he was out to a new clerk. This caused tension between both clerks. One was upset because she felt that the new clerk shouldn’t have been appointed to doing these tasks since she was fairly new and the other felt it wasn’t a big deal and the old clerk was just being a brat. Both clerks later communicated the issue to me. I spoke to my manager and made her aware of the issue
Before this lecture and assignment I never gave it thought about different leadership styles and what type I have or will deal with in the past, present, and future. This paper also gave me chance to break down how I’m a different leader depending on what situation I’m put in. As of right now it would be difficult trying to put my leadership style because I’m always in different positon that allow be that to specific leader. Right now I’m in a great position that allow me to lead other in the direction that benefit them and the
will become stronger and have more depth, which will allow the entire team to move forward in attempts to achieve their ultimate goals.
My leadership style is a combination of two of the leadership styles mentioned in this module. The transformational leadership style mostly exemplifies my style and personality. However, I have implemented situational leadership based on the skill level of the teachers assigned to my school and happenings within the community.
Coaching competencies are needed in the growing industry around the world, especially for leadership development. According to Zenger and Stinnett (2006), about 70% of formal leadership development programs in organizations have some different forms of coaching. This reveals that coaching is becoming a World Wide phenomenon. As a result of this popularity, many coaching competencies, models, tools and training have appeared. For instance, effective coaching requires the coach to have good communication skill, client motivation, self-management, and technical skill. These skills enable the coaching session come up with positive success.
In hindsight I understand her approach. It was a new leadership style and I had to work through it. I developed a lot under her direction. Now that I think about it, I could have developed even more if I let my guard down some. I reported to this manager for a year and due to organizational changes she moved to another department.
My philosophy is a reflection of the way I see my leadership style and how I view
In saying this, if I had to choose a leadership style that I believe I most closely align with and follow would be transformational leadership. Researcher Bernard M. Bass developed what is referred to as Bass’s Transformational Leadership Theory and stated “Transformational leadership can be defined based on the impact that it has on followers. Transformational leaders are those who stimulate and inspire followers to both achieve extraordinary outcomes and in the process, develop their own leadership capacity. Transformational leaders help followers grow and develop into leaders by responding to individual followers' needs by empowering them and by aligning the objectives and goals of the individual followers, the leader, the group, and the larger organization.” (Bass, Riggio, 2008)
my comfort zones in order to get the full experience and immerse myself in the retreat, and showing my vulnerable side. All these experiences allowed me to realize how they help foster a caring, nurturing and team building culture where we can all trust one another and depend on each other to help us through our experiences. Furthermore, I then realized that there are certain characteristics important to becoming a great leader. These are that the individual has established a complete set of core values, can become present and devote 100% of their attention to the task at hand. Has a well rounded set of characteristics addressing; authenticity, vision, integrity, creativity and service. If a leader can poses most of these characteristics they
Final Thoughts Understanding your behavioral style as a leader is key to improving your leadership abilities and the results that you are able to achieve through others. It is useful for you to identify the pattern of behaviors that you intend to use; however, it is even more important to gather feedback about how your style affects others. I have been assisting my clients in gathering this feedback by using a 360-degree online instrument, The Inventory of Leadership Styles (ILS). They have found it very useful for focusing their development on critical styles to improve their effectiveness at getting results through others. Please give me a call if you would like to explore this application with you or your team.
My leadership style is a very interesting one because it changes depending on the situation. For example, when I am hanging out with a group of friends, I tend to be a follower because I am an extremely indecisive person. So in terms of being in a group of people I know very well, my leadership style would reflect that of Laissez–Faire because I would rather have other people run the show, and I just sit back and enjoy the ride. Even though I can be a very indecisive person, when it comes to being in charge, such as babysitting, managing a group of children, etc. I tend to have a more democratic leadership style. I believe that in order to function as the most peaceful group as possible, that everyone should have a say in what they do, how things run, etc. I believe
List 5 10 questions that will determine if this candidate can take charge, organize things, and get people motivated and working again in a Service Department.
According to our textbook, “leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes” (Daft, 2014, pg. 5). In another word, leadership is not defined by what one individual does, but as the ability to form an alliance, motivate, empowered, coach, and to build relationship with others. Leadership is a set of skills that leaders can practice over time. In addition, there are different leadership perspectives one can develop in order to become an effective leader. Furthermore, there are a number of leadership styles leaders can adapt to. Among them are micromanaging, coaching, democratic, delegating, and many more. All these leadership styles can be added to a
One of the most common causes of work related conflict is lack of communication between co-workers. Good communication skills are essential in just about any workplace. My strategy would be an active listener; it is the most important communication skill you can acquire. By listening intently and not allow my mind to wonder off during a conversation with a co-worker or friend. I can ensure that I will retain the important information being discussed.
Conflict is a natural part of human existence. It occurs in just about any environment and the workplace is no exception. Conflicts arise when there is a difference of opinion between two or more persons (Cohen, 2014). Workplace conflicts can be difficult to resolve, however, unresolved conflicts can result in poor interpersonal relationships, compromise employee loyalty, and even jeopardize quality and safety (Bowers & Ferron, 2014). While unresolved conflicts may have deleterious effects on the work environment, healthy conflict resolution can lead to creativity and growth (Bowers & Ferron, 2014). One of the main sources of conflict between employees, supervisors, and the human resource (HR) department is poor communication.
In order to understand conflict, one must understand communication and the role it plays with conflict. Conflict is defined in the dictionary as, a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one. When communication is not present or used effectively in a situation, the chances of conflict will arise because of either the lack of communication or the misunderstanding of it. If used effectively then each party has a greater chance of understanding each other in a efficient way, thus the chances for being mislead or not understood decreases greatly. Even if issues arise, they can be quickly contained in a swift manner as effective communication is being use for everyone to understand the situation at hand. Simply put, communication and conflict are often side by side when it comes with either solving a issue or creating on.