¿Por qué quiero aprender español
I want to learn spanish because it help you in multiple ways in learning and I everyday life.
One reason to learn spanish is that it helps you to get to know your neighbors.The United States has a 50 million Spanish speakers, it’s the second largest Spanish speaking country in the world, behind Mexico and ahead of Colombia, Spain and Argentina. United States will surpass Mexico by 2050 and become the world’s largest Spanish-speaking country. And most likely you don’t have to leave your neighborhood to see someone spanish or who speak spanish.
Second reason to speak is you get better job opportunities like if traveling for work is apart of your career path, learning how to speak Spanish fluently will help you
I am very fluent in Spanish now and I my young children are as well. So even speaking another language is helping us grow. Diversity in society helps us grow as individuals and opens our minds to different ways of life.
These are forms of communication that may surprise you when you get to Spain, and you must adapt as soon as possible so as not to be rude or unfriendly. Learning Spanish is more than just knowing the grammar and vocabulary. You know the people and their way of life, customs of Spain, traditions, celebrations and other aspects that may be typical, and sometimes themselves, of the Spanish culture. The relaxed lifestyle of Spain and hospitality for which it is known, are qualities that visitors and students find
Language is a very important part of culture. It’s the method of communication between people, it’s a comforting feeling to hear your own language, and it defines who you are as a person. In the Hispanic culture the language spoken is Spanish. Spanish is such a popular language in the united states that many people become bilingual to be able to speak English and Spanish. "Spanish is the most spoken non-English language in U.S. homes, even among non-Hispanics. A record 37.6 million persons ages 5 year and older speak Spanish at home, according to an analysis of the 2011 American Community Survey by the Pew Research Center” When visiting a different culture, the language barriers are scary, I recently visited Mexico and not knowing what people were saying was frightening, Luckily Spanish is common so it wasn’t hard to find someone to translate. I remember feeling so warm inside hearing someone who speaks English talking, it was comforting to
When the number of native speakers and second language speakers are combined, the United States, with its roughly 50 million Spanish speakers, is the second largest Spanish speaking country in the world, behind only Mexico and ahead of Colombia, Spain and Argentina. Some projections indicate that the US could even surpass Mexico by 2050 and become the world’s largest Spanish-speaking country.
Language and culture coincide and go in harmony with each other. “Our culture is what shapes our language and our language is much more than just a tool; it is a rink to our surroundings that determines how we are perceived and understood. ”(Tuncer 1) Spanish is such an fundamental
Speaking Spanish or any second language opens a lot of doors in life. While the little Spanish I do know is incomprehensible to most fluent Spanish-speakers, it has helped me in some situations. The article Se Habla Espanol by Tanya Maria Barrientos is the story on how she (Tanya) dealt with the tribulations of being born in Guatemala, moved to and raised in the United States, and attempting to learn her native Language once again (Barrientos 645). While many of us, including Tanya, have difficulties learning a new language and understanding others cultures, the struggle will prove to be worth it in the end.
I now speak English and Spanish because I managed to keep my first language. I had bilingual classes up to fifth grade. Because my parents did not speak a word of English, I had to translate for them regularly, which was also a way to practice my English
1. The point of taking Spanish or any other foreign language is crucial in education. Knowing a foreign language can come in handy when you're visiting a foreign country and it is becoming an increasingly needed skill in the diversifying Untied States. Learning a foreign language like Spanish can also help you with your English by making you think harder when reading and analyzing the context and sentence structure of things written in both languages. Employers and colleges also look for Spanish speakers because an understanding of the language not only shows your intellect and your ability to learn but it also makes you valuable in a country that has a rising Spanish population like the United States. Besides all the benefits from taking a Spanish class it is also a lot of fun to learn. For me I have always been fascinated
Finding jobs should be relatively easy to get by knowing Spanish. Imagine not needing to pay a translator to guide you throughout your vacation. When you’re able to communicate with people that doesn’t speak English, it truly is satisfying. Learning Spanish is a superb way to advance your tuition and academics. Students taking a Spanish class should be compulsory by cause of it supports you in your career, it’s neat exercise to the human brain, and vacationing around the world would be much more simple.
Each day, more and more people are trying to learn a new language. Spanish has become a very common language spoken in the U.S.A as well as throughout the world. According to a report “El español , una lengua viva” done by a Spain non-profit organization , it estimates that there are 559 million Spanish speakers throughout the word and that U.S has more Spanish speakers than most other Spanish speaking countries, losing only to Mexico. (Cited on “More Spanish speakers in U.S”, n.d)
Why do we even have spanish class? Spanish is a class period that we don’t even need! If you are going to travel to a spanish speaking country, you can use translation sources. We also have more important subjects that we will need in life. Spanish takes up a class period that students could be learning about Rosa Parks and George Washington!
Overall students should take Spanish class because it has many pros for example many companies are hiring many bilingual people to work for their companies if they are bilingual they even make more money than the non bilingual people. Spanish it not only the second largest language in the United States, In Europe Spanish is the second most popular second language, after English. Learning Spanish is getting very popular around the world, many people think it's hard to learn Spanish but researchers have said that when people start learning Spanish they start liking the new language when they start learning it. Spanish will help you in your future for example 1 day if you go to a Spanish restaurant and you know how to read in Spanish
Anyone who studies Spanish will tell you it is an interesting foreign language. Not only because of the sound of it, pronunciations and the articulation but also because it is new to them. Spanish people do not study Spanish if they already know it. However, Spanish like other foreign languages has advantages and effects that are desirable and essential to a learner that one dare not ignore. Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the entire world. It has millions of native speakers and more in different continents.
Knowing another language puts a person in an advantage of carrier selection. In our extreme and fast moving environment, people who know more than one language have more employment opportunities. Many professional firms require knowledge of second language. And people who know a second language have a huge advantage over those who do not.
Most Americans don't speak any Spanish or any other second language for that matter, yet we don't consider ourselves illiterate.